2019년 8월 16일 금요일

'Pretending to be a religious cult founder' Commit a crime while acting as the founder of a religious denomination. A South korean man in his 40s who killed a woman by striking a woman. South koreans commit mental and physical abuse and even murder. 2019.08.14 news

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In (Criminal and Death Penalties) South korea,
'Pretending to be a religious cult founder' Commit a crime while acting as the founder of a religious denomination. A South korean man in his 40s who killed a woman by striking a woman.  South koreans commit mental and physical abuse and even murder. 2019.08.14 news 犯罪者の巣窟である韓国では、宗教的な宗派の創立者のふりと神の真似を出しながら犯行をコミットします。 20代の女性を残酷な非道に叩か殺人をした40代の韓国人女性。精神的および肉体的虐待殺人まで犯す韓国人。

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