2024년 10월 5일 토요일

U.S. battles dangerous COVID surge as ICU's fill up nationwide

Today in the Past =============== You have already failed the herd immunity. You know what the coronavirus mutations mean. Talk to people right now about all the crimes committed in South korea and America. tell the truth If you do not follow the orders of GOD's punishment, you will die more cruelly. They (South korea and US America) perish more cruelly than Sodom and Gomorrah. ---------------- Wake up ! And must be follow to my order ( Command of JESUS ) I am Prophet Yi ( David of JESUS ) Brutally kill South korean and American criminals who fool those who do favors and repay them with cruel evil. (Criminals from TV and radio stations, including anti-Christian Christians in South korea and the United States) You are happy, You like burning fire, You like kill the your own peoples and another nations peoples because the your crime And for cover the your crime (Kill the JESUS and me and my family. For your money and job and power. A dog of money, a rotten dog with weaknesses in the crime of power. The ugliest murderer who still commits crimes for the power and money of greed. Make a public investigation of this man and woman (Announcer, anchor, producer, reporter, crew, entertainer, Hollywood, celebrity agency, pastor, evangelist, broadcaster, priest, nun, criminals in the Church of the Antichrist, etc. 'Mang Won') Then you can find all the criminals. Very easy. ----------- Remember the brutal crimes, extortion and destruction, and the crimes of genocide and rape committed by South korean murderers in Iraq and Afghanistan under the American killers! Thorough retaliation and public punishment. This is Command of GOD ! --------- You are afraid. A more brutal scourge of punishment, the mutation of COVID-19 and brutal abuse will come upon you, your criminal organization and your family. --------------- https://www.facebook.com/jungyon.yi What is 'Corona Virus 19'? It is GOD's punishment for the crime. 'Coronavirus 19' will follow the DNA individually and kill people in more cruel pains. 'Coronavirus 19' according to their crimes, they slowly kill them in more cruel suffering. There is no cure for'Corona Virus 19'. There is only partial treatment. Therefore, no vaccines exist. Individual DNA make the mutations of Coronavirus 19 and new diseases and epidemics will continue to appear and will be contagious to people. Not only the body, but also life, work and everything are destroyed. Murderers in the United States and South korea die by they crimes in pain. More than they crimes. They doing crime committed against to JESUS and servant of JESUS "Prophet Yi" and his families. Murderers in the United States and South korea die in divine punishment according to the crimes committed against to JESUS and servant of JESUS "Prophet Yi" and his families. Not only South Korea and the United States, but also the criminals of all countries who have been committed to committing crimes even though they know the truth are also destroyed in cruel pains and abused to die. Not even compared to their crimes. 24 hours a day without rest or equality. Make public and punish criminals of murder and massacre in South korea and United States. Punish them (Mang Won) so that they are incomparable to the crimes that have been committed against to "JESUS" and "Prophet Yi" and his families for over 28 years. by Prophet Yi Jung-Yon ( David of JESUS ) Aug 25, 2020 https://news.v.daum.net/v/20200823133710233 Two public officials were infected with 'coronavirus 19' in the building of the South korea Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In the den of criminal and Murder and abuse offenders South korea. 2020.08.23 news https://news.v.daum.net/v/20200819082919826 Chinese heavy rain Continue ... Sichuan Province 'a huge flood once in a hundred years'. 2020.08.19. news https://news.v.daum.net/v/20200823143112099 Hydrogen chloride, which becomes hydrochloric acid when dissolved in water, leaked from a chemical plant in China's Sichuan Province, causing great confusion as residents escaped. 2020.08.23. news https://news.v.daum.net/v/20200823143112099 'Yang Zetsu', a member of the Chinese Communist Party's diplomatic politics bureau, visits 'Singapore' and South korea one after another. 2020.08.19 news https://news.v.daum.net/v/20200822122101173 A nurse at 'Seoul Asan Hospital' became infected with the novel corona virus 19. A confirmed corona virus 19 infection was also found at the 'Bundang Cha Hospital' Cancer Center. Hospital treatment was completely stopped and part of the ward was closed. in the den of criminal and Murder and abuse offenders South korea. 2020.08.22 news https://news.v.daum.net/v/20200822194614786 Lightning strikes at Bukhan mountain, Mangyeongdae, killing 1 climber and seriously injured 1 by lightning. In the den of criminal and Murder and abuse offenders South korea. 2020.08.22. news https://news.v.daum.net/v/20200822183711147 Sewer backflow by intensive heavy rain. And hail. In the den of criminal and Murder and abuse offenders South korea. 2020.08.22. news https://news.v.daum.net/v/20200822195336850 Twenty people were infected with 'corona virus 19' at the Antichrist's 'Galilee Church' in Bupyeong, Incheon, South korea. In the den of criminal and Murder and abuse offenders South korea. 2020.08.22. news https://news.v.daum.net/v/20200822205355431 5 residents, including 'Incheon' public officials were 'coronavirus 19' infected confirmed in Gimpo. (the den of criminal and Murder and abuse offenders South korea.) 2020.08.22. news https://entertain.v.daum.net/v/20200820040314024 'Corona virus 19' hit the CBS·KBS·SBS etc TV and radio broadcaster. Also, hit the EBS educational broadcasting station, entertainers, producers and production crew. 'Stop shooting all programs'. In the den of criminal and Murder and abuse offenders South korea. 2020.08.20 news https://news.v.daum.net/v/20200822200828989 Thunder, lightning, heavy rain hit the den of criminal and Murder and abuse offenders South korea. And new typhoons coming to South korea. 2020.08.22 news ============================ The result is natural. The leader in your country did not obey the orders of JESUS' servant Prophet Yi (David of JESUS) and ignored it. From https://www.facebook.com/jungyon.yi and https://twitter.com/Prophetyi Continue https://news.v.daum.net/v/20200822200216922 'A lot of hair falls out'. Nearly 100 reports of abnormal symptoms. 2020.08.22. news / The sequelae of 'Coronavirus 19'. 'Coronavirus 19' that is not cured. / Corona virus 19 will not go away until these things are released. Murderers of South korean and American must be disclosed. Also, must be brutally and openly punish all crimes of them. Naturally all families of them, too. by Prophet Yi / From https://facebook.com/jungyon.yi command of GOD by prophet Yi Jung-Yon ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies to the they crime (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won") Cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American) / Corona virus 19 Get China out of the WTO ! All countries do not have to pay the money they receive from China. If China want money from nations, China must be will have to pay for me first. About the fee of WTO and Olympic hosting. In the meantime, gain interest ---------------- What about other countries? The vaccine you are talking about is useless. More and more 'coronavirus 19' mutations have been made. If the cause of the problem is not addressed and only fake manipulation broadcasts are sent out, the stronger, more terrifying and more 'coronavirus 19' virus continues to kill people in all countries in pain. You still haven't found a basis for 'coronavirus 19'. Under these circumstances, a vaccine for 'coronavirus 19' cannot exist. It is a truth that everyone knows in common sense. Don't even think about going overboard in this way. Crime in the way it used to be is no longer possible. Only put GOD's commands into action! There is no answer other than that. -------------------- http://media.daum.net/foreign/others/newsview... How change CIA agency to murder agency?! (October 14, 2015 News) Paying 90 billion won to a psychologist for the cost of developing 10 torture technology Waste of blood tax (December 10, 2014 news) "U.S. Department of Defense, CIA, and torture order for terrorist suspects, etc." 중앙 정보국 (CIA)는 어떻게 살인 기관으로 변했나?! (2015년 10월 14일 뉴스) 심리학자에게 용역 고문 기술 10개 개발 비용으로 900억원 지불 혈세 낭비 (2014년 12월 10일 뉴스) "미국 국방부, CIA, 테러 용의자 고문 등 가혹행위 지시" (2013년 11월 6일 뉴스 http://naver.me/GthoLUnt Cause of the disaster, Murderers in South korea and the United States are deliberately committing a crime beyond imagination to JESUS and his servant Prophet Yi and his family by abusing the National Security Law and abuse of authority. For their crime concealment, the power and money of the crime. For over 28 years, they have been committing crimes with a 24-hour shift. (Criminals, Mang-Won) What can you do in this situation? by Prophet Yi Jung-Yon ( David of JESUS ) ----------------- Make public all the crimes of massacre, extortion and destruction of the NIS (From the Ministry of National Security) committed in Korea for the sake of the United States and Japan. https://news.v.daum.net/v/20210827165838083 National Intelligence Service bowed down to 'illegal temples'.. "Special law must be enacted to reveal the whole story" in South korea 2021. 08. 27 news / Nothing can be done without publicly punishing criminals and their families. Park Ji-won is a murder robber who has committed crimes with the National Intelligence Service (the Ministry of National Security) before the Kim Dae-jung regime. He is now mocking the people and committing heinous crimes repeatedly in South korea. 미국과 일본을 위해서 한국에서 저지르고 있는 국정원의 (안기부때부터) 모든 학살과 강탈 그리고 파괴의 범행들을 공개를 하여라. https://news.v.daum.net/v/20210827165838083 '불법사찰'에 고개숙인 국정원.."특별법 제정해 전모 밝혀야" 2021. 08. 27 news / 범죄자들과 그것들의 가족들을 공개적으로 처벌을 하지 않고서는 아무것도 할 수가 없다. 박지원은 김대중 정권 전부터 국정원 (안기부)의 범행을 같이 저질러 온 살인강도이다. 그가 지금 국민을 우롱을 하고 반복적으로 가증스러운 범행을 저지르고 있다. ----------------------- Tornado rips through Chicago after Claudette devastates the South https://youtu.be/iKysViszY7U States with low COVID-19 vaccine rates see cases rise as variants spread https://youtu.be/7iEwp-XZ8JI https://youtu.be/-zCPlU-3TYg NBC News NOW Full Broadcast - June 21st, 2021 https://youtu.be/oePAlY8WVqs ----------------------- Because of the Mangwons, the killers of America and South korea, South korean killers (males and females) on US and South korean stations. Since 1994, they have been committing crimes of murder, massacre, and abuse on a 24-hour shift. (tortures of abuse, extortion and destruction, as well as in vivo experiments, etc.) @ The purpose of their crime is ; 1. to cover up their crimes 2. Broadcasting of lies and manipulation of the crime 3. For the sake of their crimes, the victims are banned from social activities. 4. Extortion and destruction for their own benefit (All social policies, ideas, products of ideas, destruction of personal property and businesses, destruction of homes and family , etc.) 5. Used in their crimes 6. They commit crimes for their money and career. 7. Falsely fabricating the Bible to conceal their crimes and commit crimes (They hide from people the calamities of punishment that are happening for their crimes, and use the Bible in their crimes.) 8. They find out the meaning of the words of the Bible by extorting them, hide their crimes, and later make it look like they know the words of the Bible and use them in their own crimes. 9. Ideas for programs of stations and used to increase viewership. 10. Others, etc. ------------------- https://youtu.be/-1tKxnKOBFg Among the evidence for the collapse of South korea and the United States, (South korea Entertainment) ---------------- Wake up ! And must be follow to my order ( Command of JESUS ) I am Prophet Yi ( David of JESUS ) Brutally kill South korean and American criminals who fool those who do favors and repay them with cruel evil. (Criminals from TV and radio stations, including anti-Christian Christians in South korea and the United States) You are happy, You like burning fire, You like kill the your own peoples and another nations peoples because the your crime And for cover the your crime (Kill the JESUS and me and my family. For your money and job and power. A dog of money, a rotten dog with weaknesses in the crime of power. The ugliest murderer who still commits crimes for the power and money of greed. Make a public investigation of this man and woman (Announcer, anchor, producer, reporter, crew, entertainer, Hollywood, celebrity agency, pastor, evangelist, broadcaster, priest, nun, criminals in the Church of the Antichrist, etc. 'Mang Won') Then you can find all the criminals. Very easy. ----------- You have already failed the herd immunity. You know what the coronavirus mutations mean. Talk to people right now about all the crimes committed in South korea and America. tell the truth If you do not follow the orders of GOD's punishment, you will die more cruelly. They (South korea and US America) perish more cruelly than Sodom and Gomorrah. -------------------- Remember the brutal crimes, extortion and destruction, and the crimes of genocide and rape committed by South korean murderers in Iraq and Afghanistan under the American killers! Thorough retaliation and public punishment. This is Command of GOD ! ---------------------- How will side effects and mutations in the Corona Virus 19 experiment be resolved ? Also, who is responsible ? Can you handle it ?! /

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