2019년 7월 28일 일요일

After returning from the Gulf of Aden in Somalia. At the welcoming ceremony for the 'Navy'. Suddenly, a navy that was hit by an anchorage rope was 1 killed and four others were injured in (Criminal and Death penalty) South korea

After returning from the Gulf of Aden in Somalia. At the welcoming ceremony for the 'Navy'. Suddenly, a navy that was hit by an anchorage rope was 1 killed and four others were injured in (Criminal and Death penalty) South korea 2019.05.24 news ソマリアのアデン湾で派兵終了後に復帰した海軍清海部隊「チェする」入港歓迎会場で突然切断された停泊用ロープに合った海軍1人が死亡、4人がけがを事故が発生した。犯罪者の巣窟である韓国で

  Active soldier of South korea try join 'IS' .. have stolen the 'explosive device' in (Criminal and Death penalty) South korea 2019.07.04 news 韓国の現役軍人がISに登録しようと.. '爆発点火装置」まで盗んだ。

  Elections to the money of corruption in (Criminal and Death penalty) South korea 2019.07.04 news 犯罪者の巣窟である韓国で不正腐敗のお金を与え当選となる選挙がほとんどである。したがって、公務員たちもスキップである。公務を見るのではなく、職権乱用と職務遺棄で犯罪の出世をして賄賂のお金を取りまとめ持つ。
Cause of the disaster, crime of murderer (South korean and American) Must be Brutally Kill and destroy them and they family ('Mang Won', Hollywood and Broadcasting station including Christianity of Antichrist and ‘K POP’ and entertainer and entertainer agency, CIA, NSA, FBI, ........) more than they crimes ! Massacre and Abuse with cruel evils, Torture and kill painfully, Without the same and rest ! This is a strict command of GOD ( JESUS ) by “Prophet Yi” Jung-Yon , David of JESUS 한국과 미국의 살인학살 강탈파괴 사형수 년들과 놈들인 '망원' <이 살인자 년들과 놈들 그리고 가족들이라고 하는 사형수들에게는 법의 처벌과 사형은 사치품이다. 25년 전부터 24시간 교대로 저질러 오고 있는 악질 살인학살과 학대의 고문들은 물론이고 가정파괴와 생활파괴 생체실험과 모든 강탈파괴의 악질에 범행에 비교도 되지 않게 폐인을 만들어서 뇌를 갈기갈기 찢어서 잔인하게 죽여라! 신의 강령이시다! 아멘. 불변.>  

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