2025년 1월 8일 수요일

Watch Live: Officials give update on wildfires in Los Angeles as strong ...

https://youtu.be/fRw0fA6YHUw The 'lies' are starting to 'catch up' with Joe Biden 2022. 6. 5. news https://youtu.be/Ur4L2Sa7wrI VIRUELA DEL MONO: MADRID CONFIRMA 7 CONTAGIOS y MANTIENE 24 como SOSPECHOSOS 2022. 5. 19. news https://news.v.daum.net/v/20220523034704270 Early heatwave in the Northeast of the United States, up to 35 degrees.. 50cm of snow fell in the West 2022. 05. 23. news https://youtu.be/sbU3XAE0ApI Nationwide Covid Cases Are Up 55 Percent 2022. 5. 20. news https://youtu.be/l76jPlLMX-0 Coastal fire burns through Southern California, destroying at least 20 homes 2022. 5. 13 news https://youtu.be/6a-Q-2WBSGA New York wants to turn the page of Covid despite the registration of one million deaths in the United States with Covid 2022. 5. 13. news https://youtu.be/qdbz-3yzCoM Dozens Of Homes Destroyed As Enormous Wildfire Scorches Southern California 2022. 5. 13. news https://youtu.be/wYdB1xydpBU Breakthrough COVID-19 deaths increasing as omicron subvariants spread 2022. 5. 12. news https://youtu.be/jATYbmGBBYc Covid Cases Surge Nationwide As White House Warns Of Potential Surge Ahead 2022. 5. 9. news https://youtu.be/8AzoJo5a6h8 Andover family loses everything from tornado damage, 7 days after moving in 2022. 5. 1. news https://youtu.be/kqsz30htbwQ Kansas Town Hit By Massive Tornado On The Same Day As An EF-5 Hit 31 Years Ago 2022. 5. 1 news https://youtu.be/SSi2xd4uURA Wildfires Across The Tornado Alley Continue To Grow 2022. 4. 25. news https://youtu.be/6mScvU1qdTw "Coronavirus 19" From XL, XE, XM...New mutations appear consecutively in South korea. 2022. 4. 19 news "코로나 바이러스 19" XL, XE, XM까지‥새 변이 연속 출몰 https://news.v.daum.net/v/20220418003954446 A magnitude 2.3 earthquake occurred in Changwon, South korea. Houses and buildings shook. 2022. 04. 18 news 한국, 창원에서 규모 2.3 지진 발생. 집과 건물들 흔들렸다. https://youtu.be/nkGADDmYEeM CFD battles fire at Antioch Missionary Baptist Church on South Side 2022. 4. 16 news https://youtu.be/QA9Qzc35J2w Fire reported at church in Wilton Manors 2022. 4. 13. news https://youtu.be/N8nIRxF09YM Antioch Missionary Baptist parishioners celebrate Easter despite fire 2022. 4. 17 news https://youtu.be/ShGwK7-Ok9g Englewood church destroyed by fire 2022. 4. 16. news https://youtu.be/ZGhD6QByqbk Fire in Fort Lyon continues to burn Wednesday morning 2022. 4. 15 news https://youtu.be/VHdbw2q10Yk Tornado touches down in Louisville 2022. 4. 15. news https://youtu.be/wynU0E-RaOQ Texas on the brink of extinction! | Hail and tornadoes destroy everything in their path! 2022. 4. 14. https://youtu.be/wcuVNSMDESU Nearly 2 dozen injured in Texas tornadoes 2022. 4. 14. news ------------------------------- 日本人のおはようございます。 かつて九州に訪れたときにホテルで夜明けに一生懸命働く 人を見ました。私はホテルの部屋に戻って私が持っているコーヒーミックスを使用して紙コップに入れて持っていってくれました。 彼らは仕事に夢中になってしまったのか、正しく食べることもできませんでした。 仕事が終わる前にコーヒーを飲んでいなかったようです。 もちろんホテルのスタッフは感謝してコーヒーを飲みましたね。 その時、日本では安倍が受賞でした。 その時、最後に日本にすごい恵みと祝福を伝えてくれました。 私のFacebookとTwitterで見ると、日本の訪問日と内容が詳しくわかります。それを国家保安法でむやみに思って知らないふりをしたのはまさに日本でした。 今後、もっと巨大な神の罰が韓国と日本、そして英国とアメリカもユダヤ人たちに残酷に下されるでしょう。 神戒書は公平で義譜であり、すべての刑罰の災害と災難は当然のことです。 また、日本にどうすれば刑罰の災害と災難を避けることができるのかを直接経験し、確認をさせてお知らせしています。 29年以上のことです。自分で確認して、自分と自分の家族を守ってください。 より多くのことを確認したい場合は、https://www.facebook.com/jungyon.yiで確認してください。 心に留めておいてください。 韓国と米国はソドムとゴモラに比較もされないように最も残酷に虐待し、苦痛の中で滅亡と滅族をさせる。地獄でも最も残酷に虐待の苦痛の中に引き裂かれて発する。彼らの犯行に比較することもなく、より残酷な虐待の苦痛の中で言葉だ。底に開けてはならない韓国人たちの噴水を越えて、そして恵みを悪に返し、犯したすべての悪の犯罪と犯行に比較することもないようだ。アーメン。 韓国人が楽しむラーメン、電気炊飯器、その他など、韓国人が持っているすべては日本から来て日本のものだ。 韓国人たちは日本人たちに感謝をするどころか、邪悪なことだけを日本人たちに犯してきた。そして今はアメリカの犯罪者たちに直接賄賂を与え、アメリカ人たちが望む通り、邪悪な犯罪と犯行を犯し、アメリカ人たちにアブーを震わせ、日本人たちに悪いことを犯している。そのようなものがまさに韓国人であり、アメリカ人だ。 世界のすべての国の中で最も底の汚れたものの巣窟がまさに韓国だ。神が言ったように、韓国はサタンと悪魔の最も底にある殺人犯罪者たちの巣窟だ。彼らと何でも一緒にしたら、どのような罰を受けなければなりませんか?今、日本人とヨーロッパ人、そしてすべての国々の人々が直接経験している。 ----------------------------------------------------- * Check the news ....... It is only a small part of the truth of the case. A lot more is going on in South korea and the United States, both huge and brutal. ------------------------------- https://youtu.be/BW5MdBHuDaE Many things are happening in Pohang, South korea due to the 'Hannamno' typhoon. It is said that the damage is increasing. 2022. 9. 6 https://youtu.be/yt48RWy5LoQ In South Korea, a typhoon caused residents living in apartments to go to pick up a car in the parking lot, but in the parking lot, 'Seven people went missing and one person died.' And one after another ..... 2022. 9. 6. https://youtu.be/3r6bwm_TsyI A reservoir in Gyeongju, South Korea, is in danger of collapse. Residents evacuated. 2022. 9. 6. https://youtu.be/5IVM8O5B5tw Fairview Fire burning in Hemet 2022. 9. 6. https://youtu.be/qWoZmzfvh4I Fairview Fire grows to 700 acres, 5% contained 2022. 9. 6. https://youtu.be/pEYannHUehU Deadly Fairview Fire burning in Hemet jumps to 2,400 acres overnight 2022. 9. 6. https://youtu.be/YFH652EXrR8 'Fairview Fire' in Hemet grows to 2,000 acres; 2 dead, several homes destroyed 2022. 9. 6. https://youtu.be/khnEcWF1z8c Deadly fire devastates Hemet community; 2 killed 2022. 9. 6 https://youtu.be/AXifEZvKMY8 Crews continue to battle 2,000 acre Fairview Fire in Hemet 2022. 9. 6. https://youtu.be/ugMPsr-Ymjo Heat Wave, Explosive Wildfire Scorching California 2022. 9. 6. https://youtu.be/2-sNJprYoik 1,500 homes evacuated, additional structures destroyed 2022. 9. 6. https://youtu.be/w9ketatBdqc Deadly California wildfires 2022. 9. 6 https://youtu.be/Cnj231gd3z8 5,000 structures threatened in Fairview Fire 2022. 9. 6. https://youtu.be/rD-9up4SnX4 Severe Weather Hitting Many U.S. States This Labor Day 2022. 9. 6. https://youtu.be/GmFsysosca4 Strong storm is destroying Texas ! Scariest storm and strong winds tearing the roofs in Dallas 2022. 9. 5 https://youtu.be/MBW7knuI6NE Due to the damage caused by Typhoon Hinnamno in South korea, the Marine Corps' armored vehicles were sent to the site of the damage. Korea's 'Pohang' has been devastated by landslides that hit schools with typhoons. And one after another (Scene video) 2022. 9. 6. 한국에 '힌남노' 태풍의 피해들로 해병대의 장갑차를 피해의 현장에 투입을 했다. 태풍으로 학교를 덮친 산사태 등 한국의 '포항'은 쑥대밭이 되었다. (현장영상) https://youtu.be/ezsb86lATao Summerville become the ocean ! Floods in Georgia, residents 2022. 9. 5. https://youtu.be/MfnEJwz7Yig Pakistan Flood 2022 : पाकिस्तान में बाढ़, बारिश, बीमारी से बर्बादी! | Heavy destruction | Hindi News 2022. 9. 5. https://youtu.be/2Xs1kwoJfJI Bihar Floods : जब Waterfall ने लिया तबाही का रूप... | Tutla Bhawani Temple 2022. 9. 4. https://youtu.be/xxE4oLWT1fc In South korea, the pension is swept away by a typhoon and cars are 'floating'.. Pohang is devastated by heavy rain at dawn. 2022. 9. 6. https://youtu.be/gBa1a6aPPXY About the South korea ; 2022. 9. 5. news Live news today 4 and 5 September -- breaking, latest, politics, world, current affairs bbc, cnn, sky news https://youtu.be/gEk5VnML_g4 Thousands Told To Evacuate As Mill, Mountain Fires Leave 2 Dead In Northern California 2022. 9. 5. https://youtu.be/OoxPUoW_NNM "In an instant, the whole city is locked" ... Typhoon Hinnamno, which destroyed the southern part of South korea. kills one after another 2022. 9. 6. https://youtu.be/moCU_otao10 Bengaluru में बारिश से आई आफत, लोगों का हुआ बुरा हाल, Bengaluru Flood 2022. 9. 5. https://youtu.be/gsxN2fIqWDc Heavy Rain in Bengaluru : भारी बारिश से बेंगलुरु में हाहाकार ! Wipro office में घुसा पानी | ABP News 2022. 9. 5. https://youtu.be/3cqoKGFCvCg Total destruction of London ! UK shuddered ! The strongest flood and storm ! Thunderstorms ! 2022. 9. 5. https://youtu.be/Xouk9tm5Zcw California Wildfires: 2 dead in Mill Fire in Siskiyou County - Sept. 4, 2022 https://youtu.be/_LSmjcI9dnE Millions of ice bombs hit Spain ! Helish hailstorm in Girona ! 2022. 9. 2. https://youtu.be/drntdlcgfLs Several people injured in wildfire near town of Weed, homes destroyed 2022. 9. 3. https://youtu.be/uEeV69q5CK4 【ライブ】台風11号各地で局地的に大雨の所も/岸田首相 “統一教会”関係で陳謝/24年ぶり1ドル=140円台など:最新ニュース(日テレNEWSLIVE)2022. 9. 2. https://youtu.be/xfjDiPWVUZA Georgia under flood alert after heavy rain while the West faces dangerous heat 2022. 9. 5. -------------- In South korea and U.S. Anerica, Both the ruling and opposition parties hide their crimes abominably whenever there is a change of government and use and abuse their powers as an abuse of power. They will bring more cruel destruction. It is the command and the word of Jesus. Know that it is going on right away! ========================= https://youtu.be/JcFfQIRuNjE Border 32 Fire in San Diego County burns multiple structures 2022. 9. 1. https://youtu.be/AjLVXWFZzGo Castaic fire: Evacuations in place as brush fire spreads to 5,208 acres 2022. 9. 1. https://youtu.be/AAti9he78lE Extreme heat danger and Mississippi capital desperate for water and more 2022. 9. 2. https://youtu.be/gootQFuuAPM Explosive New Wildfires Amid Scorching Heat In Most Of California 2022. 9. 2. https://youtu.be/CmzFrrjM8wM California Wildfire Forces Major Interstate To Close 2022. 9. 1 https://youtu.be/3haFW3UMD5A 8 firefighters overcome by heat in Route Fire, 6 transported to hospital 2022. 9. 1. https://youtu.be/9ioO3YCRAC8 California wildfires force evacuations in heat wave 2022. 9. 1 https://youtu.be/GRiyXkDdbhQ Utah heat wave: Rocky Mountain Power customers concerned over planned outages 2022. 9. 2. https://youtu.be/bDhgZ6ZFjqM Experts say, continuous heat wave is a sign of what's to come 2022. 9. 1. https://youtu.be/Dtb3c9mP7iQ California wildfires rage amid heat wave 2022. 9. 2. https://youtu.be/j3cV9OHVc6A Evacuations ordered as Apple Fire chars 900 acres north of Beaumont : 2020. 8. 1. https://youtu.be/8arsxz8p4n0 Mandatory Evacuations Ordered As Brush Fire Closes Freeway In California 2022. 9. 1. https://youtu.be/ycpcUIEZxRs Canada in Danger ! Golf-sized hail smashes car windows and houses! (Aug 31, 2022) https://youtu.be/BjDEdvdGK_U Worst flood in the state history ! 200,000 people are evacuated in Kanataka, India 2022. 8. 31 https://youtu.be/Da29hPHYkbg State of Emergency in USA 2022. 8. 31 news https://youtu.be/siYCpIzr6Ao Bad day for America ! Heavy hail Storm in California 2022. 8. 29. https://youtu.be/3vlRPDsMsgI What is happening in the world ! Incredible and terrible storm hits AI taif, Saudi Arabia 2022. 8. 29. https://youtu.be/bhW-Qryx6zg Storm in Austria ! The apocalypse left people in a difficult position ! People are running ! 2022. 8. 30. https://youtu.be/-7KzTUeiD6M Apocalypse in Italy ! The flood in Sicily washed away people's hopes for the future ! 2022. 8. 29. https://youtu.be/jnpqIWdF_Ec Madness in Florida ! An incredible microburst storm hit Tampa, Ybor city ! 2022. 8. 29 https://youtu.be/4M6JHQAUAWU 'Get out now' Ahead of flood 2022. 8. 29. news https://youtu.be/_YuRYLMF_Ds Mississippi Mayor Urges Residents To ‘Get Out Now’ As State Braces For Flooding 2022. 8. 29. news https://youtu.be/Tde3Jd4ja-k Mother nature angry caught on camera / Terrible floods destroy cars and streets in Mexico 2022. 8. 27. https://youtu.be/pYgfW0eYcrQ Punishment from heaven fell on Istanbul flooding in Esenyurt, Turkey 2022. 8. 27. https://youtu.be/ftiPuC9Ye5w Pakistan floods: More than 900 dead in humanitarian disaster of 'epic proportions' 2022. 8. 26 https://youtu.be/sLgHETzj4bA Mississippi flooding expected to continue amid record-breaking rains 2022. 8. 27. news https://youtu.be/q71uNyrPRpI Facebook censoring ‘completely against the constitution’ 2022. 8. 26. news https://youtu.be/zvGpB3HX-Lk 'Lying with impunity': FBI slammed for urging Facebook to 'censor' Hunter Biden laptop story 2022. 8. 26 news https://youtu.be/5A1tmoLlsGo Mark Zuckerberg admitted FBI warning in 'a very nonchalant way' 2022. 8. 27 news https://youtu.be/pW7lNRnKM5s Redacted Affidavit Gives New Details In FBI’s Mar-a-Lago Warrant 2022. 8. 27 news https://youtu.be/0se9NBhzvJo DNI Will Assess Mar-a-Lago Documents For Potential Risk To National Security 2022. 8. 28 news https://youtu.be/mFd-4lM-epQ Pope Francis appoints 20 new cardinals 2022. 8. 28. news https://youtu.be/OFJVBi8JsSM Very worrying’ new evidence from Zuckerberg 2022. 8. 26 news https://youtu.be/kIMo0Sm2Kbk Baby hospitalized after testing positive for monkeypox 2022. 8. 28. news https://youtu.be/d25bzDecjkc Redacted Mar-a-Lago affidavit made public, Battle over COVID vaccine, Britney's back 2022. 8. 27 news https://youtu.be/nvqF2M1DEeE Thousands told to evacuate as Pakistan rivers rise 2022. 8. 28 news https://youtu.be/LyYM1gdx1ww Pakistan floods: Luxury hotel swept away, hundreds killed following historic monsoon rains 2022. 8. 28 news https://youtu.be/F0cRm8pzIAo Pakistan struggles to cope with floods; 1000 dead, 45 million affected 2022. 8. 28 news https://youtu.be/R21iq4Pnpwo Half of Istanbul went under water ! Heavy rains flooded the Turkish metropolis ! 2022. 8. 28. news https://youtu.be/ZJO6x2jkGoM Flood disaster strikes South 2022. 8. 26 news https://youtu.be/nzqCFz3zwGs Flash floods in Mississippi today ! Heavy rain is brought on by endless thunderstorms. 2022. 8. 25. https://youtu.be/ydtBztV3ZIs Macron warns French of tough times ahead, end to energy price cap • FRANCE 24 English 2022. 8. 24. news https://youtu.be/dexwSN9Iia0 A terrifying great flood has hit 'canton-jackson' in Mississippi, USA. 2022. 8. 25. https://youtu.be/060Q-bd0R1o Flash Flood Emergency - Nursing Home Evac in High Waters 2022. 8. 25. https://youtu.be/AjLVXWFZzGo Castaic fire: Evacuations in place as brush fire spreads to 5,208 acres 2022. 9. 1. https://youtu.be/AAti9he78lE Extreme heat danger and Mississippi capital desperate for water and more 2022. 9. 2. https://youtu.be/gootQFuuAPM Explosive New Wildfires Amid Scorching Heat In Most Of California 2022. 9. 2. https://youtu.be/CmzFrrjM8wM California Wildfire Forces Major Interstate To Close 2022. 9. 1 https://youtu.be/3haFW3UMD5A 8 firefighters overcome by heat in Route Fire, 6 transported to hospital 2022. 9. 1. https://youtu.be/9ioO3YCRAC8 California wildfires force evacuations in heat wave 2022. 9. 1 https://youtu.be/GRiyXkDdbhQ Utah heat wave: Rocky Mountain Power customers concerned over planned outages 2022. 9. 2. https://youtu.be/bDhgZ6ZFjqM Experts say, continuous heat wave is a sign of what's to come 2022. 9. 1. https://youtu.be/Dtb3c9mP7iQ California wildfires rage amid heat wave 2022. 9. 2. https://youtu.be/5kjjsQFl6Uo Apocalyptic STORM Moments Caught On Camera 2022. 8. 21 (News information from all U.S. broadcasting stations is right here.) https://youtu.be/HLcIzstqWMg The worst flood in Austin, Texas, once in 1000 years! Floods turn roads into lakes 2022. 8. 24. https://youtu.be/i1KwGfXDLzo After Weeks Of Drought, Heavy Rain And Flash Floods Hit Southwest 2022. 8. 22. news https://youtu.be/x4qeGzOGjIw Dallas area hit with once-in-a-thousand-year flood l WNT 2022. 8. 23 news https://youtu.be/g8eldqQMGQk The state of Texas *USA) has been hit by a historic, devastationg flood. 2022. 8. 24 https://youtu.be/K4h8iE5RfPw High water rescues keep first responders busy across North Texas 2022. 8. 23 news https://youtu.be/B5h44lFfQQQ 3 Million Under Flood Watch After Deadly Rainfall In Dallas 2022. 8. 24. news https://youtu.be/5YISP2-l-Y4 Breaking News / Flash Flooding Emergency in MISSISSIPPI 2022. 8. 25. news https://youtu.be/vkdTM2gTmZ4 Rain continues for over 24 hours straight in Dallas; one killed 2022. 8. 23. news https://youtu.be/47SRl_OzoGg Dallas, Fort Worth flooding: North Texas area sees record rainfall 2022. 8. 23. news https://youtu.be/XsqFxpMeJ2I Terrible horror in Austria! A ruthless landslide takes the lives of the people of 'Carinthia'. 2022. 8. 22. https://youtu.be/JJEsM5fbBzs The fire destroyed a major city in Italy. 2022. 8. 21 https://youtu.be/7z3Pj3GiudQ Terrible blizzard hits 'Argentina' 2022. 8. 20. https://youtu.be/nO9qqsY-hEY S. Korea reports 110,944 new COVID-19 infections on Sunday 2022. 8. 21. news https://youtu.be/GVaiQGJqznY At least 34 killed in string of deadly crashes in Turkey 2022. 8. 21. news https://youtu.be/dRwr8a59FIU Magnificent view of horrific hail storm that hit 'Yanqul', Oman 2022. 8. 21 https://youtu.be/tXujaCDRy1M Indian horror! Floods destroyed roads and bridges in Himachal Pradesh. 2022. 8. 21. https://youtu.be/Zlb3BX_fpks More than 100 people 'suddenly changed'... L.A. convenience store attack 2022. 8. 20 news https://youtu.be/t4ZPFPZ-n9o Horrible Spain! 10,000 lightning strikes, storms and 6 centimeters of hail fall on Menorca. 2022. 8. 19. news https://youtu.be/v6Z-brWVktE Powerful Storm lashes and Destroys France's Corsica 3 dead and several injured 2022. 8. 19 news https://youtu.be/vWsJIwYn1QA Ruined Europe! Terrible storms in France, Italy and Spain (August 18, 2022) https://youtu.be/LZZE_UbsRkQ VIOLENT Derecho Hits Corsica & Italy - Aug. 18, 2022 orage en corse / maltempo in italia https://youtu.be/JC-MOU3yak8 Wildfires And Severe Rain Turn Deadly In Europe 2022. 8. 20. news https://youtu.be/lXnPYZeh0Ic Apocalyptic storm sweeps across Europe, bringing heavy rains, storms and floods 2022. 8. 20. https://youtu.be/PcDX2KiE5O8 Italy Storm with 140 km/h Severe thunderstorm , Winds in Austria & italy 2022. 8. 19. https://youtu.be/iMl8_lx0OZA France continues to suffer from unbelievably severe storms! 2022. 8. 19. https://youtu.be/dPwfr8BDzJ4 70mm of heavy rain per hour in Chungbuk, South Korea… Landslide and flood damage 2022. 8. 20. news https://youtu.be/8RQPi6JWLdc African swine fever farm infected in South korea ahead of 'Chu-seok'... Farm owner refuses to bury 2022. 8. 19 news (With American death row inmate Hillary for 'Chu-seok') https://youtu.be/F1UeQTu7tfI France under attack! A terrible hail hit Lyon and Saint-Etienne! 2022. 8. 18 https://youtu.be/yxO7NZMja_4 HORRIFIC Wildfires Burn in Northern Algeria - Aug. 17, 2022 حرائق الغابات في الجزائر https://youtu.be/S8A_5vnA63Y Heavy rain hit London. The locals have never seen anything like that. 2022. 8. 20. news https://youtu.be/X_CpEHZ4miI Storm destroys Europe: hurricanes, floods and hail hit Italy and France 2022. 8. 19. news https://youtu.be/zIolqIE4Zv0 Blizzard in Africa today ! Snow falling in the African sky 2022. 8. 20. https://youtu.be/HYxAQyWlwQs Storms in Europe: Girls, 4 and 8, among a dozen killed in Austria, France and Italy 2022. 8. 19. news https://youtu.be/q9i6pthLxwg Huge flash floods and storms in Saudi Arabia 2022. 8. 19 https://youtu.be/wcZHhHwsU3c WION Climate Tracker: Torrential rains hit New Zealand again; mudslide, floods force evacuation 2022. 8. 19. news https://youtu.be/eeO0ifPV61s France rainstorms: After drought, violent storms are whipping France 2022. 8. 18. news https://youtu.be/-xujaPhz28g تحولت السماء إلي اعصار مهيب وعواصف مخيفة في فرنسا / ماذا يحدث في فرنسا 2022. 8. 17. https://youtu.be/HWjUH-teZNA Raging waters: Heavy monsoon rain overflows Flagstaff canal 2022. 8. 18 news https://youtu.be/lYM_8WY6c_U Record heat hits west coast 2022. 8. 18 news https://youtu.be/QqsBaHglEFQ Heavy rain of more than 300 mm on Mt. Halla in Jeju Island, South Korea ‥ Flooding damage everywhere on Jeju Island. 2022. 8. 17. news 한국의 제주도에 있는 한라산에 300㎜ 넘는 폭우 ‥ 제주도 곳곳 침수 피해. https://youtu.be/cf5eJc2ItGg Heavy rain in South korea, soaring manhole covers, 'bang' on the bus... damage one after another 2022. 8. 17. news 한국에 폭우, 솟구친 맨홀 뚜껑, 버스에 '쾅' … 피해 속출 https://youtu.be/4vMZqj1Ucg4 Heavy rain in South korea … The village has become a 'cluttered mess'. 2022. 8. 17 news 한국에 집중 폭우 … 마을 '난장판' 됐다. https://youtu.be/LnAkSjTahMU Huge waterspout spotted during "wicked" storm off Florida gulf coast 2022. 8. 17. news https://youtu.be/cp1ST9MxDcY U.S. officials order historic water cuts for Arizona, Nevada due to Colorado River water shortage 2022. 8. 17. news https://youtu.be/YdfbpzoUE1I Europe heatwave: France and Germany deal with aftermath of extreme heat 2022. 8. 16 news https://youtu.be/jQe9_fq8uaY Wildfire rages in Washington state, town evacuated 2022. 8. 7. news https://youtu.be/gshZU6Hqcms European Wildfires Forcing Thousands To Evacuate 2022. 8. 12 news https://youtu.be/4jG6ZLBjxho Flash floods hit Death Valley 2022. 8. 7. news https://youtu.be/AlGvsrmPqjg Europe faces heat wave, wildfires and extreme drought 2022. 8. 12 news https://youtu.be/Exx6BHNsHNQ Dozens of homes destroyed, thousands evacuated as wildfires rage in southwestern France 2022. 8. 10. news https://youtu.be/JLXp9j6Ra4A [Real Footages] The heaviest rainfall in 80 years pounds Seoul 2022. 8. 9. https://youtu.be/fcrGgWAFk-Q The situation of flood damage caused by rain in South korea. 2022. 8. 8 news 한국에 비로인한 침수피해상황 https://youtu.be/NPdJe82jVzw Flashflood in Seoul South Korea Today 2022. 8. 9 news https://youtu.be/Z007scZVxyI Flood in seoul, South korea. 2022. 8. 9. news https://youtu.be/ztOQSnGt3qA Severe flash floods hit Seoul and Incheon, South Korea, flooding cars and homes 2022. 8. 9. news 한국의 서울과 인천을 강타한 극심한 돌발 홍수, 자동차와 집이 물에 잠겼습니다 https://youtu.be/yqjQes8xbzE Floods hit seoul and gyeonggi province in South korea on August 8, 2022 news https://youtu.be/EFBz8EY_ZjE Flooding all over the Gangnam area in Seoul, Korea ... Damage from power outages one after another 2022. 8. 9. news 한국의 서울 강남 일대 곳곳 범람 ... 정전 피해도 잇따라 https://youtu.be/jh7LDuy270E 1 hour 100mm Gangnam in South korea and flooding by region 2022. 8. 8 news 1시간 100mm 한국의 강남 그리고 지역별로 범람 https://youtu.be/JIvWYHOtdgg In South korea, heavy rain warnings are issued for Seoul and the metropolitan area, heat waves warnings for southern regions, and strong wind warnings for Yeongdong, Gangwon-do. 2022. 8. 8. news 한국의 서울과 수도권은 호우 특보, 남부지방은 폭염 특보, 강원 영동은 강풍 특보 발령 https://youtu.be/M_c8M51Md6U Record heavy rain in 80 years, 'Gangnam is flooded' in Seoul, South korea. 2022. 8. 9. news 80년 만의 기록적 폭우, 서울 '강남이 물에 잠겼다' https://youtu.be/hBdjQhWJKw4 Extreme temperatures scorch much of the U.S. 2022. 8. 7 news https://youtu.be/wrwaP_EC6M8 【河川が氾濫も】福井で局地的に激しい雨 住宅浸水などの被害相次ぐ 2022. 8. 5. news [Rivers also flooded] Locally heavy rain in Fukui, damage such as flooding of houses

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