2019년 11월 2일 토요일

Oct 30, 2019 Arrived in South Korea. goodbye Morocco, Spain, Portugal and Catalonia ! Bible (Scripture) Jeremiah 17 : 18

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Bible (Scripture) Jeremiah 17 : 18
나를 박해하는 자로 <한국과 미국 Criminals South korean and USAmerican> 수욕을 당하게 하시고 나로 수욕을 당하게 마옵소서. 그들로 놀라게 하시고 나로 놀라게 마시옵소서. 재앙의 날을 그들에게 임하게 하시며 배나 되는 멸망으로 그들을 멸하소서. 아멘. 불변.
Oct 30, 2019 Arrived in South Korea. goodbye Morocco, Spain, Portugal and Catalonia !
Listen, TV and radio stations of Morocco, Spain, Portugal and Catalonia ! Let the people know the truth about me ( Prophet Yi , David of JESUS ) as you see and know. In particular, let start with what happened when I visited Morocco, Spain, Portugal and Catalonia from Oct 18 to 30, 2019. And Especially, Let the peoples know about the abusive and evil crimes of 'Patriot Act' and 'National Security Act' in South korea and America.
Open to the public all the miraculous things that JESUS Christ has been with me. Let people know all the miracles that GOD loved and showed David.
If you not follow my command and send out a broadcast of evil crime and badly use me then more brutal punishment and the catastrophic disasters continue to occur in Morocco, Spain, Portugal and Catalonia.
The punishment of truth from GOD by prophet Yi Jng-Yon ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies to the they crime (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won")
Cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (death penalty Male and female of South korean and American) Repetitively 'Mang Won' (They) More brutally kill and destroy JESUS and Prophet Yi and family, Alternately in 24 hours, Even now, after 25 years (Crime Concealment and breaking, Manipulation of crime for Benefit of crime) Disaster of punishment for crime, The plague of punishment immediately. Must be Brutally Kill and destroy them and they family ('Mang Won', Hollywood and Broadcasting station including Christianity of Antichrist and Press Bureau of broadcasting station and ‘K POP’ and entertainer and entertainer agency, CIA, NSA, FBI, ........) more than they crimes ! Massacre and Abuse with cruel evils, Torture and kill painfully, Without the same and rest ! This is a strict command of GOD ( JESUS ) by “Prophet Yi” Jung-Yon , David of JESUS
한국과 미국의 살인학살 강탈파괴 사형수 년들과 놈들인 '망원' <이 살인자 년들과 놈들 그리고 가족들이라고 하는 사형수들에게는 법의 처벌과 사형은 사치품이다. 25년 전부터 24시간 교대로 저질러 오고 있는 악질 살인학살과 학대의 고문들은 물론이고 가정파괴와 생활파괴 생체실험과 모든 강탈파괴의 악질에 범행에 비교도 되지 않게 폐인을 만들어서 뇌를 갈기갈기 찢어서 잔인하게 죽여라! 신의 강령이시다! 아멘. 불변.>
This is the government of South korea and the United States. What's different?! Punish them more brutally than the crimes they commit on a 24-hour shift. Destroy and brutally kill the broadcasters and religious people. They are murderers of Satan and Devil
이것이 한국과 미국의 정부이다. 무엇이 다른가?! 그것들이 24시간 교대로 저지르고 있는 범행들 보다 더 잔인하게 처벌 하여라. 악질에 살인학살자인 방송인들과 종교인들을 파괴시키고 잔인하게 죽여라 그것들이 사탄과 마귀의 악질에 살인자들이다 <망원> / 재앙의 원인

Cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American of Satan and Devil) You must be Brutally Kill and destroy them (Killer, offender in CNN, KBS South Korean and Christian Broadcasting, Etc) and they family <'Mang Won'>, more than they crimes (Robbery, destruction, Extortion, etc) Massacre and Abuse with cruel evils, Torture and kill painfully, Without the same and rest ! This is a strict command of GOD ( JESUS ) by “Prophet Yi” Jung-Yon , David of JESUS
Cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American of Satan and Devil) You must be Brutally Kill and destroy them and they family <'Mang Won'>, more than they crimes (Robbery, destruction, Extortion, etc) Massacre and Abuse with cruel evils, Torture and kill painfully, Without the same and rest ! This is a strict command of GOD ( JESUS ) by “Prophet Yi” Jung-Yon , David of JESUS
/ Repetitively 'Mang Won' (They) More brutally kill and destroy JESUS and Prophet Yi and family, Alternately in 24 hours, Even now, after 25 years (Crime Concealment and breaking, Manipulation of crime for Benefit of crime) Disaster of punishment for crime, The plague of punishment immediately. Must need to investigate the NIS x file of South korea and USA (crime) and Hollywood and Broadcasting station (including Christianity of Antichrist and ‘K POP’ and entertainer and entertainer agency ........) 한국과 미국의 살인학살 강탈파괴 사형수 년들과 놈들인 '망원' <이 살인자 년들과 놈들 그리고 가족들이라고 하는 사형수들에게는 법의 처벌과 사형은 사치품이다. 25년 전부터 24시간 교대로 저질러 오고 있는 악질 살인학살과 학대의 고문들은 물론이고 가정파괴와 생활파괴 생체실험과 모든 강탈파괴의 악질에 범행에 비교도 되지 않게 폐인을 만들어서 뇌를 갈기갈기 찢어서 잔인하게 죽여라! 신의 강령이시다! 아멘. 불변.>
Whatever! Someone who have relationship with Murderers South korean and American will Kill and destroy with cruel revenge and punishment, Immediately (Like criminals South korea, more than they crime) Continue in hell ! cause of the disaster, because crime of S. korean and USA, Evil and cruel criminals, What a Ugly South Koreans and USA! cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American) Must be Brutally Kill and destroy them and they family ('Mang Won', Hollywood and Broadcasting station including Christianity of Antichrist and Press Bureau of broadcasting station and ‘K POP’ and entertainer and entertainer agency, CIA, NSA, FBI, ........) more than they crimes ! Massacre and Abuse with cruel evils, Torture and kill painfully, Without the same and rest ! This is a strict command of GOD ( JESUS ) by “Prophet Yi” Jung-Yon , David of JESUS 한국과 미국의 살인학살 강탈파괴 사형수 년들과 놈들인 '망원' <이 살인자 년들과 놈들 그리고 가족들이라고 하는 사형수들에게는 법의 처벌과 사형은 사치품이다. 25년 전부터 24시간 교대로 저질러 오고 있는 악질 살인학살과 학대의 고문들은 물론이고 가정파괴와 생활파괴 생체실험과 모든 강탈파괴의 악질에 범행에 비교도 되지 않게 폐인을 만들어서 뇌를 갈기갈기 찢어서 잔인하게 죽여라! 신의 강령이시다! 아멘. 불변.>
Evil and cruel criminals, What a Ugly South Koreans and USA! cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American) Must be Brutally Kill and destroy them and they family ('Mang Won', Hollywood and Broadcasting station including Christianity of Antichrist and ‘K POP’ and entertainer and entertainer agency, CIA, NSA, FBI, ........) more than they crimes ! Massacre and Abuse with cruel evils, Torture and kill painfully, Without the same and rest ! This is a strict command of GOD ( JESUS ) by “Prophet Yi” Jung-Yon , David of JESUS 한국과 미국의 살인학살 강탈파괴 사형수 년들과 놈들인 '망원' <이 살인자 년들과 놈들 그리고 가족들이라고 하는 사형수들에게는 법의 처벌과 사형은 사치품이다. 25년 전부터 24시간 교대로 저질러 오고 있는 악질 살인학살과 학대의 고문들은 물론이고 가정파괴와 생활파괴 생체실험과 모든 강탈파괴의 악질에 범행에 비교도 되지 않게 폐인을 만들어서 뇌를 갈기갈기 찢어서 잔인하게 죽여라! 신의 강령이시다! 아멘. 불변.>
In the eastern part of Spain, the death toll as high winds and floods rose to four. 2019.10.30 news / The punishment of truth from GOD by prophet Yi Jng-Yon ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies to the crime of them.
Spanish unification protests. "No independent Catalonia". 2019.10.29 news / Attend their will for independence. Let them 'Go' by Prophet Yi ( David of JESUS )
King of Spain Receives Honorary Citizenship from Seoul Mayor of A den of criminals, South korea. 2019.10.25 news
President of the Central Bank of Spain said "Catalan protests, adverse impact on the stalemate economy" 2019.10.29 news
National Assembly Chairman 'Moon Hee-sang' greets the King of Spain in ugly (Criminal and Death Penalties) South korea, the den of criminals 2019.10.24 news
A den of criminals, South Korean President Moon Jae-in, He's mother dies 2019.10.29 news
South Korea and Spain, construction cooperation accord. President Moon Jae-in, "Friendly Tourism Promotion" 2019.10.23 news
'Shuri Castle' burned down, World Heritage Site. "Okinawa symbol is gone." in Japan 2019.10.31 news / Japan did not follow my orders. And I know you (Japan) are committing a crime to Jesus and me, like the murderers American and South korean. I will brutally destroy Japan. like South korea and United States. More than your crime. by Prophet Yi ( David of JESUS ) 「首里城」が焼失、世界遺産。 「沖縄のシンボルはなくなりました。」 日本で2019.10.31ニュース/私はあなた(日本)がアメリカと韓国の殺人犯のようにイエスと私に犯罪を犯していることを知っています。 <アメリカと韓国の犯罪>私は日本を残酷に破壊します。 韓国や米国のような。 あなたの犯罪以上。
Listen NHK.
Let the people know the truth about me ( Prophet Yi , David of JESUS ) as you see and know. In particular, let start with what happened when I visited Japan from July 1 to 4, 2019. And Especially, Let the peoples know about the abusive and evil crimes of 'Patriot Act' and 'National Security Act' in South korea and America. もし私の命令に従わないか、私の利用をする邪悪な犯罪の放送をエクスポートすると、より残酷な罰の災害がまさに日本に発生する。If you not follow my command and send out a broadcast of evil crime and badly use me then more brutal punishment and the catastrophic disasters continue to occur in Japan.
Listen, Criminal stations of all Nations (Especially Criminal South korea and USA) Immediately, Tell the truth and Let the people know about the crimes (of Criminal South korea and USA) to JESUS and me and my family for 25 years. If you not follow my command and send out a broadcast of evil crime and badly use me then more brutal punishment and the catastrophic disasters continue to occur in South korea and United States and all countries. ( Cruelly destroys ) Especially, Let the peoples know about the abusive and evil crimes of 'Patriot Act' and 'National Security Act' in South korea and America.
Prime Minister Abe shakes hands with King of Spain 2019.10.22 news
Massive wildfires rage across Southern California 2019. 10. 31 news
I know what you did when I visited Casablanca. It was the same crime as when I visited Rio in Brazil. I will brutally destroy Casablanca in Morocco, like South korea and United States, more than they crime. by Prophet Yi ( David of JESUS ) / The punishment of truth from GOD by prophet Yi Jng-Yon ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies to the they crime (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won")
Homes burned as new fires errupt in California 2019. 10. 31 news
/ The punishment of truth from GOD by prophet Yi Jng-Yon ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies to the they crime (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won")
3.4 earthquake in ugly (Criminal and Death Penalties) South korea, the den of criminals 2019.10.28 news / The punishment of truth from GOD by prophet Yi Jng-Yon ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies to the they crime (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won")
Fine dust in ugly (Criminal and Death Penalties) South korea, the den of criminals 2019.11.01 news / South koreans who are criminals of Satan and the Devil.
7 people killed by Helicopter crash in ugly (Criminal and Death Penalties) South korea, the den of criminals 2019.11.01 news / South koreans who are criminals of Satan and the Devil. / The punishment of truth from GOD by prophet Yi Jng-Yon ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies to the they crime (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won") / The South korean government, 'Jae-in Moon', a den of criminals, have 'Citizen Investigator' of Illegal Power Abuse. 'Mang Won' of NIS to kill and destroy. For 'cover the they crime' and black money of crime and power of crime. And Repetitively 'Mang Won' (They) More brutally kill and destroy JESUS and Prophet Yi and family, Alternately in 24 hours. After 25 years, Even now (Crime Concealment and breaking, Manipulation of crime for Benefit of crime) "Manipulation of NIS (National Intelligence Service of South korea) public security case, still in candlelight government". Especially the murderers of South korean stations (YTN, KBS, MBC, SBS, Yonhap News, etc) and Murderers on stations of the antichrist (CBS, FEBC, CPBC)
California is in a statewide emergency as 2 new fires ignite near San Francisco l ABC News <2019 .="" 10.="" 27="">
I know what you did when I visited Casablanca. It was the same crime as when I visited Rio in Brazil. In ugly (Criminal and Death Penalties) USA. the den of criminals. / South koreans and USAmerican who are criminals of Satan and the Devil. The punishment of truth from GOD by prophet Yi Jng-Yon ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies to the they crime (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won")
I will visit Morocco, Spain, Portugal (Casablanca, Mahas, Granada, Cordoba, Seville, Lisbon, Fatima, Salamanca. Madrid, Toledo, Segovia, Zaragoza, Barcelona) < 2019 Oct 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 > by Prophet Yi
In the BIBLE : He that serves him is he that serves me and whoever abuses him is one who abuses me! I am the word of the Lord, Jesus Christ!
Only one GOD servant "Prophet Yi" Jung-Yon ( David of JESUS )
You must be follow to the Word and command of " David of JESUS " (Prophet Yi) That's command of GOD ( "JESUS" "Jehovah" "Yahweh" )


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