2023년 9월 26일 화요일
No 6 (From No 5 Continue) Among the evidence for the collapse of South korea and the United States,
No 6
(From No 5 Continue)
Among the evidence for the collapse of South korea and the United States,
(South korea Entertainment)
Wake up ! And must be follow to my order ( Command of JESUS )
I am Prophet Yi ( David of JESUS )
Brutally kill South korean and American criminals who fool those who do favors and repay them with cruel evil.
(Criminals from TV and radio stations, including anti-Christian Christians in South korea and the United States) You are happy, You like burning fire, You like kill the your own peoples and another nations peoples because the your crime And for cover the your crime (Kill the JESUS and me and my family. For your money and job and power. A dog of money, a rotten dog with weaknesses in the crime of power. The ugliest murderer who still commits crimes for the power and money of greed.
Make a public investigation of this man and woman (Announcer, anchor, producer, reporter, crew, entertainer, Hollywood, celebrity agency, pastor, evangelist, broadcaster, priest, nun, criminals in the Church of the Antichrist, etc. 'Mang Won') Then you can find all the criminals. Very easy.
The US and UK and South korea and Japan and Jewish are ending to the money gains of crime.
Cause of the disaster, Murderers in South korea and the United States are deliberately committing a crime beyond imagination to JESUS and his servant Prophet Yi and his family by abusing the National Security Law and abuse of authority. For their crime concealment, the power and money of the crime. For over 29 years, they have been committing crimes with a 24-hour shift. (Criminals, Mang-Won) What can you do in this situation? by Prophet Yi Jung-Yon ( David of JESUS )
Must be brutally punish the murderers Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton's and American ABC perpetrators and their families. And dogs of them, too. Punish them more cruelly than their crimes. Punishment right now.
Why journallists targeted ???!!! How about America?! Are you afraid of your crime ?! Did you made president of USA by crime ?! For money and power !
And you have a lot of crime for your money and power ...........
Criminals from all TV and radio stations in the US and South Korea have also committed the same crimes.
(Especially celebrities, Hollywood, celebrity agencies, news agencies, reporters, anchors, announcers, producers, production crew, director, president, etc.)
Antichrist Satan and the devil's murder robber,
His (South korean and US American) words are sweet and tender, but his deeds are evil criminals, and his words are those of Satan and the devil. There is no love in his actions. Therefore, he has no love in his heart either. Whether it is a church or not can be known by looking at the people who are the fruits of that church.
He's a heinous and evil murder robber
You and your family will rip and kill you in this world more brutally than your crimes. In the agony of unimaginable abuse, he begs to die, and he rips and kills in the most brutal way. Torn in the pains of the cruelest abuse even in Hell. Without a 24-hour break or the same. More cruel than your crimes. You murderous thief of Satan and the devil, beg to die in pain more cruel than hell. Continue
First of all, Are you kiding me?
born again? You have another mother and father ? So you paid money for your new mom and dad. Who's your new mom and dad?
How you make the born again?
Washed by the water, so born again? made in where? water ! What kind of water?
burn it, fire is good news???
your soul set free? How ? Who told you? How much pay to him or her? amazing grace? From where?? JESUS don't know about this. Are you work for JESUS ????
Are you? What kind work do you have for JESUS ?! JESUS don't know you !
Are you clean? go to sleep. save? I don't think so.
Your mean save you money? Or want a free money or money of crime ?!
Do you think, you can have love of JESUS without punishment your crime?! I don't think so.
If another man or she kill the your family and after than He or she tell you, ' I am save by love of JESUS ' Do you like it and Understand ?!
Just get the hell with your fuking antichrist pastor !
Without the punishment, You can't have love of JESUS ! Never and Ever !
Your fucking antichrist pastor is criminal and you, too.
Don't make the crime use JESUS name and love of JESUS !
You must be remember about this, Punishment of JESUS , Always follow to you !
What could you do while committing murder, genocide, abuse, torture, extortion and destruction to JESUS and me with South korean killer bitches! There is nothing you can do. Only beg to die in agony with more cruel punishments of plagues and retaliation!
Those who have a relationship with South Korea, which is falsely manipulating the number of 'coronavirus 19' confirmed cases, will perish in pain due to a more brutal punishment. Of course it is. (News to the stations of criminals who are speaking to people by not properly testing for COVID-19 and making the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 small.)
Even more brutally, the mutation of COVID-19 will be contagious and the economy will collapse and destroy. very quickly
Corona virus 19 will not go away until these things are released.
Murderers of South korean and American must be disclosed.
Also, must be brutally and openly punish all crimes of them.
Naturally all families of them, too. by Prophet Yi /
From https://facebook.com/jungyon.yi Continue
"Bible" said :
Isaiah 33 : 4 - 6
Isaiah 33 : 1
Isaiah 32 : 1 - 8
Isaiah 31 : 1 – 3
Isaiah 30 : 33
Isaiah 30 : 27 - 28
Isaiah 30 : 9 - 14
Isaiah 30 : 1 - 3
Isaiah 29 : 21
Isaiah 29 : 13 - 16
From https://facebook.com/jungyon.yi Continue /
The "Bible" Ezekiel 21 : 5 - 22 : 31
From https://facebook.com/jungyon.yi Continue
Bible (Scripture) ;
John 1 : 1 - 5 ,
Jeremiah 18 : 18 – 23 ,
Jeremiah 17 : 18 ,
Jeremiah 16 : 3 - 9 ,
Jeremiah 15 : 20 - 21 ,
Jeremiah 15 : 1 - 3 ,
Jeremiah 13 : 13 - 18 /
From https://facebook.com/jungyon.yi and https://twitter.com/Prophetyi Continue
Bible (Scripture) Jeremiah 18 : 18 – 23
Criminals South korean and USAmerican, They said .......
From https://facebook.com/jungyon.yi Continue
Bible (Scripture) Jeremiah 16 : 3 - 9
This is what the LORD says about the children produced here, the mothers who gave birth to them, and the fathers who gave them birth! They die of severe illness, can't feel sad and can't get burial. In the den of Criminals, S. korea and USA. ..... https://www.facebook.com/jungyon.yi
Bible (Scripture) Jeremiah 15 : 1 - 3 /
The LORD said to me, I destroy Criminals South korean and USAmerican, more than Sodom and Gomorrah. More than crime of them. If Moses and Samuel stood before me but my heart cannot change it. Never Ever. Amen.
From https://facebook.com/jungyon.yi
First time, I talk to people. I not recognize South korea as a country. From the beginning, South korea cannot be a country. History is evidence. That's not nation. South korea is just slave to the United States and Japan and a murderer dog. South koreans are only the evil 'Josenjing' who brutally kills their own people. /
KBS, MBC, SBS Broadcasting, the den of criminals in the murder of South korea and the anti-Christian broadcaster of CBS and FEBC Far East Broadcasting have been committing these murders since 27 years ago. With the ABC, ..... https://www.facebook.com/jungyon.yi
The Blue House and the National Intelligence Service of the Republic of Korea, and the White House and the CIA of the United States paid psychologists 100 billion won for the development of 10 torture techniques for the torture of Yong Yok (Criminals, workers of garbage,
criminals at the bottom, Etc. 'Mang Won').
Floods hit seoul and gyeonggi province in South korea on August 8, 2022 news
The "Bible" Ezekiel 21: 5 - 22:31 ( 성경 에스겔 21:5 - 22:31 )
How will side effects and mutations in the Corona Virus 19 experiment be resolved ?
Also, who is responsible ?
Can you handle it ?! /
https://twitter.com/.../status/1284154350617624576/photo/1 The University Central Hospital “Nënë Tereza” in #Tirana is now ready to open a new lab which will test for #COVID__19 all patients admitted in hospital /
The vaccine for'Corona Virus 19' ;
Murderers of South korean and American must be disclosed. Also, must be brutally and openly punish all crimes of them. Naturally all families of them, too. by Prophet Yi / https://facebook.com/jungyon.yi
ABC and NBN stations, the dens of the murderers. /
Victoria's virus numbers have skyrocketed to a disastrous daily record - 428 new cases. Tragically, there have been three more deaths, including a resident of Menarock Aged Care. /
Next two weeks critical for California as coronavirus rages unchecked around state / Corona virus 19 will not go away until these things are released. Murderers of South korean and American must be disclosed. Also, must be brutally and openly punish all crimes of them. Naturally all families of them, too. by Prophet Yi / From https://facebook.com/jungyon.yi Continue /
The vaccine for'Corona Virus 19' ;
Murderers of South korean and American must be disclosed. Also, must be brutally and openly punish all crimes of them. Naturally all families of them, too. by Prophet Yi / https://facebook.com/jungyon.yi
NBC and TBN stations, the dens of the murderers
Coronavirus cases in Florida's nursing homes have soared 74% in the past month. Gov. Ron DeSantis' plan to isolate the ill elderly isn't stopping the spread.
トタンが飛ばされる被害も 埼玉北部で竜巻などの激しい突風(2022年7月17日)
Biden to discuss global energy, security, high oil prices and peace in Saudi Arabia 2022. 7. 16 news
Hey, Criminal bastard Joe Biden, rather go to VENEZUELA and beg.
범죄자 새끼 '조 바이든'아 차라리 VENEZUELA 에 가서 구걸을 하거라.
Again, Burn It and Flooding and Wildfire ! And storms, floods, tornadoes after the Heatwave, heavy snow, and hail and flood and Another plague mutation and Burn It and "Coronavirus 19" another one ..... Tornado and "Coronavirus 19" From XL, XE, XM...New mutations appear consecutively. After the earthquake and after Burn It !
more than their ('Mang Won', South korean and American, females and males and their families ) crimes. Continue
(Antichrist, murderers from all stations, including Christian TV radio, and murder robbers from the Blue House and the White House, the National Intelligence Service and the CIA, as well as pastors and preachers and priests and nuns.)
What could you do while committing murder, genocide, abuse, torture, extortion and destruction to JESUS and me with South korean killer bitches!
There is nothing you can do. Only beg to die in agony with more cruel punishments of plagues and retaliation!
Joe Biden, who presides over crimes for the sake of concealment of crimes against himself and his son, and offenses for the benefit of the crimes, will face even more brutal reprisals and are torn to shreds with punishment and die in the agony of abuse.
Not only Joe Biden, who is a puppet for Democrats and criminals in the presidency, but also all murder robbers in the Democrats are brutally robbed and destroyed to death. Hollywood, TV and radio station murder robbers die more brutally in the agony of abuse.
자신과 자신의 아들에 범죄은닉과 범행의 이득을 위해서 범행들로 대통령을 하고 있는 조 바이든은 더 잔인하게 보복을 당할 것이며 형벌로 갈기 갈기 찢겨서 학대의 고통 속에 죽는다.
대통령 자리에서 민주당과 범죄자들의 꼭두각시 노릇을 하고 있는 조 바이든은 물론이고 민주당에 모든 살인강도들은 잔인하게 강탈과 파괴를 당하며 죽는다. 할리우드와 TV 그리고 라디오 방송국의 살인강도들은 더 잔인하게 학대의 고통들 속에 죽는다.
Beginning with the administrations of Bill Clinton and Hillary in United States in 1993 and the administrations of Kim Young-sam and Kim Hyun-cheol in South korea, he became president through crimes and used his power to evil. For their power, money, and hiding their crimes.
They have been committing crimes beyond imagination by using the National Security Law viciously.
They despise JESUS, deliberately commit murder, massacre, and torture of abuse 24 hours a day, boasting and enjoying not only the destruction of families but also the crimes of extortion and destruction.
I will brutally kill them and their families, and I will retaliate against them.
Also, as they commit crimes beyond imagination, saying that they hide the crimes of Christian pastors, evangelists, priests and nuns, as well as criminals from TV and radio stations and grant criminal wishes one by one. They will all be brutally killed in pain. on and on.
In addition, I will punish not only the criminals of murder, robbery and destruction in South korea and United States, but also the criminals of Japan, United Kingdom, European countries, Jews, and all countries with punitive disasters and retaliation, and extortion and destruction. will do, continue
Criminals have been committing atrocious crimes for over 29 years, repaying evil for grace to JESUS and the servants of GOD "Prophet Yi" and the family of "Prophet Yi".
So, continue to kill them and their families more brutally than all their crimes.
Making them and their families want 'beg to die' in the pain of abuse. Of course.
They also abused their power to hide the crimes of Christian pastors and evangelists, priests and nuns, and criminals from TV and radio stations to commit crimes. Also, as they say that they will grant the wishes of criminals one by one, and commit crimes beyond imagination, all murderers in South korea and United States will be brutally killed in pain. on and on.
1993년 미국의 빌 클린턴과 힐러리 그리고 한국의 김영삼과 김현철 정권때부터 시작을 해서 범행들로 대통령이 되어서 권력을 악하게 사용을 했다. 자신들의 권력과 돈 그리고 범죄은닉을 위해서 말이다.
국가보안법을 악하게 사용을 하여서 상상을 초월을 하는 범행들을 저질러 오고 있다.
그것들은 예수님을 능멸을 하고 계획적으로 살인과 학살과 학대의 고문들을 24시간 교대로 저지르고 있으며 가정파괴는 물론이고 강탈과 파괴의 범행을 자랑을 하고 즐기고 있다.
그것들과 그것들의 가족들을 잔인하게 죽일 것이며 그것들에겍 보복을 할 것이다.
또한 그것들이 권력을 악용을 하여서 기독교의 목사와 전도사 그리고 신부와 수녀들 또한 TV와 라디오 방송국의 범죄자들의 범행들을 숨겨 주는 조건으로 범죄들을 저지르게 하였다.
또한 범죄자들의 소원을 하나씩 들어 준다고 하며 상상을 초월을 하는 범죄를 저지르고 있는 대로 한국과 미국의 살인학대자들은 모조리 다 잔인하게 고통 속에 죽일 것이다. 계속해서 말이다.
또한 한국과 미국의 살인강도, 강탈파괴의 범죄자들뿐만 아니라 일본과 영국 그리고 유럽의 각 나라들과 유태인들 그리고 모든 나라들의 범죄자들을 형벌의 재앙들과 보복들로 처벌을 할 것이며 모조리 강탈과 파괴들을 시킬 것이다.
범죄자들이 예수님과 신의 종인 "Prophet Yi" 그리고 "Prophet Yi"의 가족들에게 은혜를 악으로 갚고 29년이 넘게 잔인한 범행들을 저지르고 있다. 그것들의 모든 범죄들 보다도 더 잔인하게 그것들과 그것들의 가족들을 계속해서 죽인다.
그것들과 그것들의 가족들을 학대의 고통들 속에서 죽기를 애걸들을 하게 하면서 말이다. 당연히 말이다.
また、日本にどうすれば刑罰の災害や災難を避けることができるのかも、直接経験をして確認をさせてお知らせしています。 29年以上のことです。自分で確認して、自分と自分の家族を守ってください。
일본인들 좋은 아침 입니다.
예전에 규슈에 방문을 했을 때에 호텔에서 새벽에 열심히 일을 하는
사람들을 보았습니다. 나는호텔 방에 돌아가서 내가 가지고 있는 커피 믹스를 사용을 하여서 종이컵에 담아서 가져다가 주었지요.
그들은 일에 열중을 해서 그랬는지 제대로 먹지도 못하더군요.
일이 끝나기 전에는 커피를 마시지 않았던 것 같습니다.
물론 호텔 직원은 감사하다며 커피를 마셨지요.
그때 일본에는 아베가 수상이었습니다.
그때 마지막으로 일본에 엄청난 은혜와 축복을 전해 주었습니다.
나의 페이스북과 트위터에 보면 일본 방문 날짜와 내용이 자세히 나와 있습니다. 그것을 국가 보안법으로 함부로 여기며 모른척을 했던 것은 바로 일본이었습니다.
앞으로 더 엄청난 신의 형벌이 한국과 일본 그리고 영국과 미국 또한 유태인들에게 잔인하게 내려질 것입니다.
신계서는 공평하시고 의로우시니, 모든 형벌의 재앙과 재난은 당연한 것입니다.
또한 일본에게 어떻게 하면 형벌의 재앙과 재난을 피할 수가 있는지도 직접 경험을 하고 확인을 하게 하며 알려 주고 있습니다. 29년이 넘게 말입니다. 직접 확인들 하시고 자신과 자신의 가족들을 지키기 바랍니다, 단 한명이라도 은혜를 받기를 바랍니다.
더 많은 것들을 확인을 하고 싶다면 https://www.facebook.com/jungyon.yi 에서 확인들을 하시기 바랍니다.
명심들 하십시요.
한국과 미국은 소돔과 고모라에 비교도 되지 않게 가장 잔인하게 학대하며 고통들 속에 멸망과 멸족을 시킨다. 지옥에서도 가장 잔인하게 학대의 고통들 속에 찢어서 발긴다. 그것들의 범행에 비교도 되지 않게 더 잔인한 학대의 고통들 속에서 말이다. 밑바닥에 개도 안되는 한국인들의 분수에 넘는 그리고 은혜를 악으로 갚고 저지른 모든 악들의 범죄들과 범행들에 비교도 되지 않게 말이다. 아멘.
한국인들이 즐기는 라면, 전기 밥솥, 기타 등, 한국인들이 가지고 있는 모든 것은 일본으로부터 왔고 일본의 것이다.
한국인들은 일본인들에게 감사를 하기는커녕, 악한 짓들만을 일본인들에게 저질러 왔다. 그리고 이제는 미국의 범죄자들에게 직접 뇌물을 주고 미국인들이 원하는대로 악한 범죄와 범행들을 저지르며 미국인들에게 아부를 떨고 일본인들에게 악한 짓을 저지르고 있다. 그러한 것들이 바로 한국인들이고 미국인들이다.
세계의 모든 나라들 중에서 가장 밑바닥의 더러운 것들의 소굴이 바로 한국이다. 신께서 말씀 하신대로 한국은 사탄과 마귀의 가장 밑바닥에 있는 살인 범죄자들의 소굴이다. 그것들과 무엇이든지 함께 한다면 어떠한 형벌을 겪어야만 하겠는가? 지금 일본인들과 유럽인들 그리고 모든 나라들의 사람들이 직접 겪고 있다.
Use "Celebrity · media all over the nation" Put concrete plans in criminal South korea and USAmerica (July 10, 2017) [국정원 'SNS 장악 보고서' 파문] "유명인·매체 총동원 국민 머릿속 바꿔라" 구체적인 계획 담아 (2017.07.10 뉴스)
If you need more information
They (South korea, USA, England, Japan) are fail the they crime. South korean have hero, like U.S.American. You know !
They crime of criminal, just kill themselves and kill they family and they country and organization !
U.S.American, you need check the South korean of criminal. Not Muslim !
American College shootings criminal was South Korean-American < Mr. Cho Seung - hui> '' shock '' (April 18, 2007 News)
https://news.v.daum.net/v/20120405113614019 Also, USA California, ohyikoseu university of Oakland shootings criminal was South Korean Theological College (News April 5th, 2012)
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Park Ji-won, former head of the National Intelligence Service of South Korea, said. I never said that there was President Yoon Seok-yeol in the 'X-Files' of the National Intelligence Service" 2022. 06. 13 News
When the National Intelligence Service expressed regret to Park Ji-won, former director of the National Intelligence Service, apologized for 'referring to the X-Files'. Park Ji-won, the former head of the Directorate, said. "I will be careful about public remarks in the future." in South korea. 2022. 06. 12. news
Park Ji-won of South Korea's former National Intelligence Service said. "The National Intelligence Service of South korea has kept X-files in each field for 60 years." Revelation of Crime 2022. 06. 10. News
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"국정원장님이 원한 날짜 아냐" 범죄 공개 .. 대검찰청까지 역풍 맞나
가상 유령업체 두고 국정원 청사서 불법 댓글 활동
"'미림팀' 외에도 미행.감시 담당 '미감팀' 있었다"
도올 “이재명 패배는 文탓…이런 대통령 태어나면 안 돼”
옷값이 국가기밀
NIS staff said "Tweeter crime by order of the"director of the National Intelligence Service ", Witness in Criminal South korea and USA 국정원 직원 "상부 지시로 트위터 활동" 증언 (2013.12.09 news)
국정원 직원 "상부 지시로 트위터 활동" 증언 http://naver.me/GthoLUnt
Former President Lee Myung Bak and NIS of South korea made 'white list' and 'Black list' in entertainment for cover the they crime and power and money, Like kill and destroyed Prophet Yi Jung-Yon and his family and JESUS by they crime (planning from abuse of authority) Sep 21.2017 News [주영진의 뉴스브리핑] MB 국정원, 연예계 '화이트리스트' 있었다..어떤 내용? (2017.09.21. 뉴스) 블랙리스트, 화이트리스트 결국은 딴따라 연예인들이 범죄자 정치인들 밑에서 범죄와 범행들을 저지르며 분수에 넘는 범행의 혜택들을 받아 왔다는 것을 스스로 말을 하는 것이 되었군요. 범죄자들의 방송국들 중에 하나인 서울 방송국 SBS에서 범죄은닉에 군중의 심리를 이용하여서 사람들의 시선을 다른 곳으로 끌어들인다는 개의 수작에 범행들로 말이에요.
Investigate the murderers' South Korean and U.S.American broadcasting stations Christian (Antichrist) CBS, PBC, FEBC, TBN, CBN TV radio stations, churches and 'Mang-Won' by Prophet Yi Jung-Yon ( David of JESUS )
살인자들의 대한민국과 미국의 방송국인 기독교 (적그리스도) CBS 그리고 PBC 그리고 FEBC (극동아세아) 그리고 TBN 그리고 CBN TV 라디오 방송국들 그리고 교회들과 망원 ('Mang-Won') 들을 조사 하여라
Again, Burn It and Flooding and Wildfire ! And storms, floods, tornadoes after the Heatwave, heavy snow, and hail and flood and Another plague mutation and Burn It and "Coronavirus 19" another one ..... Tornado and "Coronavirus 19" From XL, XE, XM...New mutations appear consecutively. After the earthquake and after Burn It !
more than their ('Mang Won', South korean and American, females and males and their families ) crimes. Continue
(Antichrist, murderers from all stations, including Christian TV radio, and murder robbers from the Blue House and the White House, the National Intelligence Service and the CIA, as well as pastors and preachers and priests and nuns.)
What could you do while committing murder, genocide, abuse, torture, extortion and destruction to JESUS and me with South korean killer bitches!
There is nothing you can do. Only beg to die in agony with more cruel punishments of plagues and retaliation!
Japanese authorities release details on Shinzo Abe's assassination 2022. 7. 11. news
Impact of Shinzo Abe's assassination on Japan 2022. 7. 9. news
If you do not publicly punish South korean and American murderers and their families, you will continue to die under divine punishment. Continue ........
(Especially the South korean murder killers Mangwon, TV and radio station murderers and anti-Christian South korean and American Christian TV stations murder robbers, and the South korean killer bitches and bastards they hired, and their families, producers fields and producers, pastors and evangelists, priests and nuns, civil servants, etc.) South korea, USA, Japan, UK, Japan, Jew etc. Continue
Heatwave: Southwest Europe swelters as wildfires burn 2022. 7. 15. news
The reason why France does not respond to the message of Prophet Yi David of JESUS, the servant of GOD, is that it is profiting from murder crimes along with murderers and robbers in South korea and the United States?! Or is it because they are criminals and murder robbers who have no manners below common sense?!
Let's see what you criminals can do.
There is nothing you can do!
Also, the president of France and all members of the ruling and opposition parties will have to take responsibility for it with your family. right now.
A plague of cruel punishment continues to fall upon you and your families.
I will continue to deal with cunning and arrogant criminals.
Si vous souhaitez recevoir une politique pour le peuple, veuillez m'envoyer une adresse e-mail à laquelle vous, le candidat à la présidence, pouvez recevoir/ https://www.facebook.com/jungyon.yi
만일 당신이 사람들을 위한 정책을 받고 싶다면 대통령 후보인 당신이 직접 받을 수가 있는 이메일 주소를 나에게 보내 주시기 바랍니다/
Palais de l'Élysée
55 rue du Faubourg-Saint-Honoré
75008 Paris, France
Si vous souhaitez recevoir mon aide sur les questions environnementales et énergétiques, et COVID-19 ainsi que sur les politiques éducatives et sociales, veuillez me fournir votre adresse e-mail officielle. Mes politiques ne font aucune distinction entre les partis au pouvoir et les partis d'opposition. Ce sont des politiques uniquement pour le peuple, elles seront donc envoyées aux partis au pouvoir et à l'opposition en même temps. Si l'adresse e-mail ne me parvient pas, je ne recevrai pas ma police.
환경 및 에너지 문제, COVID-19, 교육 및 사회 정책에 대한 지원을 받으려면 공식 이메일 주소를 알려주십시오. 나의 정책은 여당과 야당을 구분하지 않습니다. 국민만을 위한 정책이라 여당과 야당에 동시에 전달될 예정이다. 이메일 주소가 나에게 도달하지 않으면 나의 정책을 받지 못할 것입니다.
Je félicite le peuple français pour sa sagesse.
Mon Facebook accueille toujours les Français.
프랑스 국민의 현명한 판단에 찬사를 보낸다.
나의 페이스북은 언제나 프랑스인들을 환영을 한다.
C'était une bonne situation pour le président français Macron dans une situation et une situation difficiles. Les responsabilités ne seront pas assumées seules, mais seront partagées avec les partis d'opposition et le peuple. Vous devez suivre les paroles et les ordres du Prophète Lee, serviteur de Dieu, dans l'action. C'est le seul moyen et la seule façon de vivre. Vous devez suivre les paroles justes de la loi de Dieu.
어려운 상황과 시국에 프랑스 대통령 마크롱에게는 좋은 상황이 된 것이다. 책임을 혼자 가지는 것이 아니라 야당들과 국민들 같이 나누어 가지는 것이 될 것이다, 신의 종이신 “프로펫 이” 님의 말씀과 명령들을 행동으로 따라야만 한다. 오로지 그것이 유일한 방법이며 살 수가 있는 단 하나의 방법이다. 신의 율법의 의로운 말씀대로 따라야만 한다.
Les élections législatives en France doivent aider l'opposition à équilibrer le pouvoir. France's general election must help the opposition to balance power.
프랑스의 총선은 힘의 균형을 위해서 야당 쪽으로 도움을 주어야만 한다.
Votre élection à la présidence s'est faite naturellement avec mon aide.
Bien sûr, vous, vos employés et votre famille avez travaillé dur, mais vous savez à quel point cette élection a été difficile.
Et vous savez que c'est dur d'être élu président deux fois en France. Il aurait également été difficile d'interférer et d'attaquer par les États-Unis et la Grande-Bretagne.
Vous devriez savoir à quel point mon aide a été précieuse. C'est ce qui vous rend éligible pour continuer à recevoir la grâce. Mon adresse e-mail et mes informations vous ont déjà été transmises.
Veuillez confirmer et nous contacter.
당신의 대통령 당선은 나의 도움으로 당연한 것이 되었다.
물론 당신과 당신의 직원들 그리고 가족들이 노력을 한 것도 있겠지만은 이번 선거가 얼마나 어려웠는지도 알 것이다. 그리고 프랑스에서는 두번 대통령으로 당선이 되는 것이 어렵다는 것도 잘 알 것이다. 또한 미국과 영국의 방해와 공격에도 어려움이 있었을 것이다. 나의 도움이 얼마나 컸는지 알아야만 할 것이다. 그것이 당신이 은혜를 계속해서 받을 수가 있는 자격이 되는 것이니 말이다. 나의 이메일 주소와 정보는 이미 당신에게 전달이 되었다. 확인을 하고 연락을 하기 바란다.
Comment allons-nous résoudre les problèmes qui se posent actuellement?
Vous devez travailler pour résoudre le problème. Il ne faut pas oublier la situation actuelle.
How are we going to solve the current problems?
You have to work to fix the problem. We must not forget the current situation.
지금 진행이 되어지고 있는 문제들을 어떻게 풀어 나갈 것인가?
문제 해결을 위해서 일을 해야만 한다. 지금의 상황을 잊어서는 안된다.
L'élection présidentielle n'est pas votre objectif.
Le président ne devrait pas non plus être votre objectif.
Alors vous êtes vraiment une personne précieuse qui a une vie qui existe pour le bien du pays et de ses habitants.
Il y aura beaucoup de travail à faire.
Si vous avez besoin d'une politique pour les personnes, veuillez nous contacter à tout moment.
Je vous ai déjà envoyé mon adresse e-mail.
De plus, il nous sera utile de travailler si vous nous fournissez les coordonnées et l'adresse nécessaires.
'Drug smuggling' Park Ji-won, former NIS chief's son-in-law, suspended prison sentence in South korea. 2022. 05. 27 news
The son-in-law of former National Intelligence Service chief Park Ji-won, who was handed over to trial on charges of smuggling marijuana and other drugs while entering South Korea from the United States, was sentenced to a suspended sentence in the first trial.
I know that many criminals in Korea have a lot of money from crimes committed in Korea without paying taxes while living in the United States. It is also known that many Koreans commit real estate fraud and extortion in Korea, sending money to friends, relatives and family members for storage. In each state in the United States, openly investigate the bank accounts and property of Koreans and collect all the money. In difficult times and circumstances, many Americans will sympathize, and events like the LA Korean Town incident that occurred in the past can be prevented. It's a good idea and policy that came from me, so of course, send me a word of thanks, as well as money and materials of thanks for it.
한국의 많은 범죄자들이 미국에서 살면서 세금을 내지 않고 한국에서 저질러 온 범행들로 많은 돈들을 가지고 있는 것으로 알고 있다.
It is also known that many Koreans commit real estate fraud and extortion in Korea, sending money to friends, relatives and family members for storage.
또한 많은 한국인들이 한국에서 부동산 사기와 강탈의 범행을 저지르며 친구나 친척들 그리고 가족들에게 돈을 보내서 보관을 하고 있는 것으로 알고 있다.
In each state in the United States, openly investigate the bank accounts and property of Koreans and collect all the money.
미국에 있는 각 주에 한국인들의 통장들과 재산들을 공개로 수사를 하여서 모든 돈들을 수거 하여라.
In difficult times and circumstances, many Americans will sympathize, and events like the LA Korean Town incident that occurred in the past can be prevented.
어려운 시국과 상황에서 많은 미국인들이 공감을 할 것이며 예전에 있었던 LA 한국인 타운 사건과 같은 일들을 예방을 할 수가 있을 것이다.
It's a good idea and policy that came from me, so of course, send me a word of thanks, as well as money and materials of thanks for it.
나에게서 나온 좋은 아이디어이고 정책이니, 당연히 나에게 감사의 말은 물론이고 그것에 합당한 돈과 감사의 물질들을 보내라.
'심리전단 예산 150억원' 자칭 '망원' 이라는 밑바닥에 천박하고 무식하며 오로지 악한 민간인들을 고용을 하여서 살인학살과 학대의 고문들과 가정과 생활 파괴 또한 강탈파괴의 살인학살과 학대의 살인을 완전범죄로 저지르고 있는 가장 악질에 사형수 년놈들에게 (안기부, 국정원, 방송국, 기독교의 범행자들과 관련 범죄자들 그리고 그것들의 가족들) 사용이 되어지고 있는 예산이며 그 근거들은 이미 노무현 정권때에 자신들의 악한 범행들과 범죄들로 인한 경제악화와 권력과 돈을 지키기 위해서 '대연정'이라는 개의 수작을 위해서 가증스럽게 일부 발표한 '국정원 x파일' 범행에서 드러난 적이 있다. 대통령들과 (김영삼과 김현철 정권때부터 1994년) 정치인들 그리고 재벌들과 노조들 또한 모든 공무원들과 법원과 검찰 또한 종교들과 TV와 라디오 방송국들 그리고 사학인 학교들에 있는 범죄자들까지 모조리 다 자신들의 상상을 초월을 하는 범죄들과 범행들을 숨기고 (범죄은닉을 위한 범행들) 분수에 넘고 상상을 초월을 하는 자신들의 권력과 돈을 지키고 범행들로 더 상상을 초월을 하는 출세의 권력과 돈을 강탈하고 차지 하겠다고 하는 범죄들이며 범행들이다. 직권남용은 물론이고 가증스럽게 애국법과 종교법까지 악용을 하여서 1993년 미국에서부터 1994년 한국에서 2015년 현재까지 계속해서 24시간 교대로 순간의 쉼이 없이 종교를 포함을 한 TV와 라디오 방송국들에 숨어서 저질러 오고 있는 상상을 초월을 하는 살인학살의 학대의 고문들이며 (심리의 살인학살과 학대의 고문들) 완전범죄와 범죄은닉들의 이득들을 위한 강탈과 파괴의 상상을 초월을 하는 살인학살과 학대의 만행들의 범죄들과 범행들이다. 이미 상상을 초월을 하는 신의 형벌의 재앙들과 재난들로 한국과 미국은 소돔과 고모라에 비교도 되지 않게 멸망과 멸족들을 당하고 있다. 상상을 초월을 하는 살인학살과 학대의 고통들 속에 순감의 쉼이나 똑 같음이 없이 계속해서 죽기를 애걸들을 하며 멸망과 멸족들을 당한다. (성경말씀들대로) 신의 공평하시고 의로우신 율법들의 강령들과 명령들대로 완전히 이루어지고 있다. 2015년 1월 9일 李 政 演 ( 예수님의 종이신 이 정 연 ) by Prophet Yi Jung-Yon , David of JESUS
KBS 7천 억 부채·700억 순손실 그러나 사장 연봉 35% 인상 (뉴스) South Korea, KBS broadcasting station 700000000000 Won debt, 70 billion net loss but CEO salary 35% hike / news 韓国のKBS放送局、7500億の負債·700億の純損失が、社長の給与35%引き上げ(ニュース)
South Korea, plus more than NIS 'The Media (press)' manipulation / news 한국, 국정원 뺨치는 '언론공작' / 뉴스 韓国、国家情報院顔負けの「メディア工作」/ニュース
http://durl.me/69fjg8 'Do not ask crime victims anyone. Redress countermeasures? in South korea and U.S.A. / October 26, 2013 News
韓国、「問うな犯罪」誰もが被害者、被害救済対策は? /2013年10月26日のニュース
'묻지마 범죄' 누구나 피해자, 피해 구제 대책은? / 2013년 10월 26일 뉴스
묻지마 범죄는 그냥 일어나는 일들이 아니다. 미국의 하수인들인 한국의 살인학살자 년놈들인 '망원'이 군사 무기인 주파수 무기와 전자파의 군사 무기와 기계들을 무분별하게 인권은 전혀 생각하지 않고 도청과 살인 학살과 학대의 고문과 테러 그리고 가정파괴와 강탈파괴 또한 강간과 범죄은닉을 위한 모르쇠의 거짓과 조작의 범행의 방송들로 눈을 감고 아웅을 하는 식으로 사람을 두려워하지 않고 직권남용의 국가보안법과 애국법으로 24시간 교대의 완전범죄로 실험하며 저지르고 있는 살인학살과 학대의 범죄와 범행들로 일어나고 있는 희생과 피해의 범행이다. by Prophet Yi Jung-Yon , David of JESUS , 프로펫 이 정연 ( 李 政 演 ) 2013년 10월 26일 October 26, 2013
http://t.co/2U9TkSHuIp South Korean TV and radio stations of the criminal offense (news) KBS 26명 MBC 11명도 쌀 직불금 받았다 (국정원과 똑 같은 권력 범죄자들의 하수인)
1994년부터 TV와 라디오 방송국들 그리고 기독교와 천주교를 포함을 한 종교단체들과 할리우드 그리고 연예인들과 기획..... http://durl.me/67myge#mediadaum 국정원 심리전단 예산 600억 어디로 갔을까 news 뉴스
South korea NIS staff, employing the common people, crime of 'Internet Activities " / news 국정원 직원, 일반 사람들을 고용하여 범죄의 '인터넷 활동' / 뉴스
http://media.daum.net/issue/438/newsview... South Korea, national director 'won, se-hun' "political intervention instructions 'internal documents revealed / news 한국, 원세훈 국정원장 ‘정치개입 지시’ 내부자료 드러났다 / news
http://media.daum.net/society/affair/newsview... South korea, Future ○ ○ four, ○ ○ International Development Agency, the National Intelligence Service for the crime turned out to fictitious companies. / news 미래○○사, 국제○○진흥원, 국정원의 범죄를 위한 가상의 업체 드러났다. / 뉴스
국정원, 지난 5년간 우편물 1만8천여건 검열 http://t.co/9ea69zxvaz 직권남용의 국가보안법들로 나라를 혼란 속에 빠트리고 개인의 이득을 위해 IMF도 미국의 민주당 대통령이었던 빌 클린턴과 힐러리, 공화당의 부시 일가에게 아부를 떨며
<미국서 "애국법II" 명칭 싸고 논란> http://t.co/2N9H8pl7xL http://t.co/nQLisc9TlA http://t.co/ZqOrjWYyyp 범행들에 계속해서 내려지는 형벌들 .... 직권남용과 국가보안법의 범죄와 .......
'American eavesdropping' South Korea's presidential office "wants to hide ' but United States White House said "If you want will give reveal" (What is the truth?!) / news '미국의 도청' 한국의 청와대는 '숨기기를 원하고', 미국의 백악관은 "너희가 원한다면 밝혀주겠다" (진실은 무엇일까?!) 뉴스
<美 '도청파문' 확산>'美도청' 정부는 '쉬쉬', 美는 "원한다면.."
"American eavesdropping'South Korea's presidential office" wants to hide' but United States White House said"If you want will give reveal"(What is the truth!)/ news'
President of South Korea and the United States and politicians, What is the fear?! http://blog.naver.com/alona x file of white house and blue house (South korea) http://durl.me/6vfs5한국과 미국의 대통령들과 정치인들이 가장 두려워하는 것이 무엇일까?! http://alona.tistory.com/민간인 살인학살자 년놈들인 '망원'들의 24시간 교대의 살인학살 학대의 고문과 테러 그리고 생체실험과 강간의 가정파괴와 모르쇠의 거짓과 조작 그리고 모함의 악질에 가증스러운 범행의 방송들과 종교의 (적그리스도인 기독교와 천주교) 범행의 설교들과 방송들 .......
* 살인학살과 학대 고문자들이며 가정파괴의 강탈 파괴범들이며 강도들이고 사형수들인 ‘망원’들의 범죄들과 범행들에 대한 근거의 자료들 중에서 # 8
http://t.co/a1YHFlaGNt 'Crime Bill policy "created by Prophet Yi Jung-Yon (이정연 李政演) David of JESUS http://t.co/ZqOrjWYyyp이 문서들이 Prophet Yi Jung-Yon (이정연 李政演)님이 '크라임 빌 정책'을 작성을 하여서 백악관에 보낸 증거의 자료들이다 (인터넷 주소 클릭) http://t.co/a1YHFlaGNt NSA 폭로, 국정원 x파일, 민간인 사찰, 국가보안법, 범죄의 방송과 설교 ........
Provocateurs of the witch-hunt in South Korea and the U.S. media / news
마녀사냥의 앞잡이 한국과 미국의 언론들 / 뉴스
http://t.co/qgEfWMcrE0 South Korea station "KBS · MBC, Do not NIS incidents reported polarized wave" / news 한국의 방송국 "KBS·MBC 국정원 사건 편파보도 말라" / 뉴스
South Korea, the military regime (5 Republic way) how the broadcast news guidelines ... We want Immediately withdraw / news 한국, 군사정권 (5공화국 방식) 방식의 방송 보도 지침 …당장 철회 하라 / 뉴스
Cause of the disaster, Murderers in South korea and the United States are deliberately committing a crime beyond imagination to JESUS and his servant Prophet Yi and his family by abusing the National Security Law and abuse of authority. For their crime concealment, the power and money of the crime. For over 29 years, they have been committing crimes with a 24-hour shift. (Criminals, Mang-Won) What can you do in this situation? by Prophet Yi Jung-Yon ( David of JESUS )
Listen, Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, open up right now all the crimes America and South korea and Japan and England and Jews have been doing to JESUS, me and my family 24/7 under the National Security Law for over 29 years!
We will mobilize all media, the Internet, and TV and radio stations to make it public, and also make it public at the United Nations!
Criminals impersonate humans and commit heinous and cruel crimes. They must be killed more brutally. To punish them, all nuclear and chemical weapons as well as frequency weapons and all cruel weapons are permitted.
You can't negotiate with those who promote crime with their help (USA and South korea, UK and Japan and Jews).
There is no compromise or negotiation in their heinous, evil and cruel crimes.
Attack America and South korea, Japan and England, and the Jews.
The European Union and other European countries will have to remain neutral.
No more allies. Only evil and justice exist.
That's will make benefit.
Let Iran and China and North Korea and Afghanistan and Iraq and all the countries hurry to prepare for war.
These are things that have to be done anyway.
Criminals Bill Clinton and Hillary and Obama and Joe Biden and his son want war?
Just like the Bush family.
Just like Iraq's Saddam Hussein who don't have biological and chemical weapons.
It was framed as news broadcasts for the crimes of lies and manipulation in CNN stations. And waged a war of genocide, extortion and destruction.
To destroy the evidence and evidence for the bribes they received from them and the black money of the crime, and to conceal the crime.
How much money for bribes and crimes received from China and Russia by the criminals Bill Clinton and Hillary and Obama and Joe Biden and the son of Joe Biden in America's Democratic Party?
How much They have money from crime by selling the country and people?
to the president of Ukraine
If you value people's lives, negotiate with Russia.
You continue to kindle the war. It started with your greed and evil gain.
In the name of independence, you took part in the evil crimes of the United States, Britain, and the Jews. You are hiding it.
As a comedian, you know better than anyone else about the evils of TV and radio news. You are participating in the crime of evil, and you are saying that you are taking advantage of it. It's the same with your wife. Stop this heinous crime and negotiate with Russia.
You are well aware that the crimes you are committing are destroying the economies of many countries and killing people in destruction and suffering.
Your crime is well aware that Bidens in the United States and the United Kingdom and Jews play a major role in concealment and profit of crime.
Joe Biden blunders and confuses himself with Kamala's husband 2022. 3. 16. news
Joe Biden has confused himself with the vice president's husband after saying he contracted coronavirus when he meant to say that second gentleman Doug Emhoff had tested positive for the virus earlier that day.
"The first lady’s husband contracted COVID," he said.
A member of his team was quick to remind the president it was Ms Harris' husband who had just contracted the virus and not himself.
"She's fine. Second lady – the first gentleman, how about that?" he said.
Americans, work hard to pay your taxes.
For Bill Clinton and Hillary and their daughters and children, and for Joe Biden and his family, and for Obama and his family, and for Bush and his family, and for Jimmy Carter's fame, and for the war in Ukraine. And for 'Mang Won' and their families who murderers of America and South korea
Eat hamburgers and coffee or whatever, and work hard from morning till dawn. only for tax
Vaccines do not exist when the root of the virus is unknown.
What about the vaccine you are talking about!
Just tell them to inject the nutritional supplement once a month. for immunity.
You are making money by fraud on the lies of the crime.
You are danger in Abuse of power and negligence.
Living with COVID-19
You are an evilly insane murder robber.
Die and perish in the torments of hell with Corona Virus 19.
You have already failed the herd immunity.
You know what the coronavirus mutations mean.
Talk to people right now about all the crimes committed in South korea and America. tell the truth If you do not follow the orders of GOD's punishment, you will die more cruelly. They (South korea and US America) perish more cruelly than Sodom and Gomorrah.
Remember the brutal crimes, extortion and destruction, and the crimes of genocide and rape committed by South korean murderers in Iraq and Afghanistan under the American killers! Thorough retaliation and public punishment. This is Command of GOD ! — Basta Guintu Tututu님
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