2024년 8월 28일 수요일
London High Rise Fire LIVE | Two Taken To Hospital As Fire Engulfs | Lon...
@ 번역이 필요하다. Need translation ;
남조선과 미국의 살인강도들인 대통령들과 국회, 상원, 하원의 사형수들이 직권남용에 국가보안법으로 밑바닥에 민간인 살인자들을 (암컷과 수컷) 고용을 하여서 살인학살과 학대의 고문 그리고 강탈과 파괴의 교육을 시키고 30년이 넘게 24시간 교대로 난도질에 학살과 학대의 만행들을 예수님과 예수님의 종인 Prophet Yi 님과 가족들에게 계획적으로 저지르며 완전범죄를 저지르게 하였다.
밑바닥에 자칭 'Mang Won'이라고 하는 한국의, 살인자들에게 24시간 교대의 살인학살과 학대의 고문 그리고 생체실험뿐만 아니라 신의 종인 Prophet Yi 의 몸에 칲을 심게 하여서 24시간 교대 난도질로 살인강도의 범행을 머리에 난도질로 저지르게 하며 신의 종인 Prophet Yi 님이 가지고 있는 정책들과 현재의 상황 그리고 생각과 지혜 또한 아이디어 상품과 성경말씀과 설교들을 강탈을 하여서 자신들에세 가지고 오게 하여서 자신들의 악의 권력과 돈을 벌고 출세를 하는 것에 사용을 해 오고 있다.
그 악이 상상을 초월을 하여서 밑바닥에 살인학살 강도들인 한국의 'Mang Won' 들에게 자신들이 사용을 할 정책이나 설교 그리고 성경말씀이 없으니 교회 부흥과 나라를 위해서 예수님과 예수님의 종인 Prophet Yi 그리고 그의 가족들을 더 잔인하게 학대하고 난도질을 쳐서 강탈과 파괴를 하여서 가지고 오라는 지시를 내리고 있다,
범죄자들의 소굴인 방송국의 보도국에 살인학살 강도들과 범죄자들이 밑에서 그러한 역할을 하며 밑바닥에 살인학살자들인 'Mang Won'들에게 이러한 명령들을 내리고 있으며 같이 살인학살과 학대의 고문들을 저지르며 공기업과 국회의원 그리고 대변인 기타 등의 자리에 기어 올라가고 있으며 출세와 돈을 챙긴다고 하고 있다.
또한 기독교 방송국의 살인학살자들과 목사 그리고 전도사라고 하는 살인학살자들이 그러한 범행들을 저지르며 강탈들을 한 것을 가지고 자신의 것처럼 꾸며서 출세를 하고 돈을 번다고 하고 있다. 사기와 살인학살의 만행들을 저지르면서 말이다. 그것들은 그 모든 범행들이 신의 뜻이라고 말을 하고 있다. 또한 남조선과 미국의 살인학살자 방송국의 살인자들은 그 모든 범행들이 자신들이 앞으로 올 악한 일들을 먼저 알아서 방지를 하는 것에 사용을 한다고 하는 가증스럽고 악한 말들을 하고 있다. 30년이 지난 지금도 말이다.
그것들은 예수님을 살인하고 예수님의 종인 Prophet Yi 님을 살인을 할 것을 목적으로 이러한 짓을 저지르므로 그 악한 범행들이 이 세상에 존재를 하지 않았던 것들이다. 그것들의 범행들은 모조건 악에 잔인한 범행들을 난도질로 틈이 없이 머리에 대고 저지르며 모든 악한 범행들을 저지르는 것이다. 완전범죄의 살인을 목적으로 말이다. 또한 그 학살의 만행들이 잔인하기가 이루 말로 표현이 되지를 않는다.
기독교를 포함을 한 모든 TV와 라디오 방송국의 살인강도 학살범 년놈들과 그것들의 가족들을 지옥에 비교도 되지 않게 잔인하게 찢어서 발겨라! 그것들의 범행들에 비교도 되지 않게 24시간 무조건 잔인한 악들로 강탈과 파괴들을 시키고 그것들의 가족들 모조리 다 24시간 틈이 없이 머리에 생각을 하고 있는 모든 것들을 잔인한 학살과 학대의 악들로 찢어서 발기고 학대의 고통 속에 미쳐서 돌게 하며 무조건 더 잔인한 악들로 갈기갈기 찢어서 죽기를 애걸들을 하게 하며 죽여라 !
목사, 전도사라고 하는것들과 그것듫의 가족들은 밑바닥에 비교도 되지 않게 더 잔인하게 학살과 학대를 하여서 잔인하게 갈기갈기 찢어서 고통들 속에 죽여라 ! 1993부터 남조선과 미국의 모든 살인학살자들과 그것들의 가족들을 갈기갈기 찢어서 죽여라 ! 가장 밑바닥에 자칭 Mang Won 이라고 하는 한국의 학살자 년들과 놈들 그리고 그것들의 가족들은 무조건 더 잔인하게 갈기갈기 찢어서 죽여라 ! 비교도 되지 않는 잔인한 악들로 24시간 쉼이 없이 더 잔인한 악들로 난도질을 치면서 말이다.
남조선의 김영삼과 그의 아들 김현철 그리고 안기부와 국정원 또한 미국의 빌 클린턴과 힐러리 그리고 그것들의 딸과 CIA 의 살인학살자 년놈들 모조리 다 그것들과 같이 찢어서 죽여라! 아멘. 불변.
by Prophet YI ( David of JESUS ) Aug 29 , 2024
http://durl.me/6vfs5 The cause of the disaster / Bill Clinton and Bush is dog of the worst offenders on the minions of the CNN TV and radio stations of the prisoners and their family and members (female and male) 빌 클린턴과 부시의 개이며 악질에 하수인 그리고 범죄자인 CNN TV와 라디오 방송국들의 사형수들과 그것들의 가족들 (암컷들과 숫컷들) http://durl.me/6vfs5 살인학살과 학대의 고문 Snowdon events, Public opinion in the United States even for concealing their crimes and criminal attack on evil with the broadcast manipulate In particular, Rising of coquetry for Power, CNN intentionally evil Stations
The brutal torture of murder and the brutal torture of extortion and destruction started in 1993 in Killeen, Texas, USA, intentionally (with crimes of abuse of power) by repaying favor with evil. For their
For their concealment of their crimes, their success in crime, and for money and power .....
(In October 1994, it was continuously connected in South korea, and the crime is still being committed as of 2023.)
The evil, cruel, and heinous Bill Clinton and Hillary, and South korea's Kim Young-sam and Kim Dae-jung
Including MK Ultra human experiment
900 billion budget payment
human brainwashing experiment
Abusive torture committed on 24-hour shifts
Mang-won, the murderers (South korean and American)
South korean lawmakers who are murderers
U.S. Senators and Representatives Who Are Murderers
The murderers of South korean mbc broadcasting station
The killers of South korean MBC TV, Radio station
mbc announcer murderers
They are enemies of me and the people.
Only when they are punished can people live peacefully in true freedom and democracy. Always keep an eye out for them.
And I send the evidence of me together. please refer to this.
Please tell the truth for the sake of your neighbors and their families.
I am Prophet Yi, Jung-Yon ( David of JESUS )
My family is a family of educators.
The school has been established and operated.
It has a sister university in the US.
We have created and operated many organizations that help society and people, such as the Social Welfare Center and the Gateball Association.
I became known in the US for publishing policies on education and a policy called 'Crime Bill'.
The cause of the calamity and punishment ;
< Crime of Torture's human body biological experiments ( In South korea and USA )
Human biological experiments on the crime of torture (in South korea and the United States) > vicious criminal South korean America
South korea Electrotechnical Research Institute demonstrates core electromagnetic weapon technology
The Electric Vessel Land Test Station (LBTS) is a ship propulsion system test facility built by KERI as the first in Korea and the third in the world (USA, UK, South korea) in 2015 with a total project cost of KRW 40.5 billion with support from Gyeongnam Province and Changwon City.
The technology to read people's brain waves to understand emotions and thoughts has already entered the commercialization stage in many countries, including South korea.
---------------- Omission -------------
Continue ...... . https://www.facebook.com/jungyon.yi
Again, Burn It and Flooding and Wildfire ! And storms, floods, tornadoes after the Heatwave, heavy snow, and hail and flood and Another plague mutation and Burn It and "Coronavirus 19" another one ..... Tornado and "Coronavirus 19" From XL, XE, XM...New mutations appear consecutively. After the earthquake and after Burn It !
more than their ('Mang Won', South korean and American, females and males and their families ) crimes. Continue
(Antichrist, murderers from all stations, including Christian TV radio, and murder robbers from the Blue House and the White House, the National Intelligence Service and the CIA, as well as pastors and preachers and priests and nuns.)
What could you do while committing murder, genocide, abuse, torture, extortion and destruction to JESUS and me with South korean killer bitches!
There is nothing you can do. Only beg to die in agony with more cruel punishments of plagues and retaliation!
Beginning in 1993 and 1994, it is the disasters and disasters of punishment for the crimes that murderers in South korea and the United States have been deliberately committing through the evil use of the National Security Law. For the crimes committed in shifts 24 hours a day, catastrophes of more brutal punishments are befalling the United States, South korea, and all countries.
Of course, the disasters and calamities of punishment more cruel than the crimes of murderers in South korea and the United States, 24 hours a day, strikes all countries as well as the United States and South korea. It continues.
fdgrhow brutal crimes American and South korean murderers have been committing by abusing the National Security Law.
By Prophet Yi Jung-Yon ( David of JESUS ) Jan 10 , 2023
I will treat them only with evil. Also let the criminals suffer the worse robbing and destruction!
Destroy and kill brutally with cruel punishments and crimes without ease or equality!
Kill and destroy more brutally than the crimes that South korean and American murder robbers, the bottom trash, 'Mangwon' (females and males) have been committing for over 30 years! Continue to kill and rob and destroy. Continue to tear to pieces in the pains of brutal abuse even in hell! by Prophet Yi April 15 , 2023
Continued heavy rain in Gwangju and Jeonnam… Flooding, power outages, and water outages one after another in South korea 2023. 7. 3
Investigators say Diamond Fire in Scottsdale was human-caused 2023. 6. 29
Residents evacuated as large fire spreads through Phoenix neighborhood 2023. 6. 30
Hundreds evacuated as Diamond Fire grows to 2,500 acres in north Scottsdale 2023. 6. 28.
Severe storms move through Denver 2023. 6. 30
June 2023 rainfall sets new record 2023. 7. 2
Crop damage due to hail... Damage concentrated in northern Chungbuk, South korea 2023. 6. 12.
Two days of hail in South korea 2023. 6. 11
1-2 cm diameter hail fell in central and northern Chungcheongbuk-do, South korea 2023. 6. 11
Hundreds arrested during third night of clashes between protestors and French police 2023. 6. 30
Retaining wall collapsed due to heavy rain '.. Damage from heavy rain every day in South korea 2023. 6. 30.
1 dead, 1 missing in heavy rain across Japan... About 2 million people are ordered to evacuate 2023. 7. 1.
Surprising heavy rain that the weather forecast was off... “Increase damage” in South korea 2023. 6. 28
Heavy rain overnight'... Nationwide landslides and floods, loss of life and property one after another in South korea 2023. 6. 30.
Those who alone follow the commands of a righteous and just God by their actions will be all right. But you'll have to keep putting your commands into action. Amen. by Prophet Yi , David of JESUS
Tropical Storm Beatriz Forms In Pacific, Hurricane Watches And Warnings Up For Mexican Coastline 2023. 6. 30
Two South korean men shot in Mexico in serious condition... Local police are pursuing a suspect 2023. 6. 28
'Dementia Nursing Home' 2 South korean elderly people murdered..."Suspect Chinese caregiver" 2023. 6. 27
Shooting of a South korean couple in Seattle ... Death of pregnant wife 2023. 6. 16
Mass shooting in Texas, USA… A South korean family member up to a 3-year-old child was also killed and seriously injured 2023. 5. 8
South korean Seung-hee Cho's "Virginia Tech University shooting Massacre" (2007. 04. 16) 2022. 3. 24
Tornado Warned Storm Hits Brush, CO 2023. 6. 29
Millions under unhealthy air warnings as wildfire smoke drifts from Canada 2023. 6. 29.
Life-Threatening Severe Weather Outbreak Unfolding In Midwest With 100-mph Winds Reported 2023. 6. 30
130M+ Across US Breathing In Thick Haze From Canadian Wildfire Smoke, Chicago 2nd Worst AQ In World 2023. 6. 29
Concertgoers describe hailstorm at Red Rocks 2023. 6. 23.
Chaos erupts at Red Rocks after hail injures concertgoers 2023. 6. 23
We Took Cover Under The Merch Stand' Hailstorm Sends Concertgoers At Red Rocks Amphitheatre Running 2023. 6. 23
Tornadoes Tear Destructive Paths Across Indiana, Killing 1 2023. 6. 26
Nearly 100 Million Along East Coast At Risk Of Severe Weather, Tornadoes On Monday 2023. 6. 27
Tornadoes tear through northwest Texas town, killing 4 people and causing widespread damage 2023. 6. 23.
Devastating Matador, Texas Tornado Leaves 4 Dead, 10 Injured 2023. 6. 22
Perryton tornado devastates Texas Panhandle town, killing 3 and injuring dozens 2023. 6. 17.
Deadly tornadoes spawn in Texas 2023. 6. 23.
Tornadoes, hail and hurricane-force winds tear through Texas, killing 4 people in small town 2023. 6. 23.
Record-breaking heat wave scorching 26 million across Southern Plains 2023. 6. 22
Severe weather hampers tornado recovery in Texas 2023. 6. 19
Matador, TX - Aerial Damage - Operations - Major Tornado Damage Overnight 2023. 6. 22.
Amarillo Flooding 2023 - Georgia St, 27th St, Olsen Blvd, Lawrence Lake 2023. 6. 9.
Point Clear, AL - Flash Flooding 2023. 6. 20
Matador, TX - Violent Tornado Damage in the Heart of Town - Drone - Insane Destruction 2023. 6. 22.
Tornado devastates Texas Panhandle town, killing 1 person and injuring dozens 2023. 6. 16
At least 16 tornadoes reported in four states during last 24 hours 2023. 6. 16
Texas tornado: Drone video shows trail of destruction in Perryton 2023. 6. 17
Moss Point, MS - Significant Tornado Damage 2023. 6. 20
30-Foot Wide Sinkhole Opens Up In Florida Forcing People From Their Homes 2023. 6. 22
Homes across North Texas damaged from hail storms 2023. 6. 14.
North Texans see another round of hail 2023. 6. 14
Hail damages cars, homes across North Texas Sunday 2023. 6. 13
06-12-2023 Raton, New Mexico - Flash Flooding 2023. 6. 13
hailstones the size of golf balls, for the first time in my life in South korea 2023. 6. 12
Hail damage one after another and 6 seriously injured in lightning strike in South korea 2023. 6. 10
Amarillo Flooding 08 June 2023 - Olsen Blvd, Lawrence Lake, Blackburn, Virginia 2023. 6. 9.
Little Havana floods after heavy rain 2023. 6. 7.
Hawaii's Kilauea Volcano Erupting Once Again 2023. 6. 8.
LIVE: Haze Over New York City From Canadian Wildfire Smoke 2023. 6. 8.
This Looks Like A Horror Film': New York City Turns Red From Canadian Wildfire Smoke 2023. 6. 8
Over 100 Million In Eastern US Warned Of 'Unhealthy' Air As Canadian Wildfire Smoke Spreads 2023. 6. 9
Amarillo, TX - Aerial Footage of Major Flooding 2023. 6. 4
Hawaii's Kilauea Volcano Erupting Once Again 2023. 6. 8
Tornado spotted near Stettler as hailstorm batters central Alberta 2023. 6. 1.
Western Texas slammed with severe flooding 2023. 6. 2.
'Choking Him Out': Over 200 Wildfires Burning In Canada, Smoke And Haze Being Pushed Across US 2023. 6. 7
Magnitude 3.2 Earthquake Shakes North Carolina On Sunday 2023. 6. 6
Typhoon Mawar heads towards Philippines, Taiwan after pounding Guam 2023. 5. 25
Massive typhoon slams Guam 2023. 5. 25
Typhoon Mawar Knocks Out Power, Communications Across Most Of Guam 2023. 5. 24
New Mexico Severe Weather: Tornados, large hail and flooding hit the state 2023. 5. 27.
One person killed as tornado hits southern Texas 2023. 5. 19.
Floods & aftermath of heavy rains in Spain 2023. 5. 25.
Deadly tornado rips through Texas town 2023. 5. 14.
Damage from tornado in Laguna Heights, near Brownsville 2023. 5. 15.
Tornado rips through Texas town leaving one dead, 11 injured 2023. 5. 16.
Crash site of South korean Air KAL plane Guam (news)
Many politicians close to former President Kim Young-sam and many of their families died in this plane crash.
They are punished more cruelly than their crimes. on and on
Typhoon Mawar batters Guam with 150 mph winds causing widespread damage 2023. 5. 26.
Landslide near Mount St. Helens 2023. 5. 16.
EF1 Tornado touches down in Laguna Heights, killing one and injuring at least 10 2023. 5. 14
Significant Flooding Ongoing In Coastal North Carolina 2023. 5. 20
It Was A Lot At Once': Storm Dumps Heavy Rain Across Coastal NC Causing Significant Flooding 2023. 5. 20
Smoke From Canadian Wildfires Moving Across US Skies, Creating Hazardous Air Quality Levels 2023. 5. 18.
Deadly, catastrophic floods in Italy forced thousands to flee 2023. 5. 18
Southwest Passenger Captures 'Insane' Lightning Strike Near Plane 2023. 5. 19
1 dead, 10 injured in tornado in Texas 2023. 5. 15.
Both South korea and Japan were shaken by an earthquake in the East Sea 2023. 5. 16
It's Very Shocking What Happened': Family Mourns Lost Of Loved One Killed In Texas Tornado 2023. 5. 16
A magnitude 4.5 earthquake in the East Sea. 'Continuous Earthquakes' in South korea. 2023. 5. 15
Tornado outbreak: At least 10 tornadoes hit Oklahoma, 15 in Kansas 2023. 5. 13.
5.5 magnitude earthquake shakes Lake Almanor area of Plumas County 2023. 5. 12.
2 quakes shake Northern California less than 12 hours apart 2023. 5. 13.
2nd earthquake of magnitude 5.2 reported in Plumas County within 12 hours 2023. 5. 12.
Plumas County businesses clean up after 5.5-magnitude earthquake 2023. 5. 12.
Flooding in Denver and across Colorado 2023. 5. 13.
Storm brings flooding to parts of Colorado 2023. 5. 12.
Viewers share videos of storms that hit Colorado Wednesday 2023. 5. 11.
Tornado-Warned Storm Spotted South of Oklahoma City, OK 2023. 5. 12.
Powerful Hail Causes Damage Across Colorado During Tornado-Warned Storms 2023. 5. 11
Flash Flooding In Houston As Cars Submerged, Water Rescues Underway 2023. 5. 10
'Most Terrifying Thing I've Ever Seen' Nebraska Family Encounters Tornado While Driving During Storm 2023. 5. 9
The Devastation is Very Real': EF-3 Tornado Leaves Path of Destruction Across VA Beach 2023. 5. 3.
7 dead, more than 30 hospitalized in I-55 crash 2023. 5. 3.
Illinois highway dust storm turns deadly, Mississippi River cresting causing flooding 2023. 5. 2.
Dr. Charles Stanley dies at 90 2023. 4. 20.
Antichrist's Murder, Massacre, Robber, Death Row Inmate.
Torn in the agony of abuse more brutally in hell. Amen.
Presidents and politicians of the United States and South korea, conglomerate companies, entertainers, and Hollywood and entertainment agencies are moving in the cause of help as if they had waited for a catastrophic punishment like an earthquake.
All of these things are done to hide and launder the black money of their gains after they have robbed and destroyed with power and money.
May the scourge of more cruel punishments come upon the land of evil criminals and their followers right away! by Prophet Yi ( David of JESUS ) Feb 7 , 2023
While large-scale casualties occurred in Turkey and Syria due to the 7.8-magnitude earthquake, reports of damage to churches established by South korean churches are also being reported. The Antioch Protestant Church built in Antakya, Hatay Province, southeast of Turkey is a representative example. 2023. 2. 7. news
Mt. Washington, NH Records Coldest U.S. Wind Chill Ever At -108 Degrees 2023. 2. 7. news
3.8 Magnitude Earthquake Rattles WNY 2023. 2. 7. news
DEADLY EARTHQUAKE: Powerful 7.8 quake knocks down buildings in Turkey, Syria 2023. 2. 6. news
They forcibly deleted my 2 channels on YouTube.
and forcibly destroyed. (The channel was forcibly deleted in the same way during the last US presidential election.)
Because They not want all countries and people will know the truths with evidence.
Also for the purpose of concealing their crimes.
And also to hide all the truth about the catastrophe of punishment.
The meaning of the temporary cessation they speak means to stop the writings of the truth and the supporting data during the time of the crime in order to commit the crime, and after completing their crime and making profits, other people will not care.
They hatefully imitate human morality and abuse the law to commit crimes under the pretext of failing to abide by their rules.
They have committed these crimes by framing the righteous with evil lies, making them criminals, and concealing their crimes.
Antichrists in Korea and America and criminals on TV and radio stations have all been committing the same crimes.
Now, even more cruel and horrific disasters of punishment and retaliation befall the United States, South Korea, and their allies. Amen.
Without a moment's rest or sameness.
More brutally than their crimes, they are robbed and destroyed, and become destitute, slaughtered and abused, brutally torn to pieces and killed in pain.
Let the disaster of ever more cruel punishment come upon United States and South korea right away! Amen.
May more cruel punishments, retaliation and evils befall the families of Korean and American murderers who are begging to die in the pains of abuse in Hell! Amen. Constancy.
by Prophet Yi (David of JESUS) March 7, 2023
Presidents and politicians of the United States and South korea, conglomerate companies, entertainers, and Hollywood and entertainment agencies are moving in the cause of help as if they had waited for a catastrophic punishment like an earthquake.
All of these t hings are done to hide and launder the black money of their gains after they have robbed and destroyed with power and money.
May the scourge of more cruel punishments come upon the land of evil criminals and their followers right away! by Prophet Yi ( David of JESUS ) Feb 7 , 2023
While large-scale casualties occurred in Turkey and Syria due to the 7.8-magnitude earthquake, reports of damage to churches established by South korean churches are also being reported. The Antioch Protestant Church built in Antakya, Hatay Province, southeast of Turkey is a representative example. 2023. 2. 7. news
Mt. Washington, NH Records Coldest U.S. Wind Chill Ever At -108 Degrees 2023. 2. 7. news
3.8 Magnitude Earthquake Rattles WNY 2023. 2. 7. news
DEADLY EARTHQUAKE: Powerful 7.8 quake knocks down buildings in Turkey, Syria 2023. 2. 6. news
The 'Mang Won' of United States and South korea 24-hour shifts of abuse at the target they set, driving them half crazy in pain, robbing and destroying their lives and work, making people their way as they wish. Abusive torturers who are used evilly for evil crimes,
Radio frequency weapons in Korea and the U.S., which are used for murder, massacre and torture, wiretapping and mind-reading chips that are inserted into the human body, military weapons of wiretapping and machines used in broadcasting stations are used as murder weapons. exploit,
The US presidents 'Bill Clinton' and 'Hillary', who are criminals of murder and massacre, publicly acknowledged the crimes of the CIA in the United States and said that they had made a mistake on the air.
However, Bill Clinton and Hillary evilly used the National Security Law of abuse of authority for the benefit of concealment of their crimes and crimes of power.
'Bill Clinton' and 'Hillary', together with South Korean President 'Kim Young-sam' and his son 'Kim Hyun-chul', committed the same crimes with the National Security Law more viciously for more than 30 years,
Even as of 2023, the same crimes are still being committed.
The crimes of the CIA in US and the National Intelligence Service in South korea ;
Brainwashing, mind control, LSD.
Pres. Clinton's Remarks on Human Radiation Experiments (1995)
Compensation for CIA-funded brainwashing experiments paid out to victim's daughter 60 years later
America's Book Of Secrets: DARPA's Secret Mind Control Technology
MK Ultra. Brainwashing, mind control, LSD.
Crimes of abusing the National Security Law of the National Assembly of South korea, the Senate of the United States, and the House of Representatives abuse of power
The murder torturers (female and male) of United States and Japan, the National Security Agency of the Blue House and 'Mang Won' of the National Intelligence Service in South korea,
CNN, the den of murder, torture, and terrorists, and CNN, dispatched to South Korea.
'Mang Won''s lies, slander, fabrication, and crime broadcasts of ignorance,
sermons and broadcasts of crime,
'Mang Won''s 24-hour shift massacres and tortures of abuse,
The atrocities in the crimes of 'Mang Won', the murderous criminals who are being committed with the people's tax money,
The causes of calamity and destruction,
Commandments and Words of GOD
Law of JESUS
'Mang Won' (female and male), a terrorist in the US and South Korea
'Mang Won' (female and male) of South Korea and the United States, the torturer of Japan's murder, massacre, abuse,
The self-proclaimed 'Mang Won' (female and male), murderers of the National Intelligence Service at the Blue House,
'Mang Won' (female and male), murder robbers of South korean cbs Christian broadcasting station,
'Mang Won' (female and male), murder robbers from a Christian broadcasting station in South korea's 'Far East Asia',
'Mang Won' (female and male), murderers and massacres of TV and radio stations,
The X-Files on the crimes of South Korea's Blue House and the National Intelligence Service, and the self-proclaimed 'Mang Won' (female and male), the extortionists of murder, massacre, abuse, and torture.
'Mang Won''s 24-hour shift abusive torturers,
South Korea's self-proclaimed 'Mang Won' (male and female), death row inmates without public statute of limitations,
The 'National Intelligence Service X-Files' about the crimes of the Blue House in South korea,
Antichrists, Christianity and Catholicism in South korea and America,
South korea's self-proclaimed 'Mang Won' (male and female), murder torturers,
The 'National Security Laws of Abuse of Power' exist to conceal crimes and commit crimes by those in power and criminals in the US and South korea.
defeat of Bush,
Servants of GOD Prophet Yi, Jung Yon ( David of JESUS ) ,
South korea's self-proclaimed 'Mang Won' (female and male), vicious killers, robbers, and destroyers,
Tortures of extortions and destructions of 'Mang Won',
The CIA's x-files about the crimes at the White House in the United States,
South korean and American pastors who are committing and aiding in the torture of murder and torture (female and male);
News articles of lies and fabrication and news articles of evidence,
The South korean National Security Agency and the National Intelligence Service, and the CIA and FBI in the United States, and the (blood pressure-raising) advisors of the murder, massacre, and abuse of 'Mang Won'.
'Mang Won', death row inmates for murder, massacre, abuse, torture, and crimes in South korea and United States, and 'Mang Won''s lies and slander manipulation, crime concealment, and perjury crime broadcasts,
The collapse of the United States and South korea,
'Mang Won', murderers, slaughter, abuse, torture, extortion and saboteurs in US and South korea who have been committing criminal tortures to GOD ( JESUS ) , his servant Propet Yi and Prophet Yi's family for over 30 years under the National Security Act of Power.
Murder tortures of a more vicious intensity than the terror of 'Mang Won', the murderers of South korea and United States,
According to the laws of JESUS in the Bible, "there are sins that cannot be forgiven even after death"
We can't have any legal measures for human rights or ethics and morality for the vicious murderers and bastards and their families and households.
Because they have no such rights or powers.
To put it more simply, they do not have the right or authority to even have a lawyer. Naturally.
If anyone has sympathy for the criminals 'Mang Won' (male and female) and their families (to the demons and offspring of Satan), the punishments and retaliations they suffer are beyond imagination.
And with the punishments and retaliations of Hell, I will tear them to pieces and cut them into pieces for dogs to tear and eat, and to make manure. according to the laws of JESUS .
The filthy souls are in the agony of unimaginable evils and demons, the punishments and retaliations of hell, without end and without a moment's rest or breath, tearing them apart, turning them mad, making assholes. Will brutally tear you to pieces and make you beg for death !
Criminals in South korea and the United States have committed premeditated murder, massacre, abuse, torture, and crimes to God and his servant "Prophet Yi" and his family under the National Security Law for abuse of power, 'repaying favor with evil' for over 30 years.
According to the laws of Jesus, "those who know the truth and yet close their eyes will not escape the scourge of unimaginable punishments, and from this world onwards will be torn to pieces in the most cruel punishments of hell and sufferings of abuses in retribution.
Also from this world, they will be beg to die in the pains of the cruelest punishments and retaliations of hell.
It goes on and on forever.”
Only the stupid and ignorant evil devil and satanic murderers (female and male) are unable to bear the crimes and crimes of sins beyond their imagination, and are brutally and terribly slaughtered, murdered, robbed and destroyed. Will die cruelly. (Self-proclaimed 'Mang Won' (female and male), all killer bitches and bastards in Korea and America, their families and relatives, and those who traded with them, etc.)
In abominations and complacency, in arrogance and cunning, I will kill with plagues and calamities of punishments and retaliations, more cruel and terrible, tyrannical and ignorant.
And the criminals will be killed with the tortures of evil crimes and demons as well as cruel cruelty.
And criminals are also killed with harm and resentment for evil crimes in biological experiments.
And will kill criminals by robbery and destruction.
Without a rest and morment Continue, More than they crime ! By Law of GOD !
Also, they beg to die with rapes and unimaginable slaughter and slaughter of dogs.
And with the more cruel evils of abuse, they are hacked to pieces and torn to pieces to die.
Also, they will continue to be torn apart in the pain of abuse beyond imagination, being abused, being teased and ridiculed by the evil ones.
For 24 hours a day, we will tear apart 'criminals and their families' more brutally and kill them in pain with more brutal crimes of evil that are not the same.
The criminals and their families are brutally killed with incomparable retribution and punishments for the crimes of unimaginable crimes that criminals commit beyond their means.
For over 30 years of crime, they will be immediately punished, and all criminals and their families in South korea and United States are brutally destroyed and killed with disasters of cruel punishment. amen. constancy.
Either dying forever in the calamities and calamities of cruel punishments like them, or following the commands of the laws of "Prophet Yi" who was established by GOD in the world and is already known and respected worldwide.
They will be freed from the sufferings of abuse, or they will be burdened according to their sins.
Not only can they do nothing without resolving their problems, but will be they beg to die gnashing their teeth with cruel punishments and retaliations, in unimaginable sufferings of evils and abuses of demons that are only incomparable to their sins.
They will be heard, torn to pieces, thrown into hell, begging to die forever in the pains of the most cruel abuses.
According to the laws of God and according to common sense that everyone knows!
March 30, 2010 Prophet Yi , David of JESUS
Murder and massacre criminals in the U.S. and Korea abuse the National Security Law for success, profit, and money only for their own 'out-of-pocket' dirty greed, and are brutally committing the crime of murder in a vicious manner. The criminals at the bottom of society.
In the United States and Korea, criminals are said to get ahead and receive more money according to their performance in evil and cruel crimes. The same goes for the families of criminals.
These crimes were carried out from Bill Clinton and Hillary in the United States and Kim Young-sam and his son Kim Hyun-chul in South korea.
In particular, an announcer named Aaron of the American ABC broadcasting station said that he would become a member of the House of Representatives as a reward for his crime, but during a public speech, a situation occurred where he was sweating and could not speak properly. And again, he went back to his position as an announcer at ABC station and continues to commit crimes.
He claims to have climbed into a position he couldn't climb for more than 30 years, committing even more heinous crimes through abuse of power and dereliction of duty, the most heinous crimes worse than those of the military regime, and enjoys crimes.
South korean and American murderers (female and male), announcers and anchors of KBS, SBS, MBC, CBS Christian radio stations, Far East Asia Christian broadcast stations, overcame the fountain and committed unimaginable atrocities under the National Security Law for Abuse of Authority.
They have been committing brutal crimes for over 30 years by abusing the National Security Law, Broadcasting Laws and religious laws of abuse of power.
Nevertheless, criminals are said to be able to become lawmakers and politicians with power beyond their means, become emeritus professors as they wish, and do whatever they want.
They ridicule people by concealing crimes, make the country and its people perish and annihilate, make fun of them, and openly commit cruel crimes in viciousness, without being punished by the law.
They enjoy and are still committing crimes and crimes of more vicious murderous atrocities, and are causing the country and its people to perish in more cruel and brutal suffering.
Pastors and evangelists in South korea and the United States, who are low quality and not even garbage, are the same, as are priests and nuns. (Especially the Cardinals in South korea and United States)
Before and after 1994, how the Vatican treated South korean Catholics and cardinals can be easily confirmed by comparing the data based on news.
Also, how the Baptists, Methodists, and Presbyterians in United States have treated pastors and evangelists of Christianity in South korea, and how they are treating them since 1994, can be easily confirmed by looking for news articles based on the evidence.
It is easy to see how Hollywood in the United States has treated South korean celebrities, broadcasting stations, and entertainer agencies, and how the treatment has changed since October 1994 by checking the related news articles by date.
All those death-row inmates are intentionally making fun of the country and its people and destroying them like trampling on insects for the sake of success and favors beyond their means and to conceal and hide their unimaginable crimes.
In addition, people are pushed into the disasters of punishment and retaliation of GOD and GOD's servant, Prophet Yi, who are beyond imagination, and suffer the pain of unimaginable abuses, and are causing the extinction.
All calamities, calamities and retribution of punishment are, of course, due to 'Mang Won' (female and male), the killers of all tv and radio stations, including Christianity and Catholicism, antichrists in South korea, America and Japan.
And because of pastors and evangelists, priests and nuns, who are the murderers of self-proclaimed churches, which are the dens of death row inmates, the disaster of punishment is being inflicted.
In addition, a disaster of cruel punishment is being handed down on the crimes committed by the self-proclaimed 'Mang Won' (female and male) of the National Intelligence Service and the National Security Agency, who are the criminals of torture, terrorism, rape, robbery, and sabotage of murder, massacre, and abuse.
(Including celebrities, celebrity promoters, announcers, reporters, anchors, producers, production crews, moderators, and program hosts) (Blue House and White House)
In particular, disasters of more brutal punishment are being inflicted because of those who are said to be trading with the lowest-level murderers, who call themselves 'Mang Won' (female and male).
(Violent murder, torture, terrorism, rape, robbery and sabotage in South korea and United States and Japan and the United Kingdom)
And cruel punishments, diseases, and epidemics of the evil of retaliation are falling down on South korea and United States, Japan and England without end.
In addition, disobeying the command of "Prophet Yi", the servant of God, and fabricating the crimes of unimaginable crimes with heinous lies, and broadcasting crimes that are beautifully decorated and shown to people, so a more cruel disaster of punishment falls.
Since they are committing crimes like 'low-quality murderers in South korea and United States', more cruel and tyrannical punishments are coming down.
The calamity of cruel punishment is befalling the families of the murderers of evil devils and countries that dare to make evil use of GOD and his servant, "Prophet Yi", for profit beyond their means.
In particular, the murderers of South korea and United States are torn to shreds with disasters and retaliations of punishments that are incomparable to the crimes of cruel and unimaginable sins, and suffer the most brutal destructions incomparable to Sodom and Gomorrah.
For 24 hours a day, we will tear apart 'criminals and their families' more brutally and kill them in pain with more brutal crimes of evil that are not the same. The criminals and their families are brutally killed with incomparable retribution and punishments for the crimes of unimaginable crimes that criminals commit beyond their means.
For over 30 years of crime, they will be immediately punished, and all criminals and their families in South korea and United States are brutally destroyed and killed with disasters of cruel punishment. amen. constancy.
They knew that GOD had established His Servant, Prophet Yi, on the world and brought down calamities of punishment for the transgression of sin. Also, they knew from the beginning that GOD works miracles of grace in the presence of people.
Also, murderers in the US and South korea committed ugly crimes (with dirty eyes) and knew all of them by checking them out.
However, murderers in United States and South korea deliberately committed crimes of murder and abuse against GOD , His servant "Prophet Yi" and his family.
They repay kindness with evil, and they have been committing crimes more viciously for over 30 years.
According to the laws of JESUS in the Bible, "even though we know that these are sins that cannot be forgiven even after death"
Therefore, the killers of South korea and America (the killers of Satan and devil) will tear to pieces the most brutally from this world and kill in pain of abuse. Even in hell, forever and ever. by Prophet Yi , David of JESUS
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