'우수수' 꽂힌 쇠파이프.."운전석만 비껴갔다" 2019.07.15 news
The punishment to criminal South korean by Prophet Yi
Japan said 'We will exclude Korea from the 'white list' (white country), which is the preferential export procedure.' 2019.07.14 news
< Prophet Yi said "A natural result and great job. Good for Japan and Peoples and another nations" >
日本は、「韓国を優遇輸出手続きである「ホワイトリスト」(ホワイトリスト)から除外する」と述べた。 2019.07.14ニュース
預言者イーは言った 「自然な結果と素晴らしい仕事。日本や国民、そして他の国々に
The punishment of truth from GOD about the prophet Yi Jng-Yon ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies about the they crime (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won")
まさに韓国の下される罰 ;
15分に降った雨河川が氾濫した / 車の数十台浸水となった
Indonesia hit by 7.3 magnitude earthquake / news
Storm Barry batters parts of Louisiana / news
Western Australia struck by 6.5 magnitude earthquake / news
Whatever! Someone who have relationship with Murderers South korean and American will Kill and destroy with cruel revenge and punishment, Immediately (Like criminals South korea, more than they crime) Continue in hell ! cause of the disaster, because crime of S. korean and USA, Evil and cruel criminals, What a Ugly South Koreans and USA! cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American) Must be Brutally Kill and destroy them and they family ('Mang Won', Hollywood and Broadcasting station including Christianity of Antichrist and Press Bureau of broadcasting station and ‘K POP’ and entertainer and entertainer agency, CIA, NSA, FBI, ........) more than they crimes ! Massacre and Abuse with cruel evils, Torture and kill painfully, Without the same and rest ! This is a strict command of GOD ( JESUS ) by “Prophet Yi” Jung-Yon , David of JESUS 한국과 미국의 살인학살 강탈파괴 사형수 년들과 놈들인 '망원' <이 살인자 년들과 놈들 그리고 가족들이라고 하는 사형수들에게는 법의 처벌과 사형은 사치품이다. 25년 전부터 24시간 교대로 저질러 오고 있는 악질 살인학살과 학대의 고문들은 물론이고 가정파괴와 생활파괴 생체실험과 모든 강탈파괴의 악질에 범행에 비교도 되지 않게 폐인을 만들어서 뇌를 갈기갈기 찢어서 잔인하게 죽여라! 신의 강령이시다! 아멘. 불변.>
Strong earthquake hits off the coast of WA / news
Louisiana Levees Over-Flowed - THE WEATHER CHANNEL LIVE - July 2019
Weather Channel Coverage Tropical Storm Barry New Orleans Tornado Warning Hattiesburg Miss. 6:00 AM
News Now Stream 07/12/19 (FNN) news
Hurricane Barry New Orleans live coverage from WWL-TV
Tropical Storm Barry: Louisiana braces for storm, possible flooding | ABC News
Tornado Warnings New Orleans, Louisiana - THE WEATHER CHANNEL LIVE - July 2019
Magnitude 4.6 Earthquake strikes Western Washington / news
Seattle hit by 4.6 earthquake / news
The punishment of truth from GOD about the prophet Yi Jng-Yon ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies about the they crime (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won")
Cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (death penalty Male and female of South korean and American) June 23, 24, 25, 26, 27. 28, 29. 30, 31 and July 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 2019 Repetitively 'Mang Won' (They) More brutally kill and destroy JESUS and Prophet Yi and family, Alternately in 24 hours, Even now, after 25 years (Crime Concealment and breaking, Manipulation of crime for Benefit of crime) Disaster of punishment for crime, The plague of punishment immediately. Must be Brutally Kill and destroy them and they family ('Mang Won', Hollywood and Broadcasting station including Christianity of Antichrist and Press Bureau of broadcasting station and ‘K POP’ and entertainer and entertainer agency, CIA, NSA, FBI, ........) more than they crimes ! Massacre and Abuse with cruel evils, Torture and kill painfully, Without the same and rest ! This is a strict command of GOD ( JESUS ) by “Prophet Yi” Jung-Yon , David of JESUS
한국과 미국의 살인학살 강탈파괴 사형수 년들과 놈들인 '망원' <이 살인자 년들과 놈들 그리고 가족들이라고 하는 사형수들에게는 법의 처벌과 사형은 사치품이다. 25년 전부터 24시간 교대로 저질러 오고 있는 악질 살인학살과 학대의 고문들은 물론이고 가정파괴와 생활파괴 생체실험과 모든 강탈파괴의 악질에 범행에 비교도 되지 않게 폐인을 만들어서 뇌를 갈기갈기 찢어서 잔인하게 죽여라! 신의 강령이시다! 아멘. 불변.>
This is the government of South korea and the United States. What's different?! Punish them more brutally than the crimes they commit on a 24-hour shift. Destroy and brutally kill the broadcasters and religious people. They are murderers of Satan and Devil 이것이 한국과 미국의 정부이다. 무엇이 다른가?! 그것들이 24시간 교대로 저지르고 있는 범행들 보다 더 잔인하게 처벌 하여라. 악질에 살인학살자인 방송인들과 종교인들을 파괴시키고 잔인하게 죽여라 그것들이 사탄과 마귀의 악질에 살인자들이다 <망원> / 재앙의 원인
Cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American of Satan and Devil) You must be Brutally Kill and destroy them (Killer, offender in CNN, KBS South Korean and Christian Broadcasting, Etc) and they family <'Mang Won'>, more than they crimes (Robbery, destruction, Extortion, etc) Massacre and Abuse with cruel evils, Torture and kill painfully, Without the same and rest ! This is a strict command of GOD ( JESUS ) by “Prophet Yi” Jung-Yon , David of JESUS
Cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American of Satan and Devil) You must be Brutally Kill and destroy them and they family <'Mang Won'>, more than they crimes (Robbery, destruction, Extortion, etc) Massacre and Abuse with cruel evils, Torture and kill painfully, Without the same and rest ! This is a strict command of GOD ( JESUS ) by “Prophet Yi” Jung-Yon , David of JESUS
/ Repetitively 'Mang Won' (They) More brutally kill and destroy JESUS and Prophet Yi and family, Alternately in 24 hours, Even now, after 25 years (Crime Concealment and breaking, Manipulation of crime for Benefit of crime) Disaster of punishment for crime, The plague of punishment immediately. Must need to investigate the NIS x file of South korea and USA (crime) and Hollywood and Broadcasting station (including Christianity of Antichrist and ‘K POP’ and entertainer and entertainer agency ........) 한국과 미국의 살인학살 강탈파괴 사형수 년들과 놈들인 '망원' <이 살인자 년들과 놈들 그리고 가족들이라고 하는 사형수들에게는 법의 처벌과 사형은 사치품이다. 25년 전부터 24시간 교대로 저질러 오고 있는 악질 살인학살과 학대의 고문들은 물론이고 가정파괴와 생활파괴 생체실험과 모든 강탈파괴의 악질에 범행에 비교도 되지 않게 폐인을 만들어서 뇌를 갈기갈기 찢어서 잔인하게 죽여라! 신의 강령이시다! 아멘. 불변.>
4.6-magnitude earthquake shakes Seattle area / news
cause of the disaster, Criminals in 'twitter' and ‘Google’ and others criminal of south Korea and the United States, Will be and Immediately brutally kill and destroy more than your crime (Crime Concealment and breaking, Manipulation of crime for Benefit of crime) < Kill JESUS and Prophet YI Jung-Yon and family also Extortion destruction and broken the history and work of GOD JESUS and Prophet Yi Jung-Yon, David of JESUS > Even hell, Forever ! by Prophet Yi 한국과 미국의 ‘트위터’에 있는 범죄자들은 신과 신의 종이신 “프로펫 이 정연” 님의 역사의 일들을 방해를 하며 진실을 숨기는 범죄은닉의 범죄와 범행을 너희들의 더러운 욕심에 이득을 위해서 저지르고 있는 대로 잔인하게 족일 것이며 학살과 학대의 모든 범행에 비교도 되지 않게 고통들 속에 잔인하게 죽인다. 너희 범죄자들의 집들과 가족들은 비교도 되지 않게 더 잔인하게 말이다. 지옥에서도 영원히 말이다.
'우수수' 꽂힌 쇠파이프.."운전석만 비껴갔다" 2019.07.15 news
The punishment to criminal South korean by Prophet Yi
Japan said 'We will exclude Korea from the 'white list' (white country), which is the preferential export procedure.' 2019.07.14 news
< Prophet Yi said "A natural result and great job. Good for Japan and Peoples and another nations" >
日本は、「韓国を優遇輸出手続きである「ホワイトリスト」(ホワイトリスト)から除外する」と述べた。 2019.07.14ニュース
預言者イーは言った 「自然な結果と素晴らしい仕事。日本や国民、そして他の国々に
The punishment of truth from GOD about the prophet Yi Jng-Yon ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies about the they crime (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won")
まさに韓国の下される罰 ;
15分に降った雨河川が氾濫した / 車の数十台浸水となった
Indonesia hit by 7.3 magnitude earthquake / news
Storm Barry batters parts of Louisiana / news
Western Australia struck by 6.5 magnitude earthquake / news
Whatever! Someone who have relationship with Murderers South korean and American will Kill and destroy with cruel revenge and punishment, Immediately (Like criminals South korea, more than they crime) Continue in hell ! cause of the disaster, because crime of S. korean and USA, Evil and cruel criminals, What a Ugly South Koreans and USA! cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American) Must be Brutally Kill and destroy them and they family ('Mang Won', Hollywood and Broadcasting station including Christianity of Antichrist and Press Bureau of broadcasting station and ‘K POP’ and entertainer and entertainer agency, CIA, NSA, FBI,
Strong earthquake hits off the coast of WA / news
Louisiana Levees Over-Flowed - THE WEATHER CHANNEL LIVE - July 2019
Weather Channel Coverage Tropical Storm Barry New Orleans Tornado Warning Hattiesburg Miss. 6:00 AM
News Now Stream 07/12/19 (FNN) news
Hurricane Barry New Orleans live coverage from WWL-TV
Tropical Storm Barry: Louisiana braces for storm, possible flooding | ABC News
Tornado Warnings New Orleans, Louisiana - THE WEATHER CHANNEL LIVE - July 2019
Magnitude 4.6 Earthquake strikes Western Washington / news
Seattle hit by 4.6 earthquake / news
The punishment of truth from GOD about the prophet Yi Jng-Yon ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies about the they crime (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won")
Cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (death penalty Male and female of South korean and American) June 23, 24, 25, 26, 27. 28, 29. 30, 31 and July 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 2019 Repetitively 'Mang Won' (They) More brutally kill and destroy JESUS and Prophet Yi and family, Alternately in 24 hours, Even now, after 25 years (Crime Concealment and breaking, Manipulation of crime for Benefit of crime) Disaster of punishment for crime, The plague of punishment immediately. Must be Brutally Kill and destroy them and they family ('Mang Won', Hollywood and Broadcasting station including Christianity of Antichrist and Press Bureau of broadcasting station and ‘K POP’ and entertainer and entertainer agency, CIA, NSA, FBI,
한국과 미국의 살인학살 강탈파괴 사형수 년들과 놈들인 '망원' <이 살인자 년들과 놈들 그리고 가족들이라고 하는 사형수들에게는 법의 처벌과 사형은 사치품이다. 25년 전부터 24시간 교대로 저질러 오고 있는 악질 살인학살과 학대의 고문들은 물론이고 가정파괴와 생활파괴 생체실험과 모든 강탈파괴의 악질에 범행에 비교도 되지 않게 폐인을 만들어서 뇌를 갈기갈기 찢어서 잔인하게 죽여라! 신의 강령이시다! 아멘. 불변.>
This is the government of South korea and the United States. What's different?! Punish them more brutally than the crimes they commit on a 24-hour shift. Destroy and brutally kill the broadcasters and religious people. They are murderers of Satan and Devil
Cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American of Satan and Devil) You must be Brutally Kill and destroy them (Killer, offender in CNN, KBS South Korean and Christian Broadcasting, Etc) and they family <'Mang Won'>, more than they crimes (Robbery, destruction, Extortion, etc) Massacre and Abuse with cruel evils, Torture and kill painfully, Without the same and rest ! This is a strict command of GOD ( JESUS ) by “Prophet Yi” Jung-Yon , David of JESUS
Cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American of Satan and Devil) You must be Brutally Kill and destroy them and they family <'Mang Won'>, more than they crimes (Robbery, destruction, Extortion, etc) Massacre and Abuse with cruel evils, Torture and kill painfully, Without the same and rest ! This is a strict command of GOD ( JESUS ) by “Prophet Yi” Jung-Yon , David of JESUS
/ Repetitively 'Mang Won' (They) More brutally kill and destroy JESUS and Prophet Yi and family, Alternately in 24 hours, Even now, after 25 years (Crime Concealment and breaking, Manipulation of crime for Benefit of crime) Disaster of punishment for crime, The plague of punishment immediately. Must need to investigate the NIS x file of South korea and USA (crime) and Hollywood and Broadcasting station (including Christianity of Antichrist and ‘K POP’ and entertainer and entertainer agency ........) 한국과 미국의 살인학살 강탈파괴 사형수 년들과 놈들인 '망원' <이 살인자 년들과 놈들 그리고 가족들이라고 하는 사형수들에게는 법의 처벌과 사형은 사치품이다. 25년 전부터 24시간 교대로 저질러 오고 있는 악질 살인학살과 학대의 고문들은 물론이고 가정파괴와 생활파괴 생체실험과 모든 강탈파괴의 악질에 범행에 비교도 되지 않게 폐인을 만들어서 뇌를 갈기갈기 찢어서 잔인하게 죽여라! 신의 강령이시다! 아멘. 불변.>
4.6-magnitude earthquake shakes Seattle area / news
cause of the disaster, Criminals in 'twitter' and ‘Google’ and others criminal of south Korea and the United States, Will be and Immediately brutally kill and destroy more than your crime (Crime Concealment and breaking, Manipulation of crime for Benefit of crime) < Kill JESUS and Prophet YI Jung-Yon and family also Extortion destruction and broken the history and work of GOD JESUS and Prophet Yi Jung-Yon, David of JESUS > Even hell, Forever ! by Prophet Yi
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