2020년 1월 5일 일요일

Smells from the LG dryer. LG Electronics has been repairing all its parts free of charge, but the problem of the dryer is not solved. LG says that could be the case. And LG tells consumers to just use a dryer. 2020.01.03 news

From https://twitter.com/Prophetyi Continue

 Smells from the LG dryer. LG Electronics has been repairing all its parts free of charge, but the problem of the dryer is not solved. LG says that could be the case. And LG tells consumers to just use a dryer. 2020.01.03 news /

This is South Korea. The WTO and international organizations must need think about this. South korea has long destroyed order and morality in the economy and trade of the international community.


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