2020년 1월 5일 일요일

South korea will perish. 'Jang Kwang-hoon' South korea Pastor: One day I was struck by the Spirit of God. It was short. 'South Korea falls.' I heard a voice like this… Anchor said 'Did he hear it in South korean?' 2019.12.23 news

From https://twitter.com/Prophetyi Continue

South korea will perish. 'Jang Kwang-hoon' South korea Pastor: One day I was struck by the Spirit of God. It was short. 'South Korea falls.' I heard a voice like this… Anchor said 'Did he hear it in South korean?' 2019.12.23 news [전광훈/목사 : 어느 날 그 하나님의 성령의 충동을 받게 되었습니다. 짧았습니다, 말이. '대한민국 망한다.' 이와 같은 음성을 제가 듣게 되었습니다…] 앵커가 말했다. '한국말로요?'

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