2024년 8월 2일 금요일

Update on the Park Fire in Northern California

The scourge of punishment for Facebook's crimes 페이스북의 범행들때문에 내려지는 형벌의 재앙 Vice President Harris is a woman who ran for office as a black person and used Martin Luther King evilly. She is also the woman recommended by Obama. Harris is a puppet of Hillary, Obama, and Joe Biden. That is why she should become the Democratic President. Bush of the Republican Party too https://davidprophetyi.blogspot.com 부통령 해리스는 자신이 흑인처럼 선거를 진행을 했었으며 마틴 루터 킹을 악하게 이용을 한 여자이다. 오바마가 추천한 여자이기도 하다. 해리스는 힐러리와 오바마 그리고 조 바이든의 꼭두각시이다. 그녀가 민주당의 대통령이 되어야만 하는 이유가 그것이다. 공화당의 부시 역시도 https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100003376731434 https://www.facebook.com/jywife https://www.facebook.com/jungyon.yi https://www.facebook.com/people/%EC%9D%B4%EB%8B%A4%EB%B9%97/pfbid02bV9KaQSzsUrdGGZwfBwj5NZAr4wyG5ZiNfZMUT2ymXWCD6jXNGHsAXZm1eN8xN78l/ ======== 언론의 모든 것은 사람들의 알 권리를 위해서 존재를 합니다. 그러므로 모든 나라의 언론은 사람들의 세금으로 운영이 되어지는 것입니다. 자신들의 그러한 권리들을 특정인의 권력자나 재벌가를 위해서 사용을 하며 범죄은닉과 범행에 사용을 한다면 당연히 엄중하고 잔인한 처벌들을 받아야만 할 것입니다. 당연히 유트브는 기본적인 상식에 따라서 모든 것들을 개방을 해야만 할 것이며 사람들이 알 권리를 충족을 시켜야만 할 것입니다. 언론매체와 종교인들이 상식적이고 당연한 사람들의 알 권리를 파괴를 시키거나 거부를 할 수가 없으며 저작권을 주장을 할 수가 없습니다. 그것은 기본적인 상식에서 벗어나는 잘못된 언론의 발상입니다. 바로 나의 유트부를 원상복구하시기 바랍니다 ---------------- 태그 'Prophet Yi' punishment Again (1) / ugliness south korean of Satan and devil (1) 11 (1) 1994년부터안기부의미림팀이만행들시작 (4) 24시간3교대의살인고문 (3) 24시간교대의만행의고문 (4) 24시간교대학대와혈압올리는고문들 (1) 강탈들과파괴들의고문들 (2) 강탈파괴범년놈들인한국의망원들 (1) 거짓과모함의범죄의방송 (2) 거짓과모함의조작과모르쇠의범죄방송 (1) 거짓과모함의조작과범죄방송 (1) 거짓과모함의조작들의범죄방송 (1) 거짓들과모함들의조작들과모르쇠의범죄의방송들 (1) 거짓들과조작들의범죄의모르쇠방송들 (1) 거짓모함조작의세뇌를위한무식의학대고문들 (1) 거짓조작의범죄방송들 (1) 공교육 살리기 학부모 연합 (1) 공교육살리기학부모명함 (1) 공시효도없는사형수인망원들 (1) 구안기부인국정원의x파일 (1) 국민의세금들로저질러지고있는망원의만행들 (3) 국정원 x파일 (33) 국정원빅3인사형님라인물갈이 (1) 국정원의망원이라는살인고문테러범년놈들 (1) 국정원의살인고문자년.놈들인망원들 (1) 국정원의살인고문자년놈들인망원들 (2) 국정원의살인자년놈들인망원들 (2) 국정원의살인자년놈인망원 (5) 국정원의x파일 (1) 국정원x파일 (9) 국정원x파일과CIA의x파일 (1) 길을들이기위한거짓모함의혈압올리는고문 (1) 김대중과노무현그리고정동영의국정원x파일 (2) 김대중과노무현의국정원x파일 (4) 김대중의피바다의노벨평화상 (1) 김영삼과김현철의안기부x파일 (3) 김현철과김영삼의안기부x파일 (1) 노무현자살 (3) 노조들 (1) 뉴욕지수마감 (1) 다윗 (1) 다윗의시2 (1) 돼지인플루엔자 (1) 李 政 演 (1) 李政演 (1) 망원 (1) 망원들 (2) 망원들의24시간교대학대혈압올리는고문들 (1) 망원들의강탈의고문들 (1) 망원들의하루24시간교대의고문들 (1) 망원들의하루24시간교대의혈압을올리는고문들 (1) 망원들중에일부인목사들과전도사들 (1) 망원의24시간교대학대와혈압올리는고문들 (4) 망원의범죄방송과설교 (1) 망원의범죄방송과설교들 (7) 망원의혈압올리는고문 (1) 망원의혈압올리는고문들 (2) 망원의혈압을올리는고문들 (3) 멸망하는미국과한국 (3) 명지대학과 장미희 장미희의 학력세탁 (1) 모르쇠의범죄의방송들 (1) 문화방송mbc의x파일 (1) 미국과일본의살인고문자년놈들인 (1) 미국과일본의살인고문테러범년놈들인한국의청와대의안기부와국정원의자칭망원들 (1) 미국과한국의멸망 (1) 미국살인고문테러범년놈들인한국청와대의자칭망원들 (1) 미국의멸망 (4) 미국의민주당 (1) 미국의살인고문자년놈인국정원의망원들 (1) 미국의살인고문테러범년놈들인한국의국정원의망원 (1) 미국의살인고문테러범들인안기부의망원 (2) 미국의살인고문테러범인망원들 (1) 미국의테러범년놈인국정원의망원들 (1) 박연차 (1) 백악관과청와대의살인고문자년놈들인자칭망원들 (1) 백악관에서 프로펫 이님에게 보낸 공문 (1) 백악관의CIA의x파일 (5) 백악관CIA의x파일 (7) 범죄은닉을위한국익과예수전도의명분 (1) 범죄은닉을위한만행들의학대의고문들 (1) 범죄은닉을위한망원의24시간교대의혈압올리는고문 (1) 범죄은닉을위한모르쇠의범죄방송과설교들 (4) 범죄자들의소굴인CNN방송국들 (1) 부시 (1) 부시의패배 (1) 북조선의목적들 (1) 빌클린턴 (2) 빌클린턴과힐러리의백안관CIA의x파일 (3) 사형수년놈들인망원들 (1) 사형수년놈들인자칭망원들과그것들의가족들 (1) 사형수년놈들인한국의망원들 (1) 사형수년인손지혜 (1) 사회의문제점들 (1) 사회질서붕괴 (1) 살인고문자강도파괴범년놈들인망원들 (1) 살인고문자년놈들의소굴인CNN지국 (1) 살인고문자년놈들인망원들 (2) 살인고문자년놈들인자칭망원들 (3) 살인고문자년놈들인자칭망원들의소굴인cnn한국지국 (1) 살인고문자년놈들인한국과미국의망원 (1) 살인고문자년놈들인한국과미국의자칭망원들 (1) 살인고문자년놈들인한국의망원들 (4) 살인고문자년놈들인한국의자칭망원들 (3) 살인고문자년놈인망원 (1) 살인고문자년놈인망원들 (1) 살인고문자년놈인자칭망원들 (1) 살인고문자년놈인한국과미국의자칭망원들 (1) 살인고문자년놈인한국국정원의망원들 (1) 살인고문자년놈인한국의자칭망원들 (1) 살인고문자에사형수년놈들인한국의망원들 (1) 살인고문테러범년놈들인국정원의망원들 (3) 살인고문테러범년놈들인망원 (1) 살인고문테러범년놈들인한국의국정원의망원년놈들 (1) 살인고문테러범년놈들인한국의청와대국정원의망원 (1) 살인고문테러범년놈인국정원의년놈들인망원들 (1) 살인고문테러범년놈인국정원의망원들 (1) 살인고문테러범년놈인망원 (3) 살인고문테러범년놈인망원년놈들 (1) 살인고문테러범년놈인한국의망원들 (3) 살인고문테러범인부시와제이레노 (1) 살인자들의집단인국정원 (2) 살인자들의집단인CNN한국지국 (1) 살인자인김대중과노무현의국정원x파일 (1) 살인자인김영삼과김현철의안기부x파일 (1) 선생님과 교수님 그리고 사립 학교와 공립 학교 (1) 세계적으로 알려져 계신 신의 종이신 프로펫 이 Prophet Yi (1) 세계적으로 알려져 계신 프로펫 이 (1) 세계적으로알려져계신프로펫이 (3) 세뇌와유도의고문들 (2) 수족구와돼지인플루엔자 (3) 시인 (1) 시집 (1) 신과신의종과가족들에게살인의고문들을저지르고있는망원들 (1) 신과신의종을학대고문하고있는망원들 (3) 신의 종이신 프로펫 이政演 (1) 신의 종이신 Prophet Yi (12) 신의강령 (1) 신의명령과OPEC (2) 신의율법의강령과말씀들 (1) 신의종을고문하는망원들 (1) 신의종이신이政演 (3) 신의종이신프로펫이 (2) 신의종이신프로펫이의강령 (1) 신의종이신prophetyi (1) 신의종이신prophetyi와북조선의관계 (1) 신의형벌과재앙들의원인들 (3) 신의형벌들 (2) 신의형벌의재앙들 (3) 신인문학상 수상 2010 (1) 실직자 학교 (1) 안기부와국정원의망원들 (3) 안기부x파일 (2) 어른들은못듣는휴대전화벨LG (1) 언론인 (1) 오바마길들이기 (1) 오바마와힐러리의CIA의x파일 (1) 오바마와힐러리의CIA의x파일과교황청 (2) 유태인들과이스라엘 (1) 유태인의개새끼인오바마 (1) 이정연 (1) 이정연 선생님에 대해서 李政演 (1) 인도네시아멜리아발리호텔 (1) 일본의고문테러범들인한국의안기부의망원들 (1) 일본의살인고문테러범인한국의망원들 (1) 재난의원인 (1) 재앙과멸망의원인들 (4) 재앙들과재난들의원인들 (1) 재앙들의원인들 (2) 재앙에서 벗어 날 수가 있는 방법 (1) 재앙의원인 (3) 적그리스도 (2) 적그리스도들 (1) 적그리스도들인기독교 (1) 적그리스도들인한국의기독교 (1) 적그리스도인기독교 (1) 적그리스도인기독교들 (1) 적그리스도인기독교와천주교 (1) 전교조와 민주 노동당 그리고 민주당과의 관계 (1) 제이레노와할리우드의x파일 (1) 제이레노의범죄조작방송 (2) 조갑제와정동영 (3) 조작과모르쇠의범죄방송들 (3) 조작들의방송들 (1) 조작의범죄방송들 (1) 중국올림픽과WTO가입 (4) 지금도신에게만행들을저지르고있는망원들 (1) 지진 (1) 지진에서 벗어 날 수가 있는 방법 (1) 직권남용의 군사정권 범죄자들의 소굴인 방송국들 (1) 직권남용의교조들과노조들 (1) 직권남용의국가보안법 (3) 직불금 (1) 청와대 (3) 청와대국정원의x파일 (7) 청와대국정원x파일 (1) 청와대와국정원x파일 (4) 청와대의국정원과안기부 (1) 청와대의국정원의망원들 (1) 청와대의국정원의살인고문자년.놈들인망원들과그것들의가족들 (1) 청와대의국정원x파일 (6) 청와대의국정원x파일과CIA의x파일 (1) 청와대의안기부와국정원의망원들 (1) 청와대의안기부와국정원x파일 (5) 테러범인한국의망원들 (1) 프로펫이님의명령들 (1) 하루24시간교대의고문 (1) 하루24시간교대의혈압을올리는고문들 (1) 한국방송kbs의x파일 (1) 한국의멸망 (3) 한국의청와대의국정원x파일 (1) 한국의청와대의안기부와국정원의자칭망원들 (1) 혈압올리는고문들 (1) 혈압을올리는고문 (1) 혈압을올리는고문들 (5) 힐러리와미국의멸망 (1) a crime for the crime of concealment and Broadcasting sermons of the crime (4) ABC (11) abuse of one’s authority (2) abuses of National Security Law (1) abuses of the national security law (1) addressing the issue of Korea's education on the subject (1) Again the reason for hurricanes in South Korea (1) Again volcanic eruption in indonesia (1) American Christians and pastors deulin familiar deulyimyeo murderer (1) attempted murder (3) barack obama (62) Based Cheonan event (1) Bayerische Motoren Werke (1) be armed (1) because murderous murderer and murderess south korean (1) because murderous murderer and murderess south korean and USA (3) bill clinton (87) Bill Clinton and Hillary (1) bite the hand that feeds one (26) BMW (2) BMW yijeongyeon teacher sent to the memorandum of management style (1) brainwash of torture (24) bringacalamityupononeself (1) Broadcast Act for crime and criminal (2) broadcasting station a hotbed of crime (6) broadcasting station of homicidal maniac and murderer and murderess (1) brutality (1) bush (68) Business Ideas of Prophet Yi (2) by Prophet Yi (1) calamity (3) California (1) Causes of disaster (1) Causes of disaster and destruction (3) Causes of disasters and calamities of the punishment Indonesia Tsunami and volcanic eruptions (1) CBS (11) Cheonan-known case (1) Chips planted in the U.S. security firm body staff (1) Christmas message from God (2) church of cover one’s crime (3) church of crime and criminal (1) church of crime and criminal (1) church of Devil (1) church of homicidal maniac and murderer and murderess (2) church of robbers (3) church of Satan (1) CIA's x-files (2) CIA의x파일 (5) CNN (21) Cold wave (2) command of God (2) Complaint (18) condemned the attempted murder of deulin Korea's Mang Won (1) condemned the attempted murder of deulin Korea's telephoto (1) condemned the attempted murder of Korea's Mang Won (1) conduct of torture (18) crime of broadcast by radio and television (34) crime of preaching (21) criminal (10) criminal act (9) criminal assault (1) criminal syndi cate (1) criminal syndi-cate (5) current affairs (1) David (1) david of JESUS (20) DavidofJESUS (4) Defamation (13) die on the rack (16) disrupter (8) DJ형벌로사형집행사망 (1) doharm (1) earthquake (4) education of criminals is made of the union and the union (1) entrap (10) evil spirit of church (2) Extortion (14) fabricate (9) facebook (1) filed death is sam and Kim Hyun Chul's no donations x files (1) filed down the center 1206 of 2010 DA (1) for the crime of concealment of crime and crime broadcast sermons (1) getting away with abuses of the National Security Law and the Criminal broadcast sermons (2) GM파산 (2) God commands (1) God's command by Prophet Yi (1) God's servant (1) God's servant Prophet Yi punishment (1) group (1) Heavy rainfall (1) hiding bloody murder (1) hillary clinton (1) homicidal maniac (7) homicidal maniac and murderous murderer and murderess and criminal radio frequency (1) Hurricane panapi (1) hurricanes in South Korea (1) impeach (1) impeach them for their brutalities (1) in reality (1) Indonesia volcano meorappi ingeunseo 5.6 scale earthquake (1) Indonesian volcano erupting again (1) investigate a crime (5) invite a disaster (1) is a den of murder (1) is condemned in the contributions of Kim Young-sam and Kim Hyun x files (1) is part of a telephoto of the organizations for one of Korea's chaebol are Samsung (1) Jaguar (1) jeongchiwasahoesisahyumeo (1) john mcain (4) kill and destroy south korean (1) Kill the Bill Clinton and Hillary and their daughter (1) Kill the Jay Leno and his family (1) Kill the Satan and the devil's in Korea and the United States of all the churches and pastors and preachers (1) known throughout the world that your Prophet Yi (2) known throughout the world yijeongyeon your Prophet (1) known worldwide that your Prophet (2) known worldwide yijeongyeon your Prophet (1) LG와노건호 (3) live preview (1) LRAD·Long Range Acoustic Device (1) mad cow disease (2) management methods and ideas for service policies (1) management methods and measures of the Prophet yijeongyeon teacher (1) marketing strategies (1) mbc문화방송국의x파일 (4) medical experimentation (2) medical experimentation [a medical experiment] on a living body (1) medical experimentation on a living body (1) members of disaster people (1) Meorappi volcanic eruptions in Indonesia and the maximum explosion (1) message from Prophet Yi (1) murder (6) murder a homicidal maniac of church (3) murder a homicidal maniac of south korean and American (4) Murder attempt (14) murder by contract (26) murder case (8) murder in the first degree (3) murder of prisoners deulin Korea's tele guys (1) murder suspect (9) murderer (9) murderer for gain (9) murderess (9) murderous murderer jay leno (1) murderous murderer and murderes (1) murderous murderer and murderess hillary clinton and bill clinton (1) murderous murderer and murderess john mcain and george w bush (2) National Security Act of misconduct (1) National Security Law (9) National sinmungo (1) news scrap (2) NIS (1) North Korea provoked an absolute insoluble (1) of the union and the union (1) of torture and medical experiments (1) omplaint (1) open crim-inal investigation (1) order of God (3) pain caused by amplified sounds (1) Poet (1) Political and social current affairs (1) political and social education Hugh bots (1) president of USA (5) Prophet of God that God's papers (1) Prophet Yi (11) Prophet Yi Jung Yon (2) Prophet Yi Jung Yon (42) Prophet Yi October 19 2010 to October 27 Training for the travel Fiji visits (1) Prophet Yi punishment (2) Prophet Yi's command and the plague of penalties (1) Prophet Yi님의 정책들과 아이디어들 그리고 지혜들 (5) Prophet Yi님의 정책들과지혜들 (1) ProphetYi (1) public (1) public education (1) punishment (3) punishment continue (1) punishment Again (1) radio and TV station a den (3) radio frequency identification (1) rapist (7) return evil for good (9) robber (7) root of calamity (1) root of misfortune (1) root the origin (1) rootofcalamity (1) ruin (1) said abuses are committed with the National Security Act of brutality and torture (2) save All In (1) save the parent union (1) scale 5.6 earthquake (1) school superintendent candidate (1) Schwarzenegger (1) scientist of attempted murder (3) sent to the memorandum of management style (2) shift work (3) SI (2) Sin of broken the personal family and personalty (30) social and political assumptions (1) subversive activities (8) Supreme complaint (2) teacher (2) tele shifts of 24 hours a day to raise the blood pressure of the abuse and torture of (1) tele these 24-hour shifts blood pressure raising consultant (1) telephoto (1) telephoto deulin den of terrorists with murder (1) Telephoto of the 24-hour shifts of abuse of torture (1) Telephoto of the abuse (1) terrorist (34) terrorist group (9) The cause of the destruction (1) The cause of the disaster (1) The cause of the disaster and destruction (1) the company management ideas yijeongyeon teacher's car (1) the death deulin Korea's tele guys (1) the death of a telephoto deulin of Korea (1) the Democratic Party and the Uri Party and the dogma of the union of the criminals are (1) The murder is out (2) the National Intelligence Service (1) The National Security Act of misconduct in committing a crime broadcast and sermons (1) the National Security Law (1) the NIS of x files and telephoto (1) the penalty of the original people of the plagues and disasters (1) the president and the politicians (1) the Prophet's sayings and memorandum yijeongyeon Hi guys (1) the right customer relationship management (1) the right marketing and business (1) the roots of crime and murder (1) the somber economic situation (1) the teacher said yijeongyeon (1) the torture and abuse of tele-medical experiments (1) the torture and abuse of tele-vivo experiments (2) the U.S. Department of Defense's sonic weapon of murder (1) The union list (1) This world is known as your Prophet (1) To continue God's servant 'Prophet Yi' punishment (1) torture (19) torture churches (1) torture destroys seized news articles (1) torture is a den of terrorists deulin stations of telephoto (1) torture terror Abuse (1) Toyota Night Vision Korea NASDAQ or cover memorandum sent to 45 of Hebrews (1) Transparent electoral process (1) tsunami (1) twitter (1) two journal in June 2010 to hubonim election for mayor (1) Typhoon gonpaseu brutal because in Korea (1) untruth (8) volcano (1) war criminal (5) White House Letter (1) whitehouse (46) who worked in May 2010 of the State (1) woes (1) woodfire (1) would be murderer (2) wrongful exercise of authority (9) x file of ABC (11) x file of CBS (7) X file of CIA (73) X file of CNN (40) X file of south korea (53) x-files of South Korea (1) Yi jeong yeon teacher management style communique sent to Jaguar (1) yi jeong-yeon (1) yi jung yon (1) yi jung-yon (1) yijeongyeon Hi Lee 政 演 policy of the Prophet (1) Yijeongyeon teacher's planning (1) Yijeongyeon teacher's policy (1) You know the speech so yijeongyeon goggles (1) You must be follow the commands (1) You must be follow the God's servant 'Prophet Yi' commands (1) You must be kill the murderous murderer and murderess south korean and U.S.A (1) You must be kill the murderous murderer and murderess south korean and USA (4) you're in June 2010 concerning two front (1) तेररोरिस्त (2) Prophet Yi Jung Yon 李 政 演 I am Prophet Yi Jung - Yon ( David of JESUS ) Man of Killeen TX and Prophet of God ! 1993 - Oct 1994 in Killeen TX and Oct 1994 - south koea reading the BIBLE and Pray to God ! Listen, Nations and Peoples ! God bless JESUS ( David ) Country !

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