2024년 8월 31일 토요일
Church Found Engulfed In Flames
@ Need Translation. ;
In 2022, when American criminal Joe Biden visits South korea, the United States and South Korea will face a more brutal punishment, as South korean murderers repeatedly subjected JESUS and me and my family to repeated brutal murders, massacres, and tortures of cruelty.
Destroy them in the midst of calamity, continue.
Incomparably more brutally than the calamities of punishment that have already been carried out. It also destroys South korea and United States with very cruel calamities, just as it did in the calamities of punishment. At the same time in Hell, too.
As a servant of JESUS , I want,
Destroying all Democrats in America, a den of murder and robbery, in the calamity of punishment. Make them beg for death in pain.
The dead are torn more cruelly in Hell, begging to die.
The evil criminals and their families in Hell are also torn to shreds and
abused in torments with more brutal punishments and evils !
Destroys everything in South korea and America, and rips apart only with more brutal evils crime and punishments !
All of my orders and punishments are retaliation in response to the crimes of South korea and United States and are also punishments of GOD's law.
In the name of my Lord JESUS , I command that South korea and America be destroyed and destroyed beyond comparison more than Sodom and Gomorrah ! More than they crime. Amen. immutability. by Prophet Yi ( David of JESUS ) From May 20, 2022 to May 25, 2022
I'm talking about the US elections in 2022, one of the objectives of the murders committed by South korean criminals, American Joe Biden, and American criminals, who are murderers.
Not only Americans and South koreans who are murderers and robbers of Satan and devil, but among those who have the right to vote in America, Joe Biden and Bill Clinton and Hillary of America also voted for Obama, and Democrats and those who voted for them. Before everyone votes, they will destroy them with the plagues of cruel punishment and evil, and they will kill them in the agony of abuse!
Also, Los Angeles, the Democratic district of United States are destruction and annihilation with all the more brutal punishment calamities and evils!
Not only Americans and South koreans who are murderers and robbers of Satan and devil, but among those who have the vote in United States, those who vote for the Democratic Party of America, to which Joe Biden, Bill Clinton and Hillary, and Obama belong, are cruelly punished even before they vote.
Destroy with calamities and evils, and kill in the agony of abuse !
Also, let LA, which is the Democratic Party of the United States, destroy and annihilate with the more cruel punishments and evils !
In more cruel evils and in the calamities of punishment and in the pains of abuse. With the scourge of cruel evil crimes and punishment without a momentary pause or the same. More brutal than the crimes of murder robbers in South Korea and United States.
Criminals and families of all TV and radio stations (especially murder robbers in news stations and their families) in South Korea and United States, including religions that engage in 24-hour rotations of torture of murder, extortion, destruction, and abuse. Let them be slaughtered with brutal slaughter with more cruel evils and plagues of punishment, and extortion and destruction of abuse and slaughter!
In more cruel evils and in the calamities of punishment and in the pains of abuse. With the scourge of cruel evil crimes and punishment without a momentary pause or the same. More brutal than the crimes of murder robbers in South Korea and United States.
Criminals and families of all TV and radio stations (especially murder robbers in news stations and their families) in South Korea and United States, including religions that engage in 24-hour rotations of torture of murder, extortion, destruction, and abuse.
Let them be slaughtered with brutal slaughter with more cruel evils and plagues of punishment, and extortion and destruction of abuse and slaughter !
Amidst the more cruel evils, the calamities of punishment, and the pains of abuse, where there is no momentary rest or the same. More brutal than the crimes of murder robbers in South Korea and United States. Criminals and families of all TV and radio stations (especially murder robbers in news stations and their families) in South Korea and United States, including religions that engage in 24-hour rotations of torture of murder, extortion, destruction, and abuse. Crush the dog with more cruel evils and plagues of punishment, and extortion and destruction of abuse and slaughter !
Also, the souls of those criminals (thoughts of their heads) are hacked and shredded with the evils of cruel abuse 24 hours a day! More brutal evils that cannot be compared to the evil deeds that South korean and American murderers are committing against Jesus, me and my family.
Satan and devil’s murderers and robbers in South korea and United States
Let the self-proclaimed pastors, evangelists and priests, nuns and their families tear themselves into more brutal evils, tortured in pain, and extorted and destroyed. With calamities of evils and punishments that cannot be compared to their iniquities and transgressions. Amen.
If you disrespect the name and word of God and commit heinous crimes in the vicious nature of slaughter, abuse, extortion and destruction, the calamity of punishment will come upon you.
Again, Heatwave, heavy snow, and hail and flood and Another plague mutation and Burn It and "Coronavirus 19" another one ..... Tornado and "Coronavirus 19" From XL, XE, XM...New mutations appear consecutively. After the earthquake and after Burn It !
more than their ('Mang Won', South korean and American, females and males and their families ) crimes. Continue
(Antichrist, murderers from all stations, including Christian TV radio, and murder robbers from the Blue House and the White House, the National Intelligence Service and the CIA, as well as pastors and preachers and priests and nuns.)
What could you do while committing murder, genocide, abuse, torture, extortion and destruction to JESUS and me with South korean killer bitches!
There is nothing you can do. Only beg to die in agony with more cruel punishments of plagues and retaliation!
The US and UK and South korea and Japan and Jewish are ending to the money gains of crime.
Cause of the disaster, Murderers in South korea and the United States are deliberately committing a crime beyond imagination to JESUS and his servant Prophet Yi and his family by abusing the National Security Law and abuse of authority. For their crime concealment, the power and money of the crime. For over 29 years, they have been committing crimes with a 24-hour shift. (Criminals, Mang-Won) What can you do in this situation? by Prophet Yi Jung-Yon ( David of JESUS )
Must be brutally punish the murderers Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton's and American ABC perpetrators and their families. And dogs of them, too. Punish them more cruelly than their crimes. Punishment right now.
Why journallists targeted ???!!! How about America?! Are you afraid of your crime ?! Did you made president of USA by crime ?! For money and power !
And you have a lot of crime for your money and power ...........
Criminals from all TV and radio stations in the US and South Korea have also committed the same crimes.
(Especially celebrities, Hollywood, celebrity agencies, news agencies, reporters, anchors, announcers, producers, production crew, director, president, etc.)
Whatever! Someone who have relationship with Murderers South korean and American will Kill and destroy with cruel revenge and punishment, Immediately (Like criminals South korea, more than they crime) Continue in hell ! cause of the disaster, because crime of S. korean and USA, Evil and cruel criminals, What a Ugly South Koreans and USA! cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American) Must be Brutally Kill and destroy them and they family ('Mang Won', Hollywood and Broadcasting station including Christianity of Antichrist and Press Bureau of broadcasting station and ‘K POP’ and entertainer and entertainer agency, CIA, NSA, FBI, ........) more than they crimes ! Massacre and Abuse with cruel evils, Torture and kill painfully, Without the same and rest ! This is a strict command of GOD ( JESUS ) by “Prophet Yi” Jung-Yon , David of JESUS
한국과 미국의 살인학살 강탈파괴 사형수 년들과 놈들인 '망원' <이 살인자 년들과 놈들 그리고 가족들이라고 하는 사형수들에게는 법의 처벌과 사형은 사치품이다. 29년 전부터 24시간 교대로 저질러 오고 있는 악질 살인학살과 학대의 고문들은 물론이고 가정파괴와 생활파괴 생체실험과 모든 강탈파괴의 악질에 범행에 비교도 되지 않게 폐인을 만들어서 뇌를 갈기갈기 찢어서 잔인하게 죽여라! 신의 강령이시다! 아멘. 불변.>
Evil and cruel criminals, What a Ugly South Koreans and USA! cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American) Must be Brutally Kill and destroy them and they family ('Mang Won', Hollywood and Broadcasting station including Christianity of Antichrist and ‘K POP’ and entertainer and entertainer agency, CIA, NSA, FBI, ........) more than they crimes ! Massacre and Abuse with cruel evils, Torture and kill painfully, Without the same and rest ! This is a strict command of GOD ( JESUS ) by “Prophet Yi” Jung-Yon , David of JESUS
국가보안법을 악용을 하여서 분수에 넘는 출세와 돈을 목적으로 24시간 교대로 저지르고 있는 살인학살과 학대의 만행은 물론이고 강탈파괴와 가정파괴 그리고 법을 악용을 한 만행들을 저지르며 거짓과 조작의 뉴스를 내 보내고 있는 너희 방송국과 국정원 (안기부) 의 범죄자들 때문에 나타나고 있는 결과들이다.
너희와 너희의 가족들도 당하라. 너희가 저지르고 있는 범죄와 범행에 비교도 되지 않게 말이다.
너희 방송국의 살인강도의 년놈들이 포함이 되어져 있는 안기부와 국정원 x파일 때에도 너희는 모르쇠로 거짓과 조작의 범행에 뉴스를 내 보냈다. 광주사태 그리고 세월호 사건 때에도 너희는 같은 짓을 저지르고 모르쇠에 거짓과 조작의 범행에 뉴스와 방송들을 내 보냈다. TV와 FM 라디오 방송국에서 동시에 말이다. 더 더군다나 너희 기독교들은 더 악날하고 가증스러운 범죄를 저지르며 범행의 설교와 방송들을 내 보내고 있다. 하늘에서 내려지고 있는 모든 형벌의 재앙과 재난들 속에서도 더 가증스럽고 악질에 범죄와 범행을 저질러 오고 있다. 결과는 뻔하다. 더 잔인하게 형벌의 재앙과 재난 그리고 너희들의 악들에 비교도 되지 않게 너희 가족들 모조리 다 갈기갈기 찢어서 학대의 고통들 속에서 미쳐서 돌게 하며 잔인하게 뒈질 것이다. 24시간 쉼이나 똑 같음이 없이 개 난도질로 말이다. 살인학살과 학대의 기계에 비교도 되지 않게 (주파수 군사 무기) 말이다.
모조리 다 강탈과 파괴들을 시킨다. 끝도 한도 없이 말이다. 두번 다시는 정상적으로 돌아 올수도 없을 것이며 일어난다는 생각과 단어를 상상도 하지 못하게 된다. 오로지 상상을 초월을 하는 악들과 보복들로 끝도한도 없는 밑바닥으로 곤두박질치며 개 학살 학대 고문 난도질을 당하게 된다. 지옥에서는 비교도 안되게 더 잔인하게 말이다. 아멘, 불면.
Antichrist Satan and the devil's murder robber,
His (South korean and US American) words are sweet and tender, but his deeds are evil criminals, and his words are those of Satan and the devil. There is no love in his actions. Therefore, he has no love in his heart either. Whether it is a church or not can be known by looking at the people who are the fruits of that church.
He's a heinous and evil murder robber
You and your family will rip and kill you in this world more brutally than your crimes. In the agony of unimaginable abuse, he begs to die, and he rips and kills in the most brutal way. Torn in the pains of the cruelest abuse even in Hell. Without a 24-hour break or the same. More cruel than your crimes. You murderous thief of Satan and the devil, beg to die in pain more cruel than hell. Continue
First of all, Are you kiding me?
born again? You have another mother and father ? So you paid money for your new mom and dad. Who's your new mom and dad?
How you make the born again?
Washed by the water, so born again? made in where? water ! What kind of water?
burn it, fire is good news???
your soul set free? How ? Who told you? How much pay to him or her? amazing grace? From where?? JESUS don't know about this. Are you work for JESUS ????
Are you? What kind work do you have for JESUS ?! JESUS don't know you !
Are you clean? go to sleep. save? I don't think so.
Your mean save you money? Or want a free money or money of crime ?!
Do you think, you can have love of JESUS without punishment your crime?! I don't think so.
If another man or she kill the your family and after than He or she tell you, ' I am save by love of JESUS ' Do you like it and Understand ?!
Just get the hell with your fuking antichrist pastor !
Without the punishment, You can't have love of JESUS ! Never and Ever !
Your fucking antichrist pastor is criminal and you, too.
Don't make the crime use JESUS name and love of JESUS !
You must be remember about this, Punishment of JESUS , Always follow to you !
Among the evidence for the collapse of South korea and the United States,
(South korea Entertainment))
What could you do while committing murder, genocide, abuse, torture, extortion and destruction to JESUS and me with South korean killer bitches! There is nothing you can do. Only beg to die in agony with more cruel punishments of plagues and retaliation!
Those who have a relationship with South Korea, which is falsely manipulating the number of 'coronavirus 19' confirmed cases, will perish in pain due to a more brutal punishment. Of course it is. (News to the stations of criminals who are speaking to people by not properly testing for COVID-19 and making the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 small.)
Even more brutally, the mutation of COVID-19 will be contagious and the economy will collapse and destroy. very quickly
Corona virus 19 will not go away until these things are released.
Murderers of South korean and American must be disclosed.
Also, must be brutally and openly punish all crimes of them.
Naturally all families of them, too. by Prophet Yi /
From https://facebook.com/jungyon.yi Continue
"Bible" said :
Isaiah 33 : 4 - 6
Isaiah 33 : 1
Isaiah 32 : 1 - 8
Isaiah 31 : 1 – 3
Isaiah 30 : 33
Isaiah 30 : 27 - 28
Isaiah 30 : 9 - 14
Isaiah 30 : 1 - 3
Isaiah 29 : 21
Isaiah 29 : 13 - 16
From https://facebook.com/jungyon.yi Continue /
The "Bible" Ezekiel 21 : 5 - 22 : 31
From https://facebook.com/jungyon.yi Continue
Bible (Scripture) ;
John 1 : 1 - 5 ,
Jeremiah 18 : 18 – 23 ,
Jeremiah 17 : 18 ,
Jeremiah 16 : 3 - 9 ,
Jeremiah 15 : 20 - 21 ,
Jeremiah 15 : 1 - 3 ,
Jeremiah 13 : 13 - 18 /
From https://facebook.com/jungyon.yi and https://twitter.com/Prophetyi Continue
Bible (Scripture) Jeremiah 18 : 18 – 23
Criminals South korean and USAmerican, They said .......
From https://facebook.com/jungyon.yi Continue
Bible (Scripture) Jeremiah 16 : 3 - 9
This is what the LORD says about the children produced here, the mothers who gave birth to them, and the fathers who gave them birth! They die of severe illness, can't feel sad and can't get burial. In the den of Criminals, S. korea and USA. ..... https://www.facebook.com/jungyon.yi
Bible (Scripture) Jeremiah 15 : 1 - 3 /
The LORD said to me, I destroy Criminals South korean and USAmerican, more than Sodom and Gomorrah. More than crime of them. If Moses and Samuel stood before me but my heart cannot change it. Never Ever. Amen.
From https://facebook.com/jungyon.yi
First time, I talk to people. I not recognize South korea as a country. From the beginning, South korea cannot be a country. History is evidence. That's not nation. South korea is just slave to the United States and Japan and a murderer dog. South koreans are only the evil 'Josenjing' who brutally kills their own people. /
KBS, MBC, SBS Broadcasting, the den of criminals in the murder of South korea and the anti-Christian broadcaster of CBS and FEBC Far East Broadcasting have been committing these murders since 27 years ago. With the ABC, ..... https://www.facebook.com/jungyon.yi
The Blue House and the National Intelligence Service of the Republic of Korea, and the White House and the CIA of the United States paid psychologists 100 billion won for the development of 10 torture techniques for the torture of Yong Yok (Criminals, workers of garbage,
criminals at the bottom, Etc. 'Mang Won'). For murder abuse torture to JESUS and Prophet Yi and family of Prophet Yi. Tax for crimes of abuse (December 10, 2014, News) Just they paid for the cost of'developing 10 torture techniques' for the crime of torture, abuse torture. More than 29 years in South Korea and the United States, more money has been paid to criminals. With the people's taxes. It started with South Korea's Kim Young-sam and Kim Young-sam's sons Kim Hyun-cheol and Kim Dae-jung and the American Democrats Bill Clinton and Hillary and Republicans' Bush. Even now. /
CBS Broadcasting, the den of criminals in the murder of South korea, and the anti-Christian broadcaster of FEBC Far East Broadcasting have been committing these murders since 29 years ago. With CBN and TBN stations, ...... https://www.facebook.com/jungyon.yi
Rationalization of crime. Abuse of authority and abuse of law (exploit the abuse and the law) / Crime is only a crime and there are only penalties for the law. South korea and USA, the den of criminals, must no more harm other countries. It is the duty of the people to punish ... / Desecration interruptus. https://twitter.com/.../status/1278401884227764224/video/1
Evil and cruel criminals, What a Ugly South Koreans and USA! cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American) Must be Brutally Kill and destroy them and they family ('Mang Won', Hollywood and Broadcasting station including Christianity of Antichrist and ‘K POP’ and entertainer and entertainer agency ....) more than they crimes! / Rationalization of crime. Abuse of authority and abuse of law (exploit the abuse and the law) / Crime is only a crime and there are only penalties for the law. South korea and ...... / Outside a South Korean hotel where foreigners are quarantined, neighborhood residents have been protesting with drums, gongs and loudspeakers for hours each day, accusing the government of exposing them to infection https://t.co/PRWZ9bRwJ1?amp=1
"Si España hubiera ordenado el confinamiento a finales de febrero, la mayoría de las vidas se habría salvado" https://t.co/G3s7ayk29R?amp=1
Whatever! Someone who have relationship with Murderers South korean and American will Kill and destroy with cruel revenge and punishment, Immediately (Like criminals South korea, more than they crime) Continue in hell ! cause of the disaster, because crime of S. korean and USA, / Outside a South Korean hotel where foreigners are quarantined, neighborhood residents have been protesting with drums, gongs and loudspeakers for hours each day, accusing the government of exposing them to infection https://t.co/Wucr5dfsRp?amp=1
Earthquake: Magnitude 3.6 quake reported near Napa, Calif. 2020. 10. 27 news / The punishment of JESUS because crime of Twitter company. Must be destroys. Related evidence ; @commandofJESUS @jungyidavid @Yijungyon
50-acre brush fire in Santiago Canyon area near Irvine prompts mandatory evacuations 2020. 10. 27 news / The punishment of JESUS because crime of Twitter company. Must be destroys. Related evidence ; @commandofJESUS @jungyidavid @Yijungyon /
Jay Leno, a murderer at NBC in the United States, has committed murderous murders on a 24-hour shift, along with South korean murderers, against to JESUS and JESUS' servant "Prophet Yi" and his family. 'Jay Leno' has robbed "JESUS servant Prophet Yi" and used it wickedly in the broadcast of his crimes. 'Jay Leno' has been making money for profit by committing a crime beyond imagination. Kill the vicious murderer 'Jay Leno' and his family and kill them cruelly in pain. Kill him in the pain of cruel massacre and abuse, incomparable to his crimes. Rob and destroy everything that he and his family is holding. The cause of all the calamities of punishment is Jay Leno's crime. by Prophet Yi Jung-Yon ( David of JESUS ) Sep 15, 2020
Say and write 'children' in Russian so the Russian soldiers can see it.
And war is slaughter.
It's easy to understand if you compare America's Bill Clinton and Hillary and Jimmy Carter and Bush and Obama and Joe Biden to the wars of genocide and extortion and destruction in Iraq and Afghanistan. CNN's killers for false news reports that Iraq Saddam Hussein has chemical and biological weapons
And the killers of war in the United States, the Democrats and Republicans Bush and Bill Clinton, Hillary and Obama, Joe Biden and Jimmy Carter, Are imprisoned by the UN and the law? Not yet.
Скажіть і напишіть «діти» російською, щоб російські солдати бачили це.
А війна – це бійня.
Це легко зрозуміти, якщо порівняти американських Білла Клінтона, Гілларі, Джиммі Картера, Буша, Обаму і Джо Байдена з війнами геноциду, вимагання та руйнування в Іраку та Афганістані. Вбивці CNN за неправдиві новини повідомляють, що Ірак Саддам Хусейн має хімічну та біологічну зброю
А вбивці війни в Сполучених Штатах, демократи і республіканці Буш і Білл Клінтон, Гілларі і Обама, Джо Байден і Джиммі Картер, ув’язнені ООН і законом? Ще ні.
Listen, Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, open up right now all the crimes America and South korea and Japan and England and Jews have been doing to JESUS, me and my family 24/7 under the National Security Law for over 29 years!
We will mobilize all media, the Internet, and TV and radio stations to make it public, and also make it public at the United Nations!
Criminals impersonate humans and commit heinous and cruel crimes. They must be killed more brutally. To punish them, all nuclear and chemical weapons as well as frequency weapons and all cruel weapons are permitted.
You can't negotiate with those who promote crime with their help (USA and South korea, UK and Japan and Jews).
There is no compromise or negotiation in their heinous, evil and cruel crimes.
Attack America and South korea, Japan and England, and the Jews.
The European Union and other European countries will have to remain neutral.
No more allies. Only evil and justice exist.
That's will make benefit.
Let Iran and China and North Korea and Afghanistan and Iraq and all the countries hurry to prepare for war.
These are things that have to be done anyway.
Criminals Bill Clinton and Hillary and Obama and Joe Biden and his son want war?
Just like the Bush family.
Just like Iraq's Saddam Hussein who don't have biological and chemical weapons.
It was framed as news broadcasts for the crimes of lies and manipulation in CNN stations. And waged a war of genocide, extortion and destruction.
To destroy the evidence and evidence for the bribes they received from them and the black money of the crime, and to conceal the crime.
How much money for bribes and crimes received from China and Russia by the criminals Bill Clinton and Hillary and Obama and Joe Biden and the son of Joe Biden in America's Democratic Party?
How much They have money from crime by selling the country and people?
to the president of Ukraine
If you value people's lives, negotiate with Russia.
You continue to kindle the war. It started with your greed and evil gain.
In the name of independence, you took part in the evil crimes of the United States, Britain, and the Jews. You are hiding it.
As a comedian, you know better than anyone else about the evils of TV and radio news. You are participating in the crime of evil, and you are saying that you are taking advantage of it. It's the same with your wife. Stop this heinous crime and negotiate with Russia.
You are well aware that the crimes you are committing are destroying the economies of many countries and killing people in destruction and suffering.
Your crime is well aware that Bidens in the United States and the United Kingdom and Jews play a major role in concealment and profit of crime.
Joe Biden blunders and confuses himself with Kamala's husband 2022. 3. 16. news
Joe Biden has confused himself with the vice president's husband after saying he contracted coronavirus when he meant to say that second gentleman Doug Emhoff had tested positive for the virus earlier that day.
"The first lady’s husband contracted COVID," he said.
A member of his team was quick to remind the president it was Ms Harris' husband who had just contracted the virus and not himself.
"She's fine. Second lady – the first gentleman, how about that?" he said.
Americans, work hard to pay your taxes.
For Bill Clinton and Hillary and their daughters and children, and for Joe Biden and his family, and for Obama and his family, and for Bush and his family, and for Jimmy Carter's fame, and for the war in Ukraine. And for 'Mang Won' and their families who murderers of America and South korea
Eat hamburgers and coffee or whatever, and work hard from morning till dawn. only for tax
"캐나다 폭격 상상해봐라"…젤렌스키 '비행금지' 위해 역지사지 강조 2022.03.16 news
우크라이나 대통령, 너나 욕심을 버리고 러시아와 협상을 하세요. 코메디언이었던 너를 할리우드와 CIA를 사용을 하여서 대통령을 만들어 준 미국과 영국 그리고 유태인들에게 들 붙어서 악한 망상의 욕심에 사로 잡혀서 국민들 학살하지 마시구요. 이정도면 진실을 밝히고 제대로 협상을 하세요. 왜? 우크라이나에 미국과 영국 그리고 유태인의 핵무기 시설을 설치를 했나요? 언론 공작도 이제는 안되어요. 정신 차려요. 다른 나라들 끌어들여서 3차 대전 만들지 말구요. 미국의 조 바이든과 힐러리, 빌 클린턴, 오바마의 범죄은닉과 범행에 동참하지 말아요
러시아 외무부는 이날 성명을 통해 "3월 15일부터 상호주의에 근거해 미국의 바이든 대통령과 블링컨 국무장관, 로이드 오스틴 국방장관, 마크 밀리 합참의장 등과 일련의 정부 부처 지도자들, 유명 미국 활동가들을 '입국 금지 목록'에 포함한다"고 발표했다. 모두 13명으로 이루어진 제재 목록에는 젠 사키 백악관 대변인, 달립 싱 백악관 국가안보회의(NSC) 부보좌관, 서맨사 파워 미국 국제개발처장 등 정부 인사들과 바이든 대통령의 아들 헌터 바이든, 힐러리 클린턴 전 국무장관 등도 포함됐다. (뉴스 기사 중에) 2022.03.16 news /
러시아와 중국 그리고 그 외에 나라에서 뇌물을 받아 먹은 사악하고 가증스러운 살인학살과 학대의 범죄자들을 제재를 하였다. 미국과 미국의 동맹국들을 말아 쳐먹고 더럽고 잔인하게 멸망을 시키고 있는 마귀와 사탄의 더러운 물건들을 말이다. https://facebook.com/jungyon.yi
러시아는 일부 거짓조작의 뉴스 기사와는 달리 일반 시민들을 보호를 하며 인권을 존중을 하며 전쟁을 하고 있군요. 이러한 전쟁은 흔하지 않지요. 그동안 얼나마 조작이 된 CNN과 한국 방송국의 가증스럽고 추악한 뉴스 보도가 있었는지 생각하게 되는군요. 이 정도면 UN이나 국제기구에서도 러시아에 대해서 인권을 말을 할 수가 없겠군요.
전쟁은 학살임에도 불구하고 이러한 상황이 펼쳐질 수가 있다는 것이 참으로 믿을 수가 없습니다. 참으로 러시아 대단하군요. 또한 미국과 영국 그리고 일본과 한국 그리고 유태인들은 참으로 추악스럽고 가증스러우며 잔인하기가 이루 말로 표현이 되지를 않는군요. 우크라이나 코메디 출신을 대통령에 앉게 만들어서 핵무기와 생화학 부기를 지원을 하며 러시아를 위협을 하고 천연자원을 강탈을 하고 우크라이나 국민들을 자신들의 식민지에 노예처럼 만들려고 했으니 말입니다. 러시아 바로 앞에다가 핵무기 시설을 만들어 놓고 있다가 전쟁이 난 것 아니겠습니까! 예전에 소련이 쿠바에 미사일을 설치를 하려고 하자 미구그이 존 에프 케네디가 전쟁까지 진행을 하려고 했었지요. 지금 그 상황이 거꾸로 된 것이지요.
미국의 민주당에 조 바이든이 불법 범죄 대통령 선거로 TV 라디오 방송국의 범죄자들과 함께 처벌을 받고 탄핵이 진행이 되고 있는 상황에서 벌어진 일입니다.
미국은 국민의 시선을 전쟁쪽으로 쏠리게 하기 위해서 매일 모든 TV와 라디오 방송 특히 뉴스 방송에서 러시아와 우크라이나 사태에 대해서 보도를 하고 있으며 거짓과 조작의 방송들로 전쟁의 불에 바람을 불어 넣고 있습니다. 의회에서 엄청난 돈을 예산으로 받아서는 자신들 마음대로 횡령하고 강탈을 하며 나누어 가지면서 말입니다. 물론 CNN ABC CBS NBC 그리고 적그리스도인 미국의 크리스찬 채널 방송국들도 같이 범죄들을 저지르며 강탈한 돈을 나누어 가지고 범행의 이득을 나누고 있지요. 또한 범죄은닉을 위해서 가증스럽게도 그들은 사람의 흉내를 내고 올바른 사람들과 정의로운 사람들에게 악한 거짓의 누명을 씌워가며 보이지 않는 곳에서 잔인한 범행들을 저지르고 있습니다.
이런 일들은 이미 빌 클린턴과 힐러리 그리고 부시의 애비때부터 본격적으로 드러내어 놓고 저질러지기 시작을 했습니다.
이제 미국과 한국 그리고 그것들의 동맹국들은 심판을 받아야만 합니다. 그것이 세계의 질서가 바로 서는 것이며 사람이 사람처럼 사는 도덕적인 국제사회가 형성이 되는 단 하나의 방법 입니다. 하늘은 결코 미국과 한국 그리고 일본과 영국 또한 유태인들을 용서하지 않으실 것입니다.
UNCHAINED MELODY - The Righteous Brothers (Cover Benedetta Caretta) https://youtu.be/3bFByxQJsic
For American soldiers and their families
Vietnam War, Iraq War of Genocide, War of Abuse in Afghanistan and now.
It's different this time. Last one. why? Because of the murderous robbers in the Democrats in the White House and the families in the Republicans in the Bush
How many beggars and criminals at the bottom end up begging for help from Korea, which is not even a country at the bottom?! Samsung is a Korean company. America is terribly ruined. Because of the criminals Bill Clinton and Hillary and Obama and Jimmy Carter and Joe Biden. And because of the criminal Bush's family.
* Check the news .......
It is only a small part of the truth of the case.
A lot more is going on in South korea and the United States, both huge and brutal.
Early heatwave in the Northeast of the United States, up to 35 degrees.. 50cm of snow fell in the West 2022. 05. 23. news
Nationwide Covid Cases Are Up 55 Percent 2022. 5. 20. news
Coastal fire burns through Southern California, destroying at least 20 homes 2022. 5. 13 news
Dozens Of Homes Destroyed As Enormous Wildfire Scorches Southern California 2022. 5. 13. news
New York wants to turn the page of Covid despite the registration of one million deaths in the United States with Covid 2022. 5. 13. news
Breakthrough COVID-19 deaths increasing as omicron subvariants spread 2022. 5. 12. news
Covid Cases Surge Nationwide As White House Warns Of Potential Surge Ahead 2022. 5. 9. news
Andover family loses everything from tornado damage, 7 days after moving in 2022. 5. 1. news
Kansas Town Hit By Massive Tornado On The Same Day As An EF-5 Hit 31 Years Ago 2022. 5. 1 news
Wildfires Across The Tornado Alley Continue To Grow 2022. 4. 25. news
"Coronavirus 19" From XL, XE, XM...New mutations appear consecutively in South korea. 2022. 4. 19 news
A magnitude 2.3 earthquake occurred in Changwon, South korea. Houses and buildings shook. 2022. 04. 18 news
CFD battles fire at Antioch Missionary Baptist Church on South Side
2022. 4. 16 news
Fire reported at church in Wilton Manors 2022. 4. 13. news
Antioch Missionary Baptist parishioners celebrate Easter despite fire 2022. 4. 17 news
Englewood church destroyed by fire 2022. 4. 16. news
Fire in Fort Lyon continues to burn Wednesday morning 2022. 4. 15 news
Tornado touches down in Louisville 2022. 4. 15. news
Texas on the brink of extinction! | Hail and tornadoes destroy everything in their path! 2022. 4. 14.
Nearly 2 dozen injured in Texas tornadoes 2022. 4. 14. news
Wind whips destructive wildfires in New Mexico 2022. 4. 14. news
In South korea, 'Moon Jae-in' and 'Yoon Seok-yeol' both fatally hit?!
Shocking way of spending 'special activity expenses'. 2022.04.12. news
How are special activity expenses in other countries managed?
“If you don’t disclose the receipt, you will be impeached.”
How is the overseas special activity expenses managed in South korea? What is the cost of overseas special activities? 2022.04.12 news
Vaccines do not exist when the root of the virus is unknown.
What about the vaccine you are talking about!
Just tell them to inject the nutritional supplement once a month. for immunity.
You are making money by fraud on the lies of the crime.
You are danger in Abuse of power and negligence.
Living with COVID-19
You are an evilly insane murder robber.
Die and perish in the torments of hell with Corona Virus 19.
The filthy things of Satan and the devil who have brought the wicked destruction of America and all nations.
Whatever! Someone who have relationship with Murderers South korean and American will Kill and destroy with cruel revenge and punishment, Immediately (Like criminals South korea, more than they crime) Continue in hell ! cause of the disaster, because crime of S. korean and USA, Evil and cruel criminals, What a Ugly South Koreans and USA! cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American) Must be Brutally Kill and destroy them and they family ('Mang Won', Hollywood and Broadcasting station including Christianity of Antichrist and Press Bureau of broadcasting station and ‘K POP’ and entertainer and entertainer agency, CIA, NSA, FBI, ........) more than they crimes ! Massacre and Abuse with cruel evils, Torture and kill painfully, Without the same and rest ! This is a strict command of GOD ( JESUS ) by “Prophet Yi” Jung-Yon , David of JESUS 한국과 미국의 살인학살 강탈파괴 사형수 년들과 놈들인 '망원' <이 살인자 년들과 놈들 그리고 가족들이라고 하는 사형수들에게는 법의 처벌과 사형은 사치품이다. 29년 전부터 24시간 교대로 저질러 오고 있는 악질 살인학살과 학대의 고문들은 물론이고 가정파괴와 생활파괴 생체실험과 모든 강탈파괴의 악질에 범행에 비교도 되지 않게 폐인을 만들어서 뇌를 갈기갈기 찢어서 잔인하게 죽여라! 신의 강령이시다! 아멘. 불변.>
Evil and cruel criminals, What a Ugly South Koreans and USA! cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American) Must be Brutally Kill and destroy them and they family ('Mang Won', Hollywood and Broadcasting station including Christianity of Antichrist and ‘K POP’ and entertainer and entertainer agency, CIA, NSA, FBI, ........) more than they crimes ! Massacre and Abuse with cruel evils, Torture and kill painfully, Without the same and rest ! This is a strict command of GOD ( JESUS ) by “Prophet Yi” Jung-Yon , David of JESUS
Testimony of NIS criminals in South korea (Recording) ;
About the appeasement and intimidation of the NIS in ugly (Criminal and Death Penalties) South korea, the den of criminals (including Blue House, White House, CiA, FBI, NSA, etc) 2019.09.03 news 殺人、強盗の巣窟である韓国に国家情報院の犯罪者に証言と証拠資料(録音);国家情報院の犯罪者の懐柔と脅迫が録音された証拠の資料の中である。(大統領府とホワイトハウスとCiAとFBIとNSAその他などを含む)
Even now, the den of criminals, South korean 'Jae-in Moon' government (NIS) have 'Citizen Investigator' of Illegal Power Abuse. Is South korea democratic country? 2019.08.28 news
今韓国は、職権乱用の国家保安法で殺人と虐殺そして虐待のコンサルタントとして恵みを悪に返すた強奪、破壊、レイプ、家庭破壊、社会の癌店、狂っそそるハヨソ勝手虐待ハヨソ利用をして完全犯罪に殺す犯行、ギターなどの犯罪を自分たちの犯罪の隠匿と権力そしてお金のために犯している。 24時間交代で台無しの虐殺と虐待の顧問を2年以上、イエスとプロペトが家族に行わている。韓国が民主主義国なのか?
A den of criminals, South korean 'Jae-in Moon' government (NIS) have 'Citizen Investigator' of Illegal Power Abuse. Murderer killer 'Mang Won' of NIS (Murder, slaughter, abuse torture, domestic destruction, life destruction, biological experiments, news of lies and manipulations, brainwashing, murder and abuse murders, crimes of rape, robbery, destruction, making crazy for torture The use of military weapons such as alternating murder and torture of abuse, complete crime, social militias, frequency killing machines; crimes that cause cognitive abilities to fall and make crazy, killing families and people; To suffer immediately from crimes, crimes that cause illness, and murder weapons. Etc) to kill and destroy. For 'cover the they crime' and black money of crime and power of crime. And Repetitively 'Mang Won' (They) More brutally kill and destroy JESUS and Prophet Yi and family, Alternately in 24 hours. After 25 years, Even now (Crime Concealment and breaking, Manipulation of crime for Benefit of crime)
More than 1.8 trillion won in taxes collected by the South korean government by mistake. More than 1.8 trillion won in 'wrongly collected taxes' (2021. Sep 19)
It was confirmed that half of the confirmed cases of 'coronavirus 19' in Seoul, Korea were breakthrough infections. (2021. Nov 2 news)
https://www.facebook.com/jywife https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002107077713
Again and Again ;
Europe "U.S. and South Korea must explain wiretapping allegations"...
2021. 06. 02 news
It has been revealed that South Korea has been playing the role of a key 'wiretapping and eavesdropping partner' for English-speaking 'Five Eyes' countries such as the United States. The five eyes refer to the five English-speaking countries that have formed an espionage alliance: the United States, Britain, Australia (Australia), New Zealand, and Canada. They are known to be eavesdropping on high-speed optical cables in 20 places around the world. 2013-11-25 news
한국이 미국 등 영어권 ‘다섯 개의 눈’(Five Eyes) 국가의 핵심 ‘도·감청 파트너’ 구실을 해왔다는 폭로가 나왔다. 다섯 개의 눈은 미국·영국·오스트레일리아(호주)·뉴질랜드·캐나다 등 첩보동맹을 맺은 영어권 5개국을 뜻한다. 이들은 세계 20곳에서 초고속광케이블을 도청하고 있는 것으로 알려졌다.
"South korea is America's key wiretapping partner" 013.11.26 news
Did South Korea's National Intelligence Service Really Hack Who? 2017. 08. 25 news
Continued crimes of criminals at the South korean kbs broadcasting station
'70 billion loss' KBS abused labor costs. 'Crime' .. Annual allowance of 12.33 million won per employee 2021. 09. 24 News
2013.10.23 news
http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec... KBS 7천 억 부채·700억 순손실 그러나 사장 연봉 35% 인상 (뉴스) South Korea, KBS broadcasting station 700000000000 Won debt, 70 billion net loss but CEO salary 35% hike / 2013.10.23 news 韓国のKBS放送局、7500億の負債·700億の純損失が、社長の給与35%引き上げ(ニュース)
In the eastern part of Spain, the death toll as high winds and floods rose to four. 2019.10.30 news / The punishment of truth from GOD by prophet Yi Jng-Yon ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies to the crime of them.
Spanish unification protests. "No independent Catalonia". 2019.10.29 news / Attend their will for independence. Let them 'Go' by Prophet Yi ( David of JESUS )
King of Spain Receives Honorary Citizenship from Seoul Mayor of A den of criminals, South korea. 2019.10.25 news
President of the Central Bank of Spain said "Catalan protests, adverse impact on the stalemate economy" 2019.10.29 news
National Assembly Chairman 'Moon Hee-sang' greets the King of Spain in ugly (Criminal and Death Penalties) South korea, the den of criminals 2019.10.24 news
A den of criminals, South Korean President Moon Jae-in, He's mother dies 2019.10.29 news
South Korea and Spain, construction cooperation accord. President Moon Jae-in, "Friendly Tourism Promotion" 2019.10.23 news
Isaiah 33:1
화가 있을지어다 너, 학대를 당하지 않고도 학대를 하며 속임을 입지 않고도 속이는 자들아 (한국과 미국의 살인학살 학대자 년들과 놈들인 ‘망원’과 그것들의 가족들) 너희들이 학대하기를 마치면 너희가 학대들을 당할 것이며 너희들이 속이기를 그치면 사람들이 너희들을 속이리라 ! (한국과 미국)
Isaiah 29:13 - 16
주께서 가라사대 이 백성이 입으로는 나를 가까이 하며 입술로는 나를 존경을 하나 그 마음은 나에게서 멀리 떠났나니 그들이 나를 경외함은 사람의 계명으로 가르침을 받았을뿐이라 그러므로 내가 이 백성 중에 기이한 일 곧 기이하고 가장 기이한 일을 다시 행하리니 그들 중의 지혜자의 지혜가 없어지고 명철자의 총명이 가리워지리라 ! 아멘.
화있을지언저 자기의 도모를 여호와께 깊이 숨기려 하는 자여 그 일을 어두운 데서 행하여 이르기를 누가 우리를 보랴 누가 우리를 알랴 하니, 너희의 폐리함이 심하도다. 토기장이를 어찌 진흙같이 여기겠느냐 지음을 받은 물건이 어찌 자기를 지은 자에 대하여 이르기를 그가 총명이 없다 하겠느냐 !
Isaiah 29:21
그들은 (한국과 미국) 송사에 사람에게 죄를 입히며 성문에서 판단하는 자를 올무로 잡듯하며 헛된 일로 의인을 억울하게 하느니라 ! 아멘.
Isaiah 30:1 - 3
여호와께서 가라사대 화있을진저 폐역한 자식들이여 (사탄과 마귀의 살인자 년놈들) 그들이 계교를 베푸나 나로 말미암아 하지 아니하며 맹약을 맺으나 나의 신으로 말미암아 하지 아니하였음이로다. 그들이 바로의 세력 안에서 스스로 강하려 하며 애굽에 그늘에 피하려 하며 애굽으로 내려갔으되 나의 입에 묻지 아니하였으니 죄에 죄를 더 하도다.
그러므로 바로의 세력이 너희의 수치가 되며 애굽의 그늘에 피함이 너희의 수욕이 될 것이라.
Isaiah 30:9 - 14
대저 이는 패역한 백성이요 거짓말하는 자식이요 여호와의 법을 듣기 싫어하는 자식이라 ! (미국과 한국)
그들이 선견자에게 이르기를 선견하지 말라, 선지자에게 이르기를 우리에게 정직한 것을 보이지 말라, 부드러운 말을 하라, 거짓된 것을 보이라, 너희는 정로를 버리며 첩경에서 돌이키라 이스라엘의 거룩하신 자로 우리 앞에서 떠나시게 하라 하는도다.
이러므로 이스라엘의 거룩하신 자가 말씀하시되, 너희가 이 말을 업신여기고 압박과 허망을 믿어 그것에 의뢰하니, 이 죄악이 너희로 마치 무너지게 된 높은 담이 불쑥 나와 경각간에 홀연히 무너짐 같게 하리라 하였은즉 그가 이 나라들을 (한국과 미국) 폐파 하시되 토기장이가 그릇을 훼파함 같이 아낌이 없이 파쇄하시리니, 그 조각 중에서 아궁이에서 불을 취하거나 물 웅덩이에서 물을 뜰 것도 얻지 못하리라 ! 아멘.
Isaiah 33:4 - 6
황충의 모임같이 사람들이 너희들의 노략물들을 모을 것이며 메뚜기의 뛰어 오름같이 그들이 그 위로 뛰어 오르리라 ! 여호와께서는 지존하시니 이는 높은데 거하심이요 공평과 의로 시온에 충만하게 하심이라 ! 다윗의 시대에 평안함이 있으며 구원과 지혜와 지식이 풍성할 것이니 여호와를 경외함이 다윗의 보배니라 ! 아멘. 불변.
Isaiah 32:1 - 8
보라 장치 한 왕이 ( 다윗, David of JESUS ) 신의 의로 통치를 할 것이요. 방백들이 공평으로 정사를 할 것이며 또 그 사람은 광풍을 피하는 곳, 폭우를 가리우는 곳 같을 것이며 마른 땅에 냇물 같을 것이며 곤비한 땅에 큰 바위 그늘 같으리니 보는 자의 눈이 감기지 않을 것이요 듣는 자의 귀가 기울어질 것이며 조급한 자의 마음이 지식을 깨닫고 어눌한 자의 혀가 민첩하여 말을 분명히 할 것이라 ! 어리석은 자를 다시 존귀하다 칭하지 아니 하겠고 퀘휼한 자를 다시 정대하다 말하지 아니 하리니 이는 어리석은 자는 어리석은 것을 말하며 그 마음에 불의를 품어 간사를 행하며 패역한 말로 여호와를 거스리며 주린 자의 심령을 비게 하며 목마른 자의 마시는 것을 없어지게 함이며 퀘휼한 자는 그 그릇이 악하여 악한 계획을 베풀어 거짓말로 가련한 자를 멸하며 빈핍한 자가 말을 바르게 할지라도 그리함이어니와 고명한 자는 고명한 일을 도모 하나니 그는 항상 고명한 일에 서리라 !
Isaiah 30:27 - 28
보라 여호와의 이름이 원방에서부터 오되 그의 진노가 불붙듯 하며 빽빽한 연기가 일어나듯 하며 그 입술에는 분노가 찼으며 그 혀는 맹렬한 불 같으며 그 호흡은 마치 창일하여 목에까지 미치는 하수 같은즉 그거 멸하는 키로 열방을 까부르며 미혹하게 하는 자갈을 여러 민족의 입에 먹이시리니,
Isaiah 30:33
여오화께서 그 장엄한 목소리를 듣게 하시며 혁혁한 진노로 그 팔의 치심을 보이시되 맹렬한 화염과 폭풍과 폭우와 우박으로 하시리니,
여호와의 목소리에 앗수르가 낙담할 것이며 주께서는 막대기로 치실 것인데 여호와께서 예정하신 몽둥이를 앗수르 위에 더하실 때마다 소고를 치며 수금을 탈 것이며 그는 전쟁 때에 팔을 들어 그들을 치시리라 ! 아멘.
대저 도벳은 이미 설립 되었고 또 왕을 위하여 예비된 것이라 깊고 넓게 하였고 거기 불과 많은 나무가 있은즉 여호와의 호흡이 유황 개천 같아서 이를 사르리라 ! 아멘.
Isaiah 31:1 – 3
도움을 구하러 애굽으로 내려가는 자들은 화가 있을지어다. 그들은 말을 의뢰하며 병거의 많음과 마병의 심히 강함을 의지하고 이스라엘의 거룩하신 자를 앙모치 아니 하며 여호와를 구하지 아니하거니와 여호와께서도 지혜로우신 즉 재앙을 내리실 것이라 그 말씀을 변치 아니하시고 일어나사 악행하는 자들의 집을 치시며 행악을 돕는 자들을 치시리니 애굽은 사람이요 신이 아니며 그 말들은 육체요 영이 아니라 여호와께서 그 손을 드시면 돕는 자도 넘어지며 도움을 받는 자도 엎드러져서 다 함께 멸망 하리라 ! 아멘. 불변
The punishment of truth from GOD by prophet Yi Jng-Yon ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies to the they crime (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won")
Cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (death penalty Male and female of South korean and American) Repetitively 'Mang Won' (They) More brutally kill and destroy JESUS and Prophet Yi and family, Alternately in 24 hours, Even now, after 29 years (Crime Concealment and breaking, Manipulation of crime for Benefit of crime) Disaster of punishment for crime, The plague of punishment immediately. Must be Brutally Kill and destroy them and they family ('Mang Won', Hollywood and Broadcasting station including Christianity of Antichrist and Press Bureau of broadcasting station and ‘K POP’ and entertainer and entertainer agency, CIA, NSA, FBI, ........) more than they crimes ! Massacre and Abuse with cruel evils, Torture and kill painfully, Without the same and rest ! This is a strict command of GOD ( JESUS ) by “Prophet Yi” Jung-Yon , David of JESUS
한국과 미국의 살인학살 강탈파괴 사형수 년들과 놈들인 '망원' <이 살인자 년들과 놈들 그리고 가족들이라고 하는 사형수들에게는 법의 처벌과 사형은 사치품이다. 29년 전부터 24시간 교대로 저질러 오고 있는 악질 살인학살과 학대의 고문들은 물론이고 가정파괴와 생활파괴 생체실험과 모든 강탈파괴의 악질에 범행에 비교도 되지 않게 폐인을 만들어서 뇌를 갈기갈기 찢어서 잔인하게 죽여라! 신의 강령이시다! 아멘. 불변.>
This is the government of South korea and the United States. What's different?! Punish them more brutally than the crimes they commit on a 24-hour shift. Destroy and brutally kill the broadcasters and religious people. They are murderers of Satan and Devil
이것이 한국과 미국의 정부이다. 무엇이 다른가?! 그것들이 24시간 교대로 저지르고 있는 범행들 보다 더 잔인하게 처벌 하여라. 악질에 살인학살자인 방송인들과 종교인들을 파괴시키고 잔인하게 죽여라 그것들이 사탄과 마귀의 악질에 살인자들이다 <망원> / 재앙의 원인
Cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American of Satan and Devil) You must be Brutally Kill and destroy them (Killer, offender in CNN, KBS South Korean and Christian Broadcasting, Etc) and they family <'Mang Won'>, more than they crimes (Robbery, destruction, Extortion, etc) Massacre and Abuse with cruel evils, Torture and kill painfully, Without the same and rest ! This is a strict command of GOD ( JESUS ) by “Prophet Yi” Jung-Yon , David of JESUS
Cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American of Satan and Devil) You must be Brutally Kill and destroy them and they family <'Mang Won'>, more than they crimes (Robbery, destruction, Extortion, etc) Massacre and Abuse with cruel evils, Torture and kill painfully, Without the same and rest ! This is a strict command of GOD ( JESUS ) by “Prophet Yi” Jung-Yon , David of JESUS
/ Repetitively 'Mang Won' (They) More brutally kill and destroy JESUS and Prophet Yi and family, Alternately in 24 hours, Even now, after 29 years (Crime Concealment and breaking, Manipulation of crime for Benefit of crime) Disaster of punishment for crime, The plague of punishment immediately. Must need to investigate the NIS x file of South korea and USA (crime) and Hollywood and Broadcasting station (including Christianity of Antichrist and ‘K POP’ and entertainer and entertainer agency ........)
http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec... KBS 7천 억 부채·700억 순손실 그러나 사장 연봉 35% 인상 (뉴스) South Korea, KBS broadcasting station 700000000000 Won debt, 70 billion net loss but CEO salary 35% hike / 2013.10.23 news 韓国のKBS放送局、7500億の負債·700億の純損失が、社長の給与35%引き上げ(ニュース)
South Korean LG Electronics, smart TV admitted the problem. .."Immediate visibility" (Made in South korea LG smart TV on suspicion of unauthorized information gathering) November 22, 2013 News 한국 LG전자, 스마트TV 문제 인정.. "즉각 시정" (LG 스마트TV 정보 무단수집 의혹 2013년 11월22일 뉴스 韓国LG電子、スマートTVの問題認識。 「即時是正」(LGスマートTVの情報無断収集の疑い)2013年11月22日のニュース http://t.co/z1IJgmHRZY http://t.co/ZxMCSX25Mi
"South Korea 'Sam-sung', Inc. ( Executives chairman CEO ), staff inspectors (Crime Watch Survey) to messenger and mobile phones" / news
The United States and South Korea thousands of companies information voluntarily handed over to intelligence agencies news "미국과 한국 기업 수천개, 정보기관에 자발적으로 정보 넘겼다" (뉴스) 직권남용의 국가보안법 / 거짓과 조작의 범행의 방송 / 24시간 교대의 살인학대의 고문 / 살인...학살자 년놈들인 한국의 '망원'과 그것들의 가족들 / 적그리스도들 .......
http://t.co/5LQfbB35Mb Take off the veil in the U.S. and the UK 'Big Brother' Union / news
South Korea, Park Geun-hye President "Election, the NIS does not help.... discussed in the National Assembly " / news
FBI, in the U.S. and South korea and another nations, 'drone' (UAVs, UAV, UCAV) used Surveillance its nationals admitted , For the powers and money for personal of gain and success in life also for concealing a crime ..... / news FBI, 미국 내에서 드론 (무인기) 사용, 자국민 감시 시인 (권력과 돈을 위한 개인의 이득과 출세 또한 범죄은닉을 위해서) / 뉴스
South korean, 'Comments tip' before NIS staff, providing information to aide 'Kim, bu-gyeom' / news '댓글 제보' 국정원 전에 직원, 김부겸 보좌관에 정보제공 (뉴스) / 국회의원들인 아나운서와 앵커들의 상상을 초월을 하는 살인학살의 만행들과 모르쇠의 범행의 방송들로 얻은 출세의 직위와 돈들, CBS와 극동아세아 기독교 방송국의 목사들과 전도사들, 직원들과 방송인들의 범행들 ........
South korea, Crime can not be a state secret / news "범죄가 어떻게 국가 기밀이 되나" (뉴스) / 민간인 사찰과 살인학살자 년놈들인 '망원', 조작의 범행 방송 ........
http://media.daum.net/economic/industry/newsview… South korean, 'Yi, seung-han' with the president gone Home plus original members / news 이승한 회장과 함께 사라진 홈플러스 원년 멤버 (뉴스)
http://media.daum.net/politics/others/newsview… South Korea, the former national chief 'won, se-hun' - 'Hwang Bo' Constructed - 'Home Plus' capture suspicious triangular relationship / news 檢, 원세훈-황보건설-홈플러스 수상한 삼각관계 포착 (뉴스)
http://media.daum.net/politics/others/newsview… U.S. 19 organizations, 'NSA information gathering unconstitutional' lawsuit / news
United States and South Korea Manipulate of public opinion and eavesdropping ... Crumbling Democracy (10/25/2013) news
The White House and the American CIA, NSA, South Korea's presidential office and the National Intelligence Service, and others for the crime of murder and .......
Expose a professional 'WikiLeaks' Expose case of emergency 400GB data upload / news 미국의 백악관과 CIA, NSA, 한국의 청와대와 국정원, 기타 등의 범죄들과 범행들에 대해서 ....... 폭로 전문 '위키리크스', 유사시 폭로 400GB 자료 올려 / 뉴스
1994년부터 TV와 라디오 방송국들 그리고 기독교와 천주교를 포함을 한 종교단체들과 할리우드 그리고 연예인들과 기획.. http://durl.me/67myic#mediadaum
"국정원 직원, 서울경찰청 간부 2명에 '고맙다' 문자" news
.http://durl.me/67myge#mediadaum 국정원 심리전단 예산 600억 어디로 갔을까 news 뉴스
정보사 위험수당은 눈먼 돈?..국방부 적발하고도 쉬쉬 news 뉴스
1993년과 1994년 미국과 한국에서 신과 신의 종이신 프로펫 이 Prophet Yi 님과 가족들에게 은혜들을 악들.. http://durl.me/67mxfb#mediadaum 530단 지난해 수차례 80여명 특채, 댓글 위해 증원했나 news
http://durl.me/67mx9t#mediadaum 사이버사령부, 국정원서 한해 40억~50억 받아 news 뉴스
http://durl.me/67mx2p#mediadaum 군 사이버사령부 '대선 댓글' 등 400여건 긴급 삭제 / news 뉴스
http://media.daum.net/society/clusterview… South korea NIS staff, employing the common people, crime of 'Internet Activities " / news
South Korea, "National Intelligence Service Director 'nam, jae-jun', Employees arrested instructed not let the truth "/ News
"남재준 원장, 체포된 직원들에게 진술불허 지시" / 뉴스
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