2019년 12월 16일 월요일

Crime of Illegal inspectors of National Intelligence Service, 'It was made public' but KBS · MBC · SBS and another stations (including stations of the Antichrist) continue Crime in progress in South korea and USA (July 17, 2015 News)

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http://facttv.kr/facttvnews/detail.php… Crime of Illegal inspectors of National Intelligence Service, 'It was made public' but KBS · MBC · SBS and another stations (including stations of the Antichrist) continue Crime in progress in South korea and USA (July 17, 2015 News) * Crime ; 24 hour shift crime, Biological experiments with Torture of Abuse, Information of False and Manipulated, Defamation, rape, seizure, bribe, terror, badly use, Robbery, destruction, Extortion, Massacre and Abuse with cruel evils, Torture and kill, 'Citizen Investigator' of Illegal Power Abuse, broken and kill the family, Torture of Slaughter, Biological experiment, Torture to kill in pain and Broadcasting, sermons, and news of Christian antichrist's lies and manipulation for concealing crimes and crimes, National Security Law for Criminals, Broadcast and news on crimes of deceit and manipulation for concealing crimes and crimes, broken the life and work and sleep and eating and bless of JESUS and help, Etc.
* A Letter of Complaint
An Accuser : Mr. Yi, Jung - Yon
Address : Namyangju PO Box No. 27, 589 pyeongnaedong Namyangju city Gyeonggi-do, south korea
경기도 남양주시 평내동 589번지 남양주 우체국 사서함 27호
Defendant Accused :
1. The President of America : Bill Clinton, 힐러리, 부시, 부시 애비, 오바마 그리고 관련 범죄자들과 단체들 기타 등 (1993 and 1994 - 2013 그리고 현재까지 계속해서) All of them !
2. The President of TV and Radio Broadcasting stations : ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC, FOX, Christian channel, etc in U.S.A, (1994 - 2013) All of them !
3. The Attorney General of America (1994 - 2013) All of them !
4. The President of South korea 김영삼, 김대중, 노무현, 이명박, 박근혜, 그리고 관련 범죄자들과 단체들 기타 등 (특히 안기부와 국정원의 민간인과 공무원 자칭 ‘망원’과 그것들의 가족들 (1994 - 2013) All of them !
5. The President of TV and Radio Broadcasting stations : KBS, MBC, SBS, YTN, CBS 기독교 방송국, 극동아세아 기독교 방송국, 평화 천주교 방송국, etc in South korea (1994 - 2013) All of them !
6. The Attorney General of South korea (1993 and 1994 - 2013 그리고 현재까지 계속해서) All of them !
7. 한국과 미국의 개독교의 목사들과 전도사들 그리고 TV와 라디오 방송국들의 범죄자들 (아나운서, 앵커, 기자, TV와 라디오 방송국 프로그램의 각 부서의 프로듀서들 그리고 제작진들과 프로그램에서 박수를 치는 것에 고용을 되어진 일용직들과 그 외에 방송 프로그램들을 위해서 고용이 되어진 계약직의 범죄자들과 자칭 기독교인들 (암컷들과 수컷들, ‘망원’), 카메라맨, 국장, 부장, 코메디언, 연예인, 탈렌트, 영화배우, 가수, 방송 프로그램 진행자들인 MC와 DJ, 부장, 과장, 직원, 간부, 노조, 어린 아이들을 포함한 연예인 학원들의 학원장들과 아이들을 포함을 한 실습생들과 그것들의 부모들과 가족들, 신부, 수녀, 기타 등) (1993 and 1994 - 2013 그리고 현재까지 계속해서) All of them ! (방송 프로그램 진행자 이상벽, 김기덕, 이상벽의 딸 KBS 아나운서 이지연, 한국 미스코리아 출신 KBS 아나운서 장은영, KBS 아나운서 길종섭, KBS 방송국의 직원들 <계약직과 일용직 모두 포함>,
8. 한국과 미국의 연예인 기획사들과 연예인들 그리고 할리우드 기획사들과 연예인들 (제이 레노, 데이빗 레터맨, 오페라, 이수만, 기타 등) (1994 - 2013 그리고 현재까지 계속해서) All of them !
9. 한국과 미국의 여당과 야당의 정치인들 (1994 - 2013) All of them !
한국의 안기부와 국정원의 공무원들, 검찰과 법원의 검사들과 판사들, 경찰청의 각 부서 경찰들, 그리고 한국과 미국의 각 지역의 지단체장들 (시장, 도의원 모두 포함) 그리고 정부의 각 부서의 모든 장관들과 공무원들 그리고 그것들과 연결이 되어져서 범죄들과 범행들을 저지르며 이득의 돈들과 출세들의 특권들로 호의호식들을 하고 있는 시민단체 조직들과 공기업들의 직원들과 사장들 그리고 일용직들과 계약직들 또한 그것들의 가족들, 기타 등 (1993 and 1994 - 2014 그리고 현재까지 계속해서)
10. 기타 등 Continue 계속해서
The name of crime :
1. Extortion
2. Murder attempt
3. Defamation
4. Sin of broken the personal family and personalty
@ 미국에서부터 정책들로 세계적으로 알려져 계신 신의 종이신 프로펫 이 政演 ( Prophet Yi , David of JESUS said ) 님의 말씀
The organization of murder, murderer, anti - Christian broadcast stations in the United States and south korea shall make the sea of blood manure
Kill and Destroyed anti - Christian broadcasting station, all of them ! You must be follow the God's servant, 'Prophet Yi' commands! by Prophet Yi / 'Prophet Yi' punishment, Continue
Kill Ugly South Koreans and USAmerican brutally ! Anyone who follows my commands to victory !
Tv and radio stations in every country, listen up!
Now God's servant "Prophet Yi" Let everything on the broadcast!
The vicious murder of the United States and South Korea are killing 'Mang Won' about all the crimes and the crime would particularly want to broadcast!
Of course 17 years ago (in 1993, Killeen, Texas, USA), particularly the broadcast shall !
You must be follow the God's servant, 'Prophet Yi' commands If you not follow to my order (God commands!) then I Kill and Destroyed all nations of Satan and the devil's, continue
'Prophet Yi' punishment, Continue
God them it ! south korean and U.S.American, all of them !
because murderous murderer and murderess south korean and U.S.A. /
You must be kill the murderous murderer and murderess south korean and U.S.A /
You must be kill the murderous murderer
Kill and Destroyed NBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, broadcasting station, all of them ! (Especially murderous murderer and murderess 'Jay Reno' and his familly)
You must be follow the God's servant, 'Prophet Yi' commands! by Prophet Yi / 'Prophet Yi' punishment, Continue
NBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, broadcasting station of Brutality of the murder, 24 hours shifts day and night over 18 years / torture, terror, Abuse, murder
'Prophet Yi' punishment, Continue
God them it ! south korean and U.S.American, all of them !
South korean and USAmerican of Murder, slaughter strength, Prisoner and Misconduct , Crime concealment , Broadcasting of the crime of lies and manipulation , More than Murder and other crimes .......
한국과 미국의 살인 학살 강도 , 사형수, 직권남용, 범죄은닉, 거짓과 조작의 범행의 뉴스 방송 기타 등의 더 흉악하고 가증스러우며 잔인한 학살과 학대와 가정파괴의 범행과 범죄들 .......
Prophet Yi Jung-Yon , David of JESUS , 李 政 演 http://durl.me/6vfs5 About the Prophet YI and Command by low of God !
'Prophet Yi' punishment, Continue
Kill the Ugly South Koreans and U.S.American brutally !
Anyone who follows my commands to victory !
'Mang Won' At the bottom are the evil minions of the United States in the murderous murderer and murderess of South Korea of Stan and Devil ( anti - christ South Korea and the United States " Christians and the Catholic people of Stan and Devil )
You must be kill the murderous murderer and murderess south korean ('Mang Won') and they familly (Especially children) too. If you not follow to my order (God commands!) then I Kill and Destroyed all nations of Satan and the devil's, Continue
The organization of murder, murderer, anti - Christian broadcast stations in the United States and south korea shall make the sea of blood manure
Kill and Destroyed anti - Christian broadcasting station, all of them ! You must be follow the God's servant, 'Prophet Yi' commands! by Prophet Yi / 'Prophet Yi' punishment, Continue
The organization of murder, murderer, CNN broadcast stations in the United States and south korea shall make the sea of blood manure
Kills the Ugly South Koreans and USAmerican brutally ! Anyone who follows my commands to victory !
'Mang Won' At the bottom are the evil minions of the United States in the murderous murderer and murderess of South Korea of Stan and Devil ( anti - christ South Korea and the United States " Christians and the Catholic people of Stan and Devil )
You must be kill the murderous murderer and murderess south korean ('Mang Won') and they family (Especially children) too. If you not follow to my order (God commands!) then I Kill and Destroyed all nations of Satan and the devil's, Continue
The organization of murder, murderer, anti - Christian broadcast stations in the United States and south korea shall make the sea of blood manure
Kill and Destroyed anti - Christian broadcasting station, all of them ! You must be follow the God's servant, 'Prophet Yi' commands! by Prophet Yi / 'Prophet Yi' punishment, Continue
Kill Ugly South Koreans and USAmerican brutally ! Anyone who follows my commands to victory !
NHK and Japan's all tv and radio stations, listen up!
Now God's servant "Prophet Yi" Let everything on the broadcast!
The vicious murder of the United States and South Korea are killing 'Mang Won' about all the crimes and the crime would particularly want to broadcast!
Of course 17 years ago (in 1993, Killeen, Texas, USA), particularly the broadcast shall! Do not run things right to disobey a direct order to destroy the Japanese makes it.
South korean and USAmerican of Murder, slaughter strength, Prisoner and Misconduct , Crime concealment , Broadcasting of the crime of lies and manipulation , More than Murder and other crimes .......
한국과 미국의 살인 학살 강도 , 사형수, 직권남용, 범죄은닉, 거짓과 조작의 범행의 뉴스 방송 기타 등의 더 흉악하고 가증스러우며 잔인한 학살과 학대와 가정파괴의 범행과 범죄들 .......
Committing more than 20 years of alternating 24 hours of the seizure and destruction of the massacre of torture
Crimes and genocide for the National Security Law
Kill and Destroyed NBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, broadcasting station, all of them ! (Especially murderous murderer and murderess 'Jay Reno' and his familly)
You must be follow the God's servant, 'Prophet Yi' commands! by Prophet Yi / 'Prophet Yi' punishment, Continue
NBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, broadcasting station of Brutality of the murder, 24 hours shifts day and night over 18 years / torture, terror, Abuse, murder
'Prophet Yi' punishment, Continue
Kill and Destroyed anti - Christian broadcasting station, all of them !
You must be follow the God's servant, 'Prophet Yi' commands! by Prophet Yi / 'Prophet Yi' punishment, Continue
The organization of murder, murderer, CNN, ABC, MBC, CBS and KBS, MBC, SBS, YTN, MSN, CBS, 극동아세아, 평화 TV and Radio broadcast stations in the United States and south korea shall make the sea of blood manure
Kill Ugly South Koreans and USAmerican brutally ! Anyone who follows my commands to victory !
'Mang Won' At the bottom are the evil minions of the United States in the murderous murderer and murderess of South Korea of Stan and Devil ( anti - christ South Korea and the United States " Christians and the Catholic people of Stan and Devil )
You must be kill the murderous murderer and murderess south korean ('Mang Won') and they familly (Especially children) too. If you not follow to my order (God commands!) then I Kill and Destroyed all nations of Satan and the devil's, Continue
The organization of murder, murderer, anti - Christian broadcast stations in the United States and south korea shall make the sea of blood manure
Kill and Destroyed anti - Christian broadcasting station, all of them ! You must be follow the God's servant, 'Prophet Yi' commands! by Prophet Yi / 'Prophet Yi' punishment, Continue


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