2019년 7월 27일 토요일

A large hole was found at Unit 4 of 'Hanvit' Nuclear Power Plant in Yeong-gwang, South Jeol-la Province, (Criminal and Death penalty) South korea .... size 157cm and only 10 cm left until the containment wall was opened 2019.07.24 news

A large hole was found at Unit 4 of 'Hanvit' Nuclear Power Plant in Yeong-gwang, South Jeol-la Province, (Criminal and Death penalty) South korea .... size 157cm and only 10 cm left until the containment wall was opened 2019.07.24 news 犯罪者の巣窟である全羅南道栄光のハンビット原発4号機で大きな穴が発見された。サイズがなんと157cm。格納壁が突破リギまでわずか10cmだけ残した状態でした。

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