2023년 9월 25일 월요일
국정원 불법사찰' 파문에도, KBS·MBC·SBS 방송국은 계속 ‘아몰랑’ 왜? (2015년 7월 17일 뉴스)
'국정원 불법사찰' 파문에도, KBS·MBC·SBS 방송국은 계속 ‘아몰랑’ 왜? (2015년 7월 17일 뉴스) 위키리크스 폭로 “미국, 힐러리, UN 최고위층 통신정보 수집” (2010년 11월 29일 뉴스) 중앙 정보국 (CIA)는 어떻게 살인 기관으로 변했나?! (2015년 10월 14일 뉴스) 심리학자에게 용역 고문 기술 10개 개발 비용으로 900억원 지불 혈세 낭비 (2014년 12월 10일 뉴스) 죄의식 없는 그들, 진실 규명 바랐던 국민들 '모욕' (2013년 8월 16일 뉴스) 마녀사냥의 앞잡이 한국과 미국의 언론 http://naver.me/5yIAzKk7
You have already failed the herd immunity.
You know what the coronavirus mutations mean.
Talk to people right now about all the crimes committed in South korea and America. tell the truth If you do not follow the orders of GOD's punishment, you will die more cruelly. They (South korea and US America) perish more cruelly than Sodom and Gomorrah.
너희는 이미 집단 면역에 실패를 했다.
코로나 바이러스 돌연변이들이 무엇을 의미를 하는지를 잘 알 것이다.
지금 당장 한국과 미국에서 저지르고 있는 모든 범행들에 대해서 사람들에게 말을 하여라. 진실을 말을 하여라. 신의 형벌에 명령을 따르지 않으면 더 잔인하게 죽는다. 소돔과 고모라 보다 더 잔인하게 멸망한다.
What is 'Corona Virus 19'?
It is GOD's punishment for the crime.
'Coronavirus 19' will follow the DNA individually and kill people in more cruel pains. 'Coronavirus 19' according to their crimes, they slowly kill them in more cruel suffering. There is no cure for'Corona Virus 19'. There is only partial treatment. Therefore, no vaccines exist. Individual DNA make the mutations of Coronavirus 19 and new diseases and epidemics will continue to appear and will be contagious to people. Not only the body, but also life, work and everything are destroyed.
Murderers in the United States and South korea die by they crimes in pain. More than they crimes. They doing crime committed against to JESUS and servant of JESUS "Prophet Yi" and his families.
Murderers in the United States and South korea die in divine punishment according to the crimes committed against to JESUS and servant of JESUS "Prophet Yi" and his families.
Not only South Korea and the United States, but also the criminals of all countries who have been committed to committing crimes even though they know the truth are also destroyed in cruel pains and abused to die.
Not even compared to their crimes.
24 hours a day without rest or equality.
Make public and punish criminals of murder and massacre in South korea and United States. Punish them (Mang Won) so that they are incomparable to the crimes that have been committed against to "JESUS" and "Prophet Yi" and his families for over 27 years. by Prophet Yi Jung-Yon ( David of JESUS ) Aug 25, 2020
Two public officials were infected with 'coronavirus 19' in the building of the South korea Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In the den of criminal and Murder and abuse offenders South korea. 2020.08.23 news
Chinese heavy rain Continue ... Sichuan Province 'a huge flood once in a hundred years'. 2020.08.19. news
Hydrogen chloride, which becomes hydrochloric acid when dissolved in water, leaked from a chemical plant in China's Sichuan Province, causing great confusion as residents escaped. 2020.08.23. news
'Yang Zetsu', a member of the Chinese Communist Party's diplomatic politics bureau, visits 'Singapore' and South korea one after another. 2020.08.19 news
A nurse at 'Seoul Asan Hospital' became infected with the novel corona virus 19. A confirmed corona virus 19 infection was also found at the 'Bundang Cha Hospital' Cancer Center. Hospital treatment was completely stopped and part of the ward was closed. in the den of criminal and Murder and abuse offenders South korea. 2020.08.22 news
Lightning strikes at Bukhan mountain, Mangyeongdae, killing 1 climber and seriously injured 1 by lightning. In the den of criminal and Murder and abuse offenders South korea. 2020.08.22. news
Sewer backflow by intensive heavy rain. And hail. In the den of criminal and Murder and abuse offenders South korea.
2020.08.22. news
Twenty people were infected with 'corona virus 19' at the Antichrist's 'Galilee Church' in Bupyeong, Incheon, South korea. In the den of criminal and Murder and abuse offenders South korea. 2020.08.22. news
5 residents, including 'Incheon' public officials were 'coronavirus 19' infected confirmed in Gimpo. (the den of criminal and Murder and abuse offenders South korea.) 2020.08.22. news
'Corona virus 19' hit the CBS·KBS·SBS etc TV and radio broadcaster. Also, hit the EBS educational broadcasting station, entertainers, producers and production crew. 'Stop shooting all programs'. In the den of criminal and Murder and abuse offenders South korea. 2020.08.20 news
Thunder, lightning, heavy rain hit the den of criminal and Murder and abuse offenders South korea. And new typhoons coming to South korea. 2020.08.22 news
The result is natural.
The leader in your country did not obey the orders of JESUS' servant Prophet Yi (David of JESUS) and ignored it.
From https://www.facebook.com/jungyon.yi and https://twitter.com/Prophetyi Continue
'A lot of hair falls out'. Nearly 100 reports of abnormal symptoms. 2020.08.22. news / The sequelae of 'Coronavirus 19'. 'Coronavirus 19' that is not cured. / Corona virus 19 will not go away until these things are released. Murderers of South korean and American must be disclosed. Also, must be brutally and openly punish all crimes of them. Naturally all families of them, too. by Prophet Yi /
From https://facebook.com/jungyon.yi
command of GOD by prophet Yi Jung-Yon ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies to the they crime (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won") Cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American) / Corona virus 19
Get China out of the WTO !
All countries do not have to pay the money they receive from China. If China want money from nations, China must be will have to pay for me first. About the fee of WTO and Olympic hosting. In the meantime, gain interest
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