2025년 1월 9일 목요일
Hollywood voices their concerns over California wildfires
South Korea, KBS Korea Broadcasting Station Announcer and FM Radio MC “Hwang Jung-min, come out!” Shouting and smashing glass windows... KBS pickaxe riot scene video "황정민 나와!" 소리지르며 유리창 박살…KBS 곡괭이 난동 현장 영상
“The evil of the wicked will kill the wicked” (Bible) "The 1993 - 1994 'Crime Bill'", 'Joe Biden', Bill Clinton and Hillary are stealing my (Prophet Yi Jung-Yon) policies for the people, society and country in order to abuse them for their own insidious abuse of power. 국민과 사회 그리고 나라를 위한 나의 (Prophet Yi Jung-Yon) 정책들을 자신들의 음흉스러운 직권남용의 범행에 악용을 하기 위해서 짜집기에 도용을 하고 있는 '조 바이든'과 빌 클린턴 그리고 힐러리 (미국의 민주당과 공화당) https://youtu.be/LmJsnuvw7Z8?si=YOEStK9qIzR8HAHE Bill Clinton spars with protester over 1994 crime bill https://youtu.be/myywOvx4E8c?si=lLquf07q3Um5KcLL Joe Biden on Immigration in 1993 한국과 미국의 살인학살과 학대 고문팀과 도청전담팀, 3교대 ‘24시간 풀가동’ 범행 (2005년 10월 26일 뉴스) 22년이 넘게 지금까지도 ... http://media.daum.net/society/others/newsview... South korea and USAmerica torture team of Murder, slaughter and abuse, Eavesdropping dedicated team got a crime Full-time 3-shift operate '24 Hour ----------------- Whatever! Someone who have relationship with Murderers South korean and American will Kill and destroy with cruel revenge and punishment, Immediately (Like criminals South korea, more than they crime) Continue in hell ! cause of the disaster, because crime of S. korean and USA, Evil and cruel criminals, What a Ugly South Koreans and USA! cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American) Must be Brutally Kill and destroy them and they family ('Mang Won', Hollywood and Broadcasting station including Christianity of Antichrist and Press Bureau of broadcasting station and ‘K POP’ and entertainer and entertainer agency, CIA, NSA, FBI, ........) more than they crimes ! Massacre and Abuse with cruel evils, Torture and kill painfully, Without the same and rest ! This is a strict command of GOD ( JESUS ) by “Prophet Yi” Jung-Yon , David of JESUS Evil and cruel criminals, What a Ugly South Koreans and USA! cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American) Must be Brutally Kill and destroy them and they family ('Mang Won', Hollywood and Broadcasting station including Christianity of Antichrist and ‘K POP’ and entertainer and entertainer agency, CIA, NSA, FBI, ........) more than they crimes ! Massacre and Abuse with cruel evils, Torture and kill painfully, Without the same and rest ! This is a strict command of GOD ( JESUS ) by “Prophet Yi” Jung-Yon , David of JESUS
Celebrities are the ones who made their way through the crimes of American and Korean political murderers and acted as their puppets. (These are the things that make a career out of the crimes of political murderers and assassins, acting like their puppets.) You have to think seriously about the President of Ukraine doing this. These events are also evidence that the United States was thinking of the Ukrainian war from the beginning and deliberately committed crimes for the benefit of evil crimes and concealment of crimes, destroying and destroying the economy and lives of all countries in the world, destroying and killing them.
<美 '도청파문' 확산>'美도청' 정부는 '쉬쉬', 美는 "원한다면.." (뉴스) http://durl.me/6vfs5 한국과 미국의 대통령들과 정치인들이 가장 두려워하는 것이 무엇일까?! http://alona.tistory.com/ 민간인 살인학살자 년놈들인 '망원'들의 24시간 교대의 살인학살 학대의 고문과 테러 그리고 생체실험과 강간의 가정파괴와 모르쇠의 거짓과 조작 그리고 모함의 악질에 가증스러운 범행의 방송들과 종교의 (적그리스도인 기독교와 천주교) 범행의 설교들과 방송들 ... http://t.co/a1YHFlaGNt 'Crime Bill policy "created by Prophet Yi Jung-Yon ( 李政演) David of JESUS http://t.co/ZqOrjWYyyp 이 문서들이 Prophet Yi Jung-Y (이정연)님이 '크라임 빌 정책'을 작성을 하여서 백악관에 보낸 증거의 자료들이다 (인터넷 주소 클릭) http://t.co/a1YHFlaGNt NSA 폭로, 국정원 x파일, 민간인 사찰, 국가보안법, 범죄의 방송과 설교 ...... http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec... "NIS of South korea deleted data of 51 cases, domestic experimental thing ..31" "국정원 삭제자료 총 51건..31건은 국내 실험용“ http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec... 국정원 "RCS 감시 대상, 해외 기반둔 인물·조직" (2015년 7월 28일 뉴스) 한국과 미국의 살인학살과 학대 고문팀과 도청전담팀, 3교대 ‘24시간 풀가동’ 범행 (2005년 10월 26일 뉴스) 22년이 넘게 지금까지도 ... http://media.daum.net/society/others/newsview... South korea and USAmerica torture team of Murder, slaughter and abuse, Eavesdropping dedicated team got a crime Full-time 3-shift operate '24 South korea National Intelligence Service, without submitting material "was not illegal" (July 27, 2015 News) 국정원, 자료 제출 않고 "불법 없었다" (2015년 7월 27일 뉴스) '심리전단 예산 150억원' 자칭 '망원' 이라는 밑바닥에 천박하고 무식하며 오로지 악한 민간인들을 고용을 하여서 ...... http://media.daum.net/society/others/newsview... About the NIS hacking programs in South korea, the director said, "It did not not commit to the people" (July 16, 2015 News) 국정원 해킹 프로그램, 이 원장 "국민을 상대로 이런 일 있을 수 없어" (2015년 7월 16일 뉴스) http://media.daum.net/foreign/others/newsview... American psychologists CIA and Pentagon conspired to justify torture (July 12, 2015 News) 미국 민간 심리학자들, 국방부·CIA와 결탁해 고문 정당화 (2015년 7월 12일 뉴스) 살인학살과 학대의 고문들과 가정과 생활 파괴 또한 강탈파괴의 살인학살과 학대의 살인을 완전범죄로 저지르고 있는 가장 악질에 사형수 년놈들에게 (안기부, 국정원, 방송국, 기독교의 범행자들과 관련 범죄자들 그리고 그것들의 가족들) 사용이 되어지고 있는 예산이며 그 근거들은 이미 노무현 정권때에 자신들의 악한 범행들과 범죄들로 인한 경제악화와 권력과 돈을 지키기 위해서 '대연정'이라는 개의 수작을 위해서 가증스럽게 일부 발표한 '국정원 x파일' 범행에서 드러난 적이 있다. 대통령들과 (김영삼과 김현철 정권때부터 1994년) 정치인들 그리고 재벌들과 노조들 또한 모든 공무원들과 법원과 검찰 또한 종교들과 TV와 라디오 방송국들 그리고 사학인 학교들에 있는 범죄자들까지 모조리 다 자신들의 상상을 초월을 하는 범죄들과 범행들을 숨기고 (범죄은닉을 위한 범행들) 분수에 넘고 상상을 초월을 하는 자신들의 권력과 돈을 지키고 범행들로 더 상상을 초월을 하는 출세의 권력과 돈을 강탈하고 차지 하겠다고 하는 범죄들이며 범행들이다. 직권남용은 물론이고 가증스럽게 애국법과 종교법까지 악용을 하여서 1993년 미국에서부터 1994년 한국에서 2015년 현재까지 계속해서 24시간 교대로 순간의 쉼이 없이 종교를 포함을 한 TV와 라디오 방송국들에 숨어서 저질러 오고 있는 상상을 초월을 하는 살인학살의 학대의 고문들이며 (심리의 살인학살과 학대의 고문들) 완전범죄와 범죄은닉들의 이득들을 위한 강탈과 파괴의 상상을 초월을 하는 살인학살과 학대의 만행들의 범죄들과 범행들이다. 이미 상상을 초월을 하는 신의 형벌의 재앙들과 재난들로 한국과 미국은 소돔과 고모라에 비교도 되지 않게 멸망과 멸족들을 당하고 있다. 상상을 초월을 하는 살인학살과 학대의 고통들 속에 순감의 쉼이나 똑 같음이 없이 계속해서 죽기를 애걸들을 하며 멸망과 멸족들을 당한다. (성경말씀들대로) 신의 공평하시고 의로우신 율법들의 강령들과 명령들대로 완전히 이루어지고 있다. 2015년 1월 9일 李 政 演 ( 예수님의 종이신 이 정 연 )한국의 KBS와 MBC TV와 라디오 방송국에서 '세월호 영웅' 뉴스 보도, 거짓조작의 범행의 방송을 내 보내던 그때에 ..... (2014년 5월 16일 뉴스) 이제 방송국의 살인학살자 년들과 놈들인 자칭 망원들이 김영삼과 김현철 정권때부터 대통령과 정권이 바뀔 때마다 더 악질에 살인학살과 학대의 고문들과 강탈들 그리고 파괴들의 테러들과 가정파괴 또한 생체실험과 모르쇠의 범행의 방송들과 거짓 범죄의 설교들을 내 보내며 24시간 교대로 살인학살의 상상을 초월을 하는 범죄은닉과 범행들의 이득인 돈과 출세를 위해서 미국과 일본 그리고 영국 특히 미국의 살인학살자 년들과 놈들 밑에서 세계적으로 정책들로 알려지기 시작하신 (1993년 미국 킬린 텍사스에서부터, 빌 클린턴과 힐러리 정권때에 크라임 빌 이라는 정책들을 만드신 분) 신의 종이신 프로펫 이 정연 님과 가족들 그리고 신에게 어떠한 살인학살의 범죄들과 범행들을 저질러 오고 있는지 알겠는가?!지금 KBS 살인자 년들과 놈들이 개의 수작에 공작의 방송들을 국정원과 안기부의 살인학살자 년놈들과 같이 계속해서 저지르며 지금의 상황을 회칠들을 하려고 하고 있다. 언제나 해 왔던 개의 수작이다. 어떠한 년들이나 놈들도 처벌들을 받지 않고 있으며 오로지 범죄의 조작의 방송에 딴따라들과 연예인들의 시끌벅적한 놀고 자빠지는 TV와 라디오 방송들이 대부분을 차지하고 있으며 또한 스포츠에 모든 방송들의 초점을 맞추고 있다. 스마트폰에서 나가고 있는 TV 방송 중에 YTN 같은 경우 오후 대부분이 야구 방송이다. 이러한 살인자 년들과 놈들을 믿을 수가 있겠는가?! 군중심리에 복잡한 것은 싫고 문제는 싫다고 하며 놀고 자빠지는 환경을 TV와 라디오 그리고 언론매체들을 사용을 하여서 만들어 오고 있으며 그 다음은 일본인들이나 다른 나라 사람들에게 그때뿐인 열등의식에 저능아도 안되는 국민성의 한국인이라는 뉴스 보도를 내 보내 오고 있다. 이제 TV와 라디오 방송국의 살인학살자 년들과 놈들이 왜?! 매국노이며 일본 앞잡이 새끼들보다도 못한 것들인지 알겠는가?! 국민들이 손으로 지금 당장 쫒아 들어가서 처벌들을 해야만 할 것이다. 그렇지 않고서는 이 모든 문제들은 해결이 되지를 않는다.
http://blog.naver.com/alona http://blog.joins.com/media/index.asp?uid=yj7373 South Korea and the United States of Murder, Slaughter, Seizure, Destruction, Robbery, Home destroyed, Torture of abuse, Crime broadcast manipulation, Crime operation evangelism religions sermons, Concealing a crime and perjury (not telling the offense), Death 한국과 미국의 살인, 학살, 강탈, 파괴, 강도, 가정파괴, 학대의 고문, 범죄 조작 방송, 범행 조작 종교 설교 또한 전도, 범죄은닉과 위증 (범행을 말하지 않음, 모르쇠) 기타 등의 사형수들인 자칭 ‘망원’ 미림팀(위키백과) , 미림팀(美林-)은 1991년 9월부터 1998년 11월까지 ...... 제6공화국과 문민정부 시절의 국가안전기획부가 운영하던 비밀 도청팀이었다. 미림팀은 안기부 차원의 정보수집 과학화 방침에 따라 1991년 9월부터 운영되기 시작했다.[1] 1993년 2월 문민정부 출범 이후에도 계속 운영되었다. 미림팀은 그러나 김영삼 정부가 들어서면서 1993년 7월 조직개편과 함께 해체됐다.[1] 그러나 1994년 6월 재조직되었다.미림팀은 안기부에 의해 야당 인사 외에 정부 고위직 인사, 여당인 민주자유당 내의 반김영삼 세력, 재벌을 비롯한 각종 기업인 등 다양한 인사들에 대해 광범위하게 이루어졌다. 미림팀의 도청정보 일부는 김영삼 대통령에게까지 보고되었다. 뿐만 아니라 이 정보는 대통령의 차남 김현철 씨와 이원종 당시 청와대 정무수석 등의 실세에 보고돼 정치에 활용되었다.[2] 미림팀을 운영한 안기부 직원 공운영 등은 정보를 오정소 당시 2국장 또는 김덕 안기부장 등에게 직접 보고하거나 이원종 정무수석, 김현철 등에게 보고했다 한다. 일부는 대통령 김영삼에게도 보고되었다. 미림팀의 광범위한 도청이 가능했던 것은 한정식집이나 호텔 음식점 등 주요 인사들이 자주 찾는 업소의 지배인·종업원을 망원으로 포섭,활용했기 때문이었다.[3] 이들 식당, 호텔, 골프장, 룸살롱 등의 종업원들에게 안기부 직원들이 접근, 포섭하여 신뢰감이 쌓이면 도청, 녹음, 감청하는 방법을 직접 가르치거나 특수 요원을 파견하여 가르쳤다. 미림팀은 그 대가로 망원의 민형사상 문제,취직 문제 등을 해결해 주고 경제적 지원을 약속했다. 미림팀은 이들에게 도청실적에 따라 매달 20만∼70만원 정도를 지급했다.[3] 미림팀이 각지에 심어놓은 정보망을 통해 여야 인사, 재벌, 반대 세력, 언론인 등 다양한 계층의 일거수 일투족이 청와대와 문민정부 실세에게 수시로 보고되었다. 이때의 일부 보고는 2005년 7월 언론에도 공개되어 삼성 X파일 사건으로 발전하였다. 김영삼 정부 시절 미림팀이 만들어낸 각종 도청정보는 '문민정부 황태자'로 불렸던 김현철과 이원종 당시 청와대 정무수석 등에게 수시로 보고돼 정권 핵심실세들이 정치권을 통제하는 수단으로 악용됐다.[3] 미림팀의 사찰대상은 연인원이 5000명을 넘었고,정치권·언론·검찰·법원 등 거의 모든 유력인사들이 미림팀의 도청망에 걸려들었다.[3] * A Letter of Complaint An Accuser : Mr. Yi, Jung-Y Address : PO Box No. 27 (Nam-yang-ju Post Office) 589 pyeong-nae-dong, Nam-yang-ju City Gyeong-gi Do, South korea Defendant Accused : 1. The President of America : Bill Clinton, 힐러리, 부시, 부시 애비, 오바마 그리고 관련 범죄자들과 단체들 기타 등 (1993 and 1994 - 2017 그리고 현재까지 계속해서) All of them ! 2. The President of TV and Radio Broadcasting stations : ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC, FOX, Christian channel, etc in U.S.A, (1994 - 2017) All of them ! 3. The Attorney General of America (1994 - 2017) All of them ! 4. The President of South korea 김영삼, 김대중, 노무현, 이명박, 박근혜, 그리고 관련 범죄자들과 단체들 기타 등 (특히 안기부와 국정원의 민간인과 공무원 자칭 ‘망원’과 그것들의 가족들 (1994 - 2017) All of them ! 5. The President of TV and Radio Broadcasting stations : KBS, MBC, SBS, YTN, CBS 기독교 방송국, 극동아세아 기독교 방송국, 평화 천주교 방송국, etc in South korea (1994 - 2017) All of them ! 6. The Attorney General of South korea (1993 and 1994 - 2017 그리고 현재까지 계속해서) All of them ! -7. 한국과 미국의 개독교의 목사들과 전도사들 그리고 TV와 라디오 방송국들의 범죄자들 (아나운서, 앵커, 기자, TV와 라디오 방송국 프로그램의 각 부서의 프로듀서들 그리고 제작진들과 프로그램에서 박수를 치는 것에 고용을 되어진 일용직들과 그 외에 방송 프로그램들을 위해서 고용이 되어진 계약직의 범죄자들과 자칭 기독교인들 (암컷들과 수컷들, ‘망원’), 카메라맨, 국장, 부장, 코메디언, 연예인, 탈렌트, 영화배우, 가수, 방송 프로그램 진행자들인 MC와 DJ, 부장, 과장, 직원, 간부, 노조, 어린 아이들을 포함한 연예인 학원들의 학원장들과 아이들을 포함을 한 실습생들과 그것들의 부모들과 가족들, 신부, 수녀, 기타 등) (1993 and 1994 - 2017 그리고 현재까지 계속해서) All of them ! (방송 프로그램 진행자 이상벽, 김기덕, 이상벽의 딸 KBS 아나운서 이지연, 한국 미스코리아 출신 KBS 아나운서 장은영, KBS 아나운서 길종섭, KBS 방송국의 직원들 <계약직과 일용직 모두 포함>, 2 -8. 한국과 미국의 연예인 기획사들과 연예인들 그리고 할리우드 기획사들과 연예인들 (제이 레노, 데이빗 레터맨, 오페라, 이수만, 기타 등) (1994 - 2017 그리고 현재까지 계속해서) All of them ! -9. 한국과 미국의 여당과 야당의 정치인들 (1994 - 2017) All of them !
한국의 안기부와 국정원의 공무원들, 검찰과 법원의 검사들과 판사들, 경찰청의 각 부서 경찰들, 그리고 한국과 미국의 각 지역의 지단체장들 (시장, 도의원 모두 포함) 그리고 정부의 각 부서의 모든 장관들과 공무원들 그리고 그것들과 연결이 되어져서 범죄들과 범행들을 저지르며 이득의 돈들과 출세들의 특권들로 호의호식들을 하고 있는 시민단체 조직들과 공기업들의 직원들과 사장들 그리고 일용직들과 계약직들 또한 그것들의 가족들, 기타 등 (1993 and 1994 - 2017 그리고 현재까지 계속해서) 10. 기타 등 Continue 계속해서 The name of crime : 1. Extortion 2. Murder attempt 3. Defamation 4. Sin of broken the personal family and personalty - "도청 사건 불구속 수사 정부책임자가 제의했었다" http://blog.joins.com/yj7373/6213490- KBS 鄭사장 靑출입이 사생활?…靑 “사생활 보호” 공개거부 http://blog.joins.com/yj7373/6838498- 고바우 영감, 김화백이 겪었다는 만행에 대해서 http://tong.nate.com/prophetyi/2337053- 살인 미수와 고문으로 강탈을 하면서 방송을 하고 있는 용서 받지 못할 범죄자들에 대해서 http://tong.nate.com/prophetyi/2336997 - 몸 속에 전자칩 심은 미국 보안업체 직원들… http://blog.joins.com/yj7373/5942555- `치안유지법' 국내외 독립운동 탄압에 악용 http://blog.joins.com/yj7373/5996421- 우리당 "한나라 경악할만한 비리 확인" 정치권 초긴장 http://blog.joins.com/yj7373/6197593- 열린우리당 관권선거 의혹 '논란' http://blog.joins.com/yj7373/6197653- 정의장 "공천비리 `고백자' 처벌유예 제안" http://blog.joins.c - “DJ정부 시절 불법감청 있었다… 국정원장도 알았을 것” http://blog.joins.com/yj7373/8531856- 청와대와 노무현 대통령에 관한 기사들 중에서 (2007년 9월) ============== http://media.daum.net/foreign/others/newsview... WikiLeaks revelations, "The United States, Hillary Clinton, UN highest levels communicate information gathering" For concealing the crime and crime (November 29, 2010 News) 위키리크스 폭로 “미국, 힐러리, UN 최고위층 통신정보 수집” (2010년 11월 29일 뉴스)
Continue 계속해서
In South Korea, a citizen who was furious at a KBS Korean reporter who was falsely reporting the situation at the time of the Sewol Ferry incident said, "Hey, you bitch! Don't lie." Let's immediately stop the live broadcast and hand the camera over to the studio, and the anchor makes a sad and false excuse 세월호 당시 현장상황 전하는 KBS여기자에게 울분 터뜨린 시민 "야 XX년아 거짓말하지마" 잘르고 스튜디오 넘기자 앵...
The 'Mang Won' of United States and South korea 24-hour shifts of abuse at the target they set, driving them half crazy in pain, robbing and destroying their lives and work, making people their way as they wish. Abusive torturers who are used evilly for evil crimes,
Radio frequency weapons in Korea and the U.S., which are used for murder, massacre and torture, wiretapping and mind-reading chips that are inserted into the human body, military weapons of wiretapping and machines used in broadcasting stations are used as murder weapons. exploit,
The US presidents 'Bill Clinton' and 'Hillary', who are criminals of murder and massacre, publicly acknowledged the crimes of the CIA in the United States and said that they had made a mistake on the air.
However, Bill Clinton and Hillary evilly used the National Security Law of abuse of authority for the benefit of concealment of their crimes and crimes of power.
'Bill Clinton' and 'Hillary', together with South Korean President 'Kim Young-sam' and his son 'Kim Hyun-chul', committed the same crimes with the National Security Law more viciously for more than 30 years,
Even as of 2023, the same crimes are still being committed.
The crimes of the CIA in US and the National Intelligence Service in South korea ;
Brainwashing, mind control, LSD.
Pres. Clinton's Remarks on Human Radiation Experiments (1995)
Compensation for CIA-funded brainwashing experiments paid out to victim's daughter 60 years later
America's Book Of Secrets: DARPA's Secret Mind Control Technology
MK Ultra. Brainwashing, mind control, LSD.
Crimes of abusing the National Security Law of the National Assembly of South korea, the Senate of the United States, and the House of Representatives abuse of power
The murder torturers (female and male) of United States and Japan, the National Security Agency of the Blue House and 'Mang Won' of the National Intelligence Service in South korea,
CNN, the den of murder, torture, and terrorists, and CNN, dispatched to South Korea.
'Mang Won''s lies, slander, fabrication, and crime broadcasts of ignorance,
sermons and broadcasts of crime,
'Mang Won''s 24-hour shift massacres and tortures of abuse,
The atrocities in the crimes of 'Mang Won', the murderous criminals who are being committed with the people's tax money,
The causes of calamity and destruction,
Commandments and Words of GOD
Law of JESUS
'Mang Won' (female and male), a terrorist in the US and South Korea
'Mang Won' (female and male) of South Korea and the United States, the torturer of Japan's murder, massacre, abuse,
The self-proclaimed 'Mang Won' (female and male), murderers of the National Intelligence Service at the Blue House,
'Mang Won' (female and male), murder robbers of South korean cbs Christian broadcasting station,
'Mang Won' (female and male), murder robbers from a Christian broadcasting station in South korea's 'Far East Asia',
'Mang Won' (female and male), murderers and massacres of TV and radio stations,
The X-Files on the crimes of South Korea's Blue House and the National Intelligence Service, and the self-proclaimed 'Mang Won' (female and male), the extortionists of murder, massacre, abuse, and torture.
'Mang Won''s 24-hour shift abusive torturers,
South Korea's self-proclaimed 'Mang Won' (male and female), death row inmates without public statute of limitations,
The 'National Intelligence Service X-Files' about the crimes of the Blue House in South korea,
Antichrists, Christianity and Catholicism in South korea and America,
South korea's self-proclaimed 'Mang Won' (male and female), murder torturers,
The 'National Security Laws of Abuse of Power' exist to conceal crimes and commit crimes by those in power and criminals in the US and South korea.
defeat of Bush,
Servants of GOD Prophet Yi, Jung Yon ( David of JESUS ) ,
South korea's self-proclaimed 'Mang Won' (female and male), vicious killers, robbers, and destroyers,
Tortures of extortions and destructions of 'Mang Won',
The CIA's x-files about the crimes at the White House in the United States,
South korean and American pastors who are committing and aiding in the torture of murder and torture (female and male);
News articles of lies and fabrication and news articles of evidence,
The South korean National Security Agency and the National Intelligence Service, and the CIA and FBI in the United States, and the (blood pressure-raising) advisors of the murder, massacre, and abuse of 'Mang Won'.
'Mang Won', death row inmates for murder, massacre, abuse, torture, and crimes in South korea and United States, and 'Mang Won''s lies and slander manipulation, crime concealment, and perjury crime broadcasts,
The collapse of the United States and South korea,
'Mang Won', murderers, slaughter, abuse, torture, extortion and saboteurs in US and South korea who have been committing criminal tortures to GOD ( JESUS ) , his servant Propet Yi and Prophet Yi's family for over 30 years under the National Security Act of Power.
Murder tortures of a more vicious intensity than the terror of 'Mang Won', the murderers of South korea and United States,
According to the laws of JESUS in the Bible, "there are sins that cannot be forgiven even after death"
We can't have any legal measures for human rights or ethics and morality for the vicious murderers and bastards and their families and households.
Because they have no such rights or powers.
To put it more simply, they do not have the right or authority to even have a lawyer. Naturally.
If anyone has sympathy for the criminals 'Mang Won' (male and female) and their families (to the demons and offspring of Satan), the punishments and retaliations they suffer are beyond imagination.
And with the punishments and retaliations of Hell, I will tear them to pieces and cut them into pieces for dogs to tear and eat, and to make manure. according to the laws of JESUS .
The filthy souls are in the agony of unimaginable evils and demons, the punishments and retaliations of hell, without end and without a moment's rest or breath, tearing them apart, turning them mad, making assholes. Will brutally tear you to pieces and make you beg for death !
Criminals in South korea and the United States have committed premeditated murder, massacre, abuse, torture, and crimes to God and his servant "Prophet Yi" and his family under the National Security Law for abuse of power, 'repaying favor with evil' for over 30 years.
According to the laws of Jesus, "those who know the truth and yet close their eyes will not escape the scourge of unimaginable punishments, and from this world onwards will be torn to pieces in the most cruel punishments of hell and sufferings of abuses in retribution.
Also from this world, they will be beg to die in the pains of the cruelest punishments and retaliations of hell.
It goes on and on forever.”
Only the stupid and ignorant evil devil and satanic murderers (female and male) are unable to bear the crimes and crimes of sins beyond their imagination, and are brutally and terribly slaughtered, murdered, robbed and destroyed. Will die cruelly. (Self-proclaimed 'Mang Won' (female and male), all killer bitches and bastards in Korea and America, their families and relatives, and those who traded with them, etc.)
In abominations and complacency, in arrogance and cunning, I will kill with plagues and calamities of punishments and retaliations, more cruel and terrible, tyrannical and ignorant.
And the criminals will be killed with the tortures of evil crimes and demons as well as cruel cruelty.
And criminals are also killed with harm and resentment for evil crimes in biological experiments.
And will kill criminals by robbery and destruction.
Without a rest and morment Continue, More than they crime ! By Law of GOD !
Also, they beg to die with rapes and unimaginable slaughter and slaughter of dogs.
And with the more cruel evils of abuse, they are hacked to pieces and torn to pieces to die.
Also, they will continue to be torn apart in the pain of abuse beyond imagination, being abused, being teased and ridiculed by the evil ones.
For 24 hours a day, we will tear apart 'criminals and their families' more brutally and kill them in pain with more brutal crimes of evil that are not the same.
The criminals and their families are brutally killed with incomparable retribution and punishments for the crimes of unimaginable crimes that criminals commit beyond their means.
For over 30 years of crime, they will be immediately punished, and all criminals and their families in South korea and United States are brutally destroyed and killed with disasters of cruel punishment. amen. constancy.
Either dying forever in the calamities and calamities of cruel punishments like them, or following the commands of the laws of "Prophet Yi" who was established by GOD in the world and is already known and respected worldwide.
They will be freed from the sufferings of abuse, or they will be burdened according to their sins.
Not only can they do nothing without resolving their problems, but will be they beg to die gnashing their teeth with cruel punishments and retaliations, in unimaginable sufferings of evils and abuses of demons that are only incomparable to their sins.
They will be heard, torn to pieces, thrown into hell, begging to die forever in the pains of the most cruel abuses.
According to the laws of God and according to common sense that everyone knows!
March 30, 2010 Prophet Yi , David of JESUS
Murder and massacre criminals in the U.S. and Korea abuse the National Security Law for success, profit, and money only for their own 'out-of-pocket' dirty greed, and are brutally committing the crime of murder in a vicious manner. The criminals at the bottom of society.
In the United States and Korea, criminals are said to get ahead and receive more money according to their performance in evil and cruel crimes. The same goes for the families of criminals.
These crimes were carried out from Bill Clinton and Hillary in the United States and Kim Young-sam and his son Kim Hyun-chul in South korea.
In particular, an announcer named Aaron of the American ABC broadcasting station said that he would become a member of the House of Representatives as a reward for his crime, but during a public speech, a situation occurred where he was sweating and could not speak properly. And again, he went back to his position as an announcer at ABC station and continues to commit crimes.
He claims to have climbed into a position he couldn't climb for more than 30 years, committing even more heinous crimes through abuse of power and dereliction of duty, the most heinous crimes worse than those of the military regime, and enjoys crimes.
South korean and American murderers (female and male), announcers and anchors of KBS, SBS, MBC, CBS Christian radio stations, Far East Asia Christian broadcast stations, overcame the fountain and committed unimaginable atrocities under the National Security Law for Abuse of Authority.
They have been committing brutal crimes for over 30 years by abusing the National Security Law, Broadcasting Laws and religious laws of abuse of power.
Nevertheless, criminals are said to be able to become lawmakers and politicians with power beyond their means, become emeritus professors as they wish, and do whatever they want.
They ridicule people by concealing crimes, make the country and its people perish and annihilate, make fun of them, and openly commit cruel crimes in viciousness, without being punished by the law.
They enjoy and are still committing crimes and crimes of more vicious murderous atrocities, and are causing the country and its people to perish in more cruel and brutal suffering.
Pastors and evangelists in South korea and the United States, who are low quality and not even garbage, are the same, as are priests and nuns. (Especially the Cardinals in South korea and United States)
Before and after 1994, how the Vatican treated South korean Catholics and cardinals can be easily confirmed by comparing the data based on news.
Also, how the Baptists, Methodists, and Presbyterians in United States have treated pastors and evangelists of Christianity in South korea, and how they are treating them since 1994, can be easily confirmed by looking for news articles based on the evidence.
It is easy to see how Hollywood in the United States has treated South korean celebrities, broadcasting stations, and entertainer agencies, and how the treatment has changed since October 1994 by checking the related news articles by date.
All those death-row inmates are intentionally making fun of the country and its people and destroying them like trampling on insects for the sake of success and favors beyond their means and to conceal and hide their unimaginable crimes.
In addition, people are pushed into the disasters of punishment and retaliation of GOD and GOD's servant, Prophet Yi, who are beyond imagination, and suffer the pain of unimaginable abuses, and are causing the extinction.
All calamities, calamities and retribution of punishment are, of course, due to 'Mang Won' (female and male), the killers of all tv and radio stations, including Christianity and Catholicism, antichrists in South korea, America and Japan.
And because of pastors and evangelists, priests and nuns, who are the murderers of self-proclaimed churches, which are the dens of death row inmates, the disaster of punishment is being inflicted.
In addition, a disaster of cruel punishment is being handed down on the crimes committed by the self-proclaimed 'Mang Won' (female and male) of the National Intelligence Service and the National Security Agency, who are the criminals of torture, terrorism, rape, robbery, and sabotage of murder, massacre, and abuse.
(Including celebrities, celebrity promoters, announcers, reporters, anchors, producers, production crews, moderators, and program hosts) (Blue House and White House)
In particular, disasters of more brutal punishment are being inflicted because of those who are said to be trading with the lowest-level murderers, who call themselves 'Mang Won' (female and male).
(Violent murder, torture, terrorism, rape, robbery and sabotage in South korea and United States and Japan and the United Kingdom)
And cruel punishments, diseases, and epidemics of the evil of retaliation are falling down on South korea and United States, Japan and England without end.
In addition, disobeying the command of "Prophet Yi", the servant of God, and fabricating the crimes of unimaginable crimes with heinous lies, and broadcasting crimes that are beautifully decorated and shown to people, so a more cruel disaster of punishment falls.
Since they are committing crimes like 'low-quality murderers in South korea and United States', more cruel and tyrannical punishments are coming down.
The calamity of cruel punishment is befalling the families of the murderers of evil devils and countries that dare to make evil use of GOD and his servant, "Prophet Yi", for profit beyond their means.
In particular, the murderers of South korea and United States are torn to shreds with disasters and retaliations of punishments that are incomparable to the crimes of cruel and unimaginable sins, and suffer the most brutal destructions incomparable to Sodom and Gomorrah.
For 24 hours a day, we will tear apart 'criminals and their families' more brutally and kill them in pain with more brutal crimes of evil that are not the same. The criminals and their families are brutally killed with incomparable retribution and punishments for the crimes of unimaginable crimes that criminals commit beyond their means.
For over 30 years of crime, they will be immediately punished, and all criminals and their families in South korea and United States are brutally destroyed and killed with disasters of cruel punishment. amen. constancy.
They knew that GOD had established His Servant, Prophet Yi, on the world and brought down calamities of punishment for the transgression of sin. Also, they knew from the beginning that GOD works miracles of grace in the presence of people.
Also, murderers in the US and South korea committed ugly crimes (with dirty eyes) and knew all of them by checking them out.
However, murderers in United States and South korea deliberately committed crimes of murder and abuse against GOD , His servant "Prophet Yi" and his family.
They repay kindness with evil, and they have been committing crimes more viciously for over 30 years.
According to the laws of JESUS in the Bible, "even though we know that these are sins that cannot be forgiven even after death"
Therefore, the killers of South korea and America (the killers of Satan and devil) will tear to pieces the most brutally from this world and kill in pain of abuse. Even in hell, forever and ever. by Prophet Yi , David of JESUS
National windchill record set in US 2023. 2. 6. news
Huge ice storm leaves 100,000 powerless across U.S. 2023. 2. 4. news
Winter storm’s icy blast hits 200 million in US America 2023. 2. 4. news
Texas ice storm: Disaster declaration issued for Travis County 2023. 2. 4. news
Mt. Washington, NH Records Wind Chill of 100 Below Zero 2023. 2. 4. news
Then more storms of rain and snow should fall in America. Exactly. If people on TV and radio stations want it that way.
California Completely Removed From Extreme Drought After Atmospheric River Storms 2023. 1. 19. news
Bay Area, California See Significant Improvement in Drought 2023. 1. 20. news /
Then more storms of rain and snow should fall in America. Exactly. If people on TV and radio stations want it that way.
Northern California Storm Coverage: Mobile home park in Acampo covered by floodwaters 2023. 1. 20. news
Severe storm drops heavy snow across the Midwest 2023. 1. 20. news
Mudslides pose more danger after deadly California storms 2023. 1. 18. news
Widespread rain, flooding, mountain snow and strong winds hit San Diego County 2023. 1. 17. news
Antes de la calma California lidia con azote de aguacero 2023. 1. 17 news
Storms continue slamming California 2023. 1. 16. news
California: Significant mountain snow, strong winds expected 2023. 1. 15. news
Another powerful storm front hits California amid flooding woes 2023. 1. 15. news
It is the basis of communication and the media to inform the facts as they are. Because it helps people and helps society. If this is prevented, because of you who are making money in the name of Communicate, the country, society and people will be destroyed and annihilated more brutally by disasters and disasters of punishment. They will know better about it. If you continue to abuse your power, dereliction of duty, and commit crimes such as perjury to destroy evidence for the sake of concealing your crimes and profiting from your crimes, you too will receive more cruel punishments. Of course. As a person, I want you to keep the basics and do your job.
Facebook had already committed the same crime, but the operator's husband died instantly, and her wife sold Facebook to someone else.
The Twitter operator also sold Twitter to others, and the evil employees lost their jobs.
Now they will be thoroughly punished with unimaginable calamities and retaliation, and in hell they will receive more cruel punishments than the crimes they committed. now and on and on.
By Prophet Yi Jung-Yon ( David of JESUS ) Jan 11 , 2023
* Check the news .......
It is only a small part of the truth of the case.
A lot more is going on in South korea and the United States, both huge and brutal.
Due to the damage caused by Typhoon Hinnamno in South korea, the Marine Corps' armored vehicles were sent to the site of the damage. Korea's 'Pohang' has been devastated by landslides that hit schools with typhoons. And one after another (Scene video) 2022. 9. 6.
Summerville become the ocean ! Floods in Georgia, residents 2022. 9. 5.
Pakistan Flood 2022 : पाकिस्तान में बाढ़, बारिश, बीमारी से बर्बादी! | Heavy destruction | Hindi News 2022. 9. 5.
Bihar Floods : जब Waterfall ने लिया तबाही का रूप... | Tutla Bhawani Temple 2022. 9. 4.
In South korea, the pension is swept away by a typhoon and cars are 'floating'.. Pohang is devastated by heavy rain at dawn. 2022. 9. 6.
About the South korea ; 2022. 9. 5. news
Live news today 4 and 5 September -- breaking, latest, politics, world, current affairs bbc, cnn, sky news
Thousands Told To Evacuate As Mill, Mountain Fires Leave 2 Dead In Northern California 2022. 9. 5.
"In an instant, the whole city is locked" ... Typhoon Hinnamno, which destroyed the southern part of South korea. kills one after another 2022. 9. 6.
Bengaluru में बारिश से आई आफत, लोगों का हुआ बुरा हाल, Bengaluru Flood 2022. 9. 5.
Heavy Rain in Bengaluru : भारी बारिश से बेंगलुरु में हाहाकार ! Wipro office में घुसा पानी | ABP News 2022. 9. 5.
Total destruction of London ! UK shuddered ! The strongest flood and storm ! Thunderstorms ! 2022. 9. 5.
California Wildfires: 2 dead in Mill Fire in Siskiyou County - Sept. 4, 2022
Millions of ice bombs hit Spain ! Helish hailstorm in Girona ! 2022. 9. 2.
Several people injured in wildfire near town of Weed, homes destroyed
2022. 9. 3.
【ライブ】台風11号各地で局地的に大雨の所も/岸田首相 “統一教会”関係で陳謝/24年ぶり1ドル=140円台など:最新ニュース(日テレNEWSLIVE)2022. 9. 2.
Ukrainian Presidential Election Runoff .. Is a comedian-turned-president born? 2019. 4. 21
Russian missiles hit Poland, killing 2, as Ukraine reports 85 strikes 2022. 11. 16.
This could be a play by a Ukrainian comedian-turned-president who was supported by the US CIA.In the midterm elections in the United States,
Republicans and Democrats are saying through the media that they will stop supporting Ukraine.
Therefore, the Ukrainian president has come to a situation where he has to bring NATO into his war to satisfy his greed.Joe Biden is committing the brutal acts of genocide that Nixon and Donald Reagan used the CIA to perpetrate on other countries in the past.
Nixon was forced to resign and Reagan was punished in an international trial.
Joe Biden is in a situation where he could face the impeachment of the president. by Yi Jung-Yon Nov 16, 2022
The truth about classified CIA documents
The Truth About the Ukrainian War
"South Korea and U.S. provide 100,000 155mm shells to Ukraine" 2022. 11. 11.
Robert De Niro's NYC townhouse burglarized while actor inside 2022. 12. 20.
Jay Leno Shares Unseen Photos of Horrific BURN Injuries 2022. 12. 15
stupid guy who can't even gag
I miss the Letterman Show.
Jay Leno and his friends ate dog meat, so I guess they are still healthy.
If you do not punish the murderer Jay Leno and katie couric and Robert De Niro, you will be robbed and destroyed in the agony of the imagination with a more brutal punishment disaster.
To say that a criminal has done something wrong in the broadcast for another crime is enough to lead to a more brutal and evil scourge of retaliation and punishment.
It is for another offence to lie that the murderer "did something wrong" in the broadcast of the crime. For the broadcasts and criminals of such crimes, there is only the scourge of more brutal punishment, the retaliation, and the pain of abuse and death.
Even saying that he did something wrong for an abomination-wicked crime brings up a more brutal scourge of punishment.
The scourge, murder, extortion, and destruction of more brutal punishments, comparable to the broadcast of repeated crimes and the crimes of the murderer 'Jay Leno', as well as slaughter and evil, are immediately done to all the murderers and their families in the South korea and United States.
Of course, they are brutally killed in the agony of beyond-imagination abuse and slaughter. Continue to
And with the mutants of 'corona virus 19', (one of the plagues of GOD's punishment) murderers and families of all stations in South Korea and the United States are slaughtered and killed in the more brutal suffering of abuse. They are kill immediately in the unthringed suffering of more brutal and horrific massacres, abuses, slaughters, and extortions, not comparable to all the crimes they have committed. Continue and Even in the Hell, over and over.
'Drug smuggling' Park Ji-won, former NIS chief's son-in-law, suspended prison sentence in South korea. 2022. 05. 27 news
The son-in-law of former National Intelligence Service chief Park Ji-won, who was handed over to trial on charges of smuggling marijuana and other drugs while entering South Korea from the United States, was sentenced to a suspended sentence in the first trial.
Illegal Abuse of Powers Against Citizens by the South korean National Intelligence Service, About "Private conduct illegal inspections"
'The National Intelligence Service of South korea' does not disclose information about illegally inspecting individuals 24 hours a day. Only a few people's information is being released as a political maneuver. 2020. 2. 12. news
Park Ji-won, the head of the National Intelligence Service, is a criminal in the abuse of torture and murder in South Korea. TV and radio stations were committed to committing falsehoods and manipulations, and President Kim Dae-jung was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. The murderer Park Ji-won repeats the torture of murder and abuse in a 24-hour turn commit to GOD's servant, Prophet Yi and his family. Self-proclaimed 'Mang-Won' criminals are committing torture and crimes on TV and radio stations, They doing crime 24-hour shift'. These crimes are the cause of GOD's punishment.
Therefore, 'corona viruses 19' and 'mutations' that transcend imagination, The punishment of GOD ( JESUS ) are spreading rapidly in South korea, the United States, and all countries.
New international law must be put to punish South Korean murderers more than the death penalty. The new law is like this. South korean criminals deliberately commit crimes to the Prophet Yi's family and home by torture of murder, robbery, and torture in a 24-hour shift over the past 29 years. And they doing crimes of abuse by the National Security Law. Compared to this, it is to be brutally killed and brutally killed. This is a divine law and a code. The crimes of South Korean self-proclaimed 'Mang-Won' plans have been documented in the Blue House in South korea, the White House in the United States, and the National Intelligence Service and the CIA. And it is owned by broadcasters and organizations of the Christian (Anti-Christian). It is also recorded on all TV and radio stations in South korea and the United States, as well as on entertainer agencies. It is also documented in the Department of Defense of South korea and the United States. They are all criminals. 'Park Ji-won' and the National Intelligence Service's murderers are must kill in the most brutal abuses. They have must be pain and crime more cruel than the crimes committed against "JESUS" , "Prophet YI" and he's families. Even in the Hell. Amen.
If South korean and American criminals are not punished, they will commit more evil crimes. Also, worse crimes will spread to the nation and society. by Prophet Yi /
Criminal Park Ji-won, Candidate of the National Intelligence Service of South korea. 'False manipulation of college degrees' and 'Misrepresentation of military service' at the hearing advisory group meeting. In the den of criminal South korea 2020. news /
http://t.co/z1IJgmHRZY http://t.co/ZxMCSX25Mi
'Mi-rim' team and 'Mang Won' ('Kim Young-sam' government since 1994 in South Korea) x file of The Agency for National Security Planning and National Intelligence Service in South korea (Crime of abuse and National Security Law and Patriot Act and the Broadcasting Act and religious laws)
'미림팀'과 '망원' (1994년 한국의 김영삼 정권 때부터) 안기부와 국정원 x파일 (직권남용과 국가보안법 그리고 애국법과 방송법 또한 종교법과 악법의 범행들), 살인학살 강탈파괴 강도 학대의 고문 가정파괴 범죄 조작의 방송, 테러, 강간, 사기 기타 등의 사형수들인 ‘망원’ (살인미수의 강탈파괴범들인 종교인들, 적그리스도인 기독교와 천주교를 포함을 한 모든 방송인들과 목사, 전도사, 신부, 수녀, 아나운서, 앵커, 크리스찬, 기독교인, 프로듀서, 감독, 연예인들, 기획사들, 제작진들, 공무원들, 정치인들, 대통령들, 검사들, 변호사들, 경찰들, 형사들, 라디오 진행자들인 DJ, TV 진행자들인 MC, 계획적으로 미국과 한국 그리고 일본과 영국 특히 미국의 백악관과 CIA의 학살과 학대의 완전범죄의 계획 하에 한국의 청와대에서 자발적으로 미국의 살인자들에게 아부를 떨며 범행들을 위해서 고용을 한 한국의 사회에서 가장 밑바닥에 범죄자 민간인 년들과 놈들, 기타 등)
https://www.facebook.com/jungyon.yi https://twitter.com/Prophetyi
http://blog.naver.com/alona http://blog.joins.com/media/index.asp?uid=yj7373
South Korea and the United States of Murder, Slaughter, Seizure, Destruction, Robbery, Home destroyed, Torture of abuse, Crime broadcast manipulation, Crime operation evangelism religions sermons, Concealing a crime and perjury (not telling the offense), Death
Illegal Abuse of Powers Against Citizens by the South korean National Intelligence Service, About "Private conduct illegal inspections"
'The National Intelligence Service of South korea' does not disclose information about illegally inspecting individuals 24 hours a day. Only a few people's information is being released as a political maneuver. 2020. 2. 12. news
What could you do while committing murder, genocide, abuse, torture, extortion and destruction to JESUS and me with South korean killer bitches! There is nothing you can do. Only beg to die in agony with more cruel punishments of plagues and retaliation!
Whatever! Someone who have relationship with Murderers South korean and American will Kill and destroy with cruel revenge and punishment, Immediately (Like criminals South korea, more than they crime) Continue in hell ! cause of the disaster, because crime of S. korean and USA, Evil and cruel criminals, What a Ugly South Koreans and USA! cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American) Must be Brutally Kill and destroy them and they family ('Mang Won', Hollywood and Broadcasting station including Christianity of Antichrist and Press Bureau of broadcasting station and ‘K POP’ and entertainer and entertainer agency, CIA, NSA, FBI, ........) more than they crimes ! Massacre and Abuse with cruel evils, Torture and kill painfully, Without the same and rest ! This is a strict command of GOD ( JESUS ) by “Prophet Yi” Jung-Yon , David of JESUS
Evil and cruel criminals, What a Ugly South Koreans and USA! cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American) Must be Brutally Kill and destroy them and they family ('Mang Won', Hollywood and Broadcasting station including Christianity of Antichrist and ‘K POP’ and entertainer and entertainer agency, CIA, NSA, FBI, ........) more than they crimes ! Massacre and Abuse with cruel evils, Torture and kill painfully, Without the same and rest ! This is a strict command of GOD ( JESUS ) by “Prophet Yi” Jung-Yon , David of JESUS
Celebrities are the ones who made their way through the crimes of American and Korean political murderers and acted as their puppets.
(These are the things that make a career out of the crimes of political murderers and assassins, acting like their puppets.)
You have to think seriously about the President of Ukraine doing this.
These events are also evidence that the United States was thinking of the Ukrainian war from the beginning and deliberately committed crimes for the benefit of evil crimes and concealment of crimes, destroying and destroying the economy and lives of all countries in the world, destroying and killing them.
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