2019년 8월 16일 금요일

Heat wave but Residents can't open windows because air pollutants (iron filings). 'Rain Is Briquette Water' in Yeo-su, Jeon-nam (Criminal and Death Penalties) South korea 2019.08.15 news


Heat wave but Residents can't open windows because air pollutants (iron filings).  'Rain Is Briquette Water' in Yeo-su, Jeon-nam (Criminal and Death Penalties) South korea  2019.08.15 news 犯罪者の巣窟である韓国の全羅南道麗水市は大気汚染物質(鉄の粉)のために、住民が猛暑でも、窓を開けません。「雨水は練炭水」

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