2019년 7월 27일 토요일

News about the Crime of South korean entertainers and entertainer agency (sex for hospitality , embezzlement, drug, rape, etc.) 'Sung Lee' of the 'Big Bang' who has embezzled billions in (Criminal and Death penalty) South korea 2019.06.19 news

News about the Crime of South korean entertainers and entertainer agency (sex for hospitality , embezzlement, drug, rape, etc.) 'Sung Lee' of the 'Big Bang' who has embezzled billions in (Criminal and Death penalty) South korea 2019.06.19 news 犯罪者の巣窟である韓国の芸能人たちと芸能人企画社に犯行に(セックス接待、横領、麻薬、強姦、その他など)ビッグバン出身の「勝利」が10億を横領した

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