2020년 3월 28일 토요일

A helicopter crash at a forest fire in strong winds ... 1 person missing in the den of criminals, South korea 2020.03.20 news

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A helicopter crash at a forest fire in strong winds ... 1 person missing in the den of criminals, South korea 2020.03.20 news / The punishment of truth from GOD by prophet Yi Jng-Yon ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies to the they crime (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won") Cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American) /
8 people injury by strong winds, Continue destruction of facilities, cars, house, building, etc. .. Forest Fires 23 cases in the den of criminals, South korea 2020.03.20. news / The punishment because South korean and American murderers committed murder destruction and commented evil on JESUS Word (Evil replying to on my Twitter and Facebook) of crime and Crime concealment by Prophet Yi ( David of JESUS ) Mar 19 2020 /
US coronavirus count tops 500 as global outbreak intensifies 2020. 3. 9 news / The punishment of truth from GOD by prophet Yi Jng-Yon ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies to the they crime (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won") / Evil and cruel criminals, What a Ugly South Koreans and USA! /
Whatever! Someone who have relationship with Murderers South korean and American will Kill and destroy with cruel revenge and punishment, Immediately (Like criminals South korea, more than they crime) Continue in hell ! cause of the disaster, because crime of S. korean and USA, Evil and cruel criminals, What a Ugly South Koreans and USA! cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American) Must be Brutally Kill and destroy them and they family ('Mang Won', Hollywood and Broadcasting station including Christianity of Antichrist and Press Bureau of broadcasting station and ‘K POP’ and entertainer and entertainer agency, CIA, NSA, FBI, ........) more than they crimes ! Massacre and Abuse with cruel evils, Torture and kill painfully, Without the same and rest ! This is a strict command of GOD ( JESUS ) by “Prophet Yi” Jung-Yon , David of JESUS /
Coronavirus death toll rises in U.S. 2020. 3. 3 news / The punishment of truth from GOD by prophet Yi Jng-Yon ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies to the they crime (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won") Cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American) /
First American dies from coronavirus 2020. 2. 8. news / The punishment of truth from GOD by prophet Yi Jng-Yon ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies to the they crime (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won") / Evil and cruel criminals, What a Ugly South Koreans and USA! cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American) Must be Brutally Kill and destroy them and they family ('Mang Won', Hollywood and Broadcasting station including Christianity of Antichrist and ‘K POP’ and entertainer and entertainer agency, CIA, NSA, FBI, ........) more than they crimes ! Massacre and Abuse with cruel evils, Torture and kill painfully, Without the same and rest ! This is a strict command of GOD ( JESUS ) by “Prophet Yi” Jung-Yon , David of JESUS
(In the den of criminals, South korea) Steel structures for election and publicity on the rooftops of building were destroyed by strong winds in the Namyangju, Gyeonggi-do. In addition, the steel structure damaged eight vehicles. 2020.03.20 news / The punishment because South korean and American murderers committed murder destruction and commented evil on JESUS Word (Evil replying to on my Twitter and Facebook) of crime and Crime concealment by Prophet Yi ( David of JESUS ) Mar 19 2020 /
(In the den of criminals, South korea) Breaking, flying and falling by 'Typhoon-class' strong winds ... Damage all day long. Strong winds destroyed the roofs and windows of buildings and houses. Fragments of broken roofs and windows have been blown up and turned into weapons, damaging citizens everywhere. A woman in her 40s was hit by a piece of windshield. A man in his 40s was hit the face by a piece of plastic. Building materials hit the 30s man. The roof of the house flew about 30 meters and hit the landlord in his 80s who was farming. A motorcycle fell in an instant and a man in his 60s hurt his leg. A tree hit the house in a strong wind. Etc. 2020.03.19 news /
Wildfire in strong wind, blackout, Stop the Corona Virus Screening Clinic, The church building cross flew to strong winds. The strong winds destroyed the electoral propulsion structure, damaging eight vehicles and damaging power lines. In the strong wind, the roof of the 'Town Hall' flew off, and the electric pole of the telegraph pole was cut off, resulting in a power outage. Vehicles damaged by strong winds. (in the den of criminals, South korea) 2020.03.20 news /
Out of control forest fire by strong wind .. Evacuation of 5,200 residents .. Fire helicopter crash in Ulsan (the den of criminals, South korea) 2020.03.20 news / The punishment of truth from GOD by prophet Yi Jng-Yon ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies to the they crime (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won") Cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American) /
Wildfire continued for the second day by strong wind in Ulsan, South korea ... Evacuate 4,000 people overnight 2020.03.20 news / The punishment because South korean and American murderers committed murder destruction and commented evil on JESUS Word (Evil replying to on my Twitter and Facebook) of crime and Crime concealment by Prophet Yi ( David of JESUS ) /
Corona virus 19 will not go away until these things are released.
Murderers of South korean and American must be disclosed.
Also, must be brutally and openly punish all crimes of them.
Naturally all families of them, too. by Propet Yi ( David of JESUS ) /
'Corona virus 19' is 1000 times the human cell binding capacity of 'SARS' 2020.02.27 news / Cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American) Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won" / Need translate ; 한국과 미국의 살인학살자들이 계획적으로 27년이 넘게 예수님과 예수님의 종이신 프로펫 이 정연 님 그리고 가족들에게 은혜를 악들로 갚으며 저질러 오고 있는 범행에 대한 형벌의 재앙과 재난들은 계속해서 비교도 되지 않게 한국과 미국은 물론이고 모든 나라에 내려질 것이며 절대 멈추거나 늦추어지지 않는다. 오로지 더 잔인하고 엄청난 형벌의 학살과 학대에 재앙과 재난이 한국과 미국 그리고 모든 나라에 내려질 것이다. 한국과 미국의 살인학살자들이 저지르고 있는 모든 범행들에 비교도 되지 않게 말이다. 한국과 미국의 모든 범행은 물론이고 (예수님과 예수님의 종이신 프로펫 이 정연 님 그리고 가족들에게 국가보안법으로 게획적으로 저질러 오고 있는 학살과 학대의 범죄와 범행들 기타 등) 형벌의 재앙과 재난의 모든 내용들까지 모두 다 낱낱이 성경말씀에 나와 있으며 홀로 살아서 역사를 하고 계시는 예수님의 율법의 명령들도 당연히 나와 있다. 그것을 숨긴다고 하며 (범죄은닉과 완전범죄를 위해서) 나라와 사회를 망하게 하고 국민들과 사람들을 죽이며 더 악질에 잔인한 범행들을 예수님과 예수님의 종이신 프로펫 이 정연 그리고 가족들에게 27년이 넘게 24시간 교대의 학살과 학대의 고문들은 물론이고 생체실험과 모든 악질에 가증스러운 범행들로 저질러 오고 있는 것이다. 당연히 오로지 더 잔인하고 끔찍한 형벌의 재앙과 재난들은 물론이고 보복들의 학살과 학대의 고통들이 한국과 미국 그리고 모든 나라에 계속해서 내려질 것이다. 모든 살인의 범행들과 살인자들을 공개를 하고 처벌을 하기 전에는 더 잔인한 학살과 학대의 형벌들과 보복들로 개 난도질들을 당하게 될 것이며 지옥에서는 더 잔인한 학살과 학대의 고통들을 개 난도질로 당하게 된다. 저지르고 있는 모든 범죄와 범행들에 비교도 되지 않게 말이다. 내가 뉴스 기사에 남겨 놓은 근거의 댓글들이 여기저기에 있다. 오랜 시간동안 올려진 글들이므로 거짓말을 할 수가 없는 내용들이다. 당연히 지금도 문재인 정권까지 계속해서 악한 댓글에 진실에 회칠을 하고 학대을을 하는 안기부와 국정원의 범죄자들의 흔적도 쉽게 확인이 가능할 것이다. 단 한마리 빠짐이 없이 공개로 처벌을 해야만 할 것이다. 살고 싶으면 말이다. 아멘. by Prophet Yi, Jung Yon ( David of JESUS )
The punishment because South korean and American murderers committed murder destruction and commented evil on JESUS Word (Evil replying to on my Twitter and Facebook) of crime and Crime concealment by Prophet Yi ( David of JESUS ) Mar 19 2020 /
5.7 earthquake in Utah, USA ... 'Corona virus 19' response activities disrupted 2020.03.19 news / The punishment of truth from GOD by prophet Yi Jng-Yon ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies to the they crime (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won") Cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American)
Bible (Scripture) ;
John 1 : 1 - 5 , Jeremiah 18 : 18 – 23 , Jeremiah 17 : 18 , Jeremiah 16 : 3 - 9 , Jeremiah 15 : 20 - 21 , Jeremiah 15 : 1 - 3 , Jeremiah 13 : 13 - 18 /
Bible (Scripture) ;
Jeremiah 17 : 18 / Jeremiah 16 : 3 - 9 / Jeremiah 15 : 20 - 21 / Jeremiah 15 : 1 - 3 / Jeremiah 13 : 13 - 18 /
From https://www.facebook.com/jungyon.yi and https://twitter.com/Prophetyi Continue
Too many people are dying in the Arabs.
Can women's bras be used as children's masks?
Nylon is a strong electrostatic filter will be the role.
The fabrics of the functional garments are the materials that make a great mask. In poor economic conditions, stocks in warehouses are sufficient resources to make good masks. by Prophet Yi ( David of JESUS ) Mar 18, 2020
From in my "Clime Bill" policy ;
Bill Clinton and Hillary, and Obama and Bush's family are rich by crime.
It is okay to use the budget of the Presidential Museum or Memorial for 'corona virus 19' confirmed patients and they family. by Prophet Yi Jung-Yon ( David of JESUS )
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Pray to Yahweh JESUS !
More brutally kill and destroy, criminals South korean and USAmerican of satan and devil. More than crime of them.
More cruelly the plague of punishment on South koreans and Americans and punish them more cruelly than their crimes !
And Please help your servant "David of JESUS" ( Prophet Yi ) !
David of JESUS Name Amen.
Do not pray to Mary. Maria does not want.
Mary want you pray to Yahweh, Jesus Christ.
It is necessary to check how many people die per day in South korea. This is not only 'Corona Virus 19' problem, because all viruses in worldwide are active in South korea. Be careful of mutations. You need close the country door. Mar 18, 2020 by PropheYi ( David of JESUS )
11 Warthog object 'African swine fever' confirmed. 389 cases nationwide in Hwacheon and Yeoncheon, South korea (in the den of criminals, South korea) 2020.03.18 news / The punishment of truth from GOD by prophet Yi Jng-Yon ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies to the they crime (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won") Cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American)
81 death and 8236 'corona virus 19' confirmed patients ... 5 people death a day (in the den of criminals, South korea) 2020.03.16 news /
The punishment of truth from GOD by prophet Yi Jng-Yon ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies to the they crime (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won") Cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American)
After corona19 patient treatment is completed ... Again, corona virus 19 confirmed (in the den of criminals, South korea) 2020.03.12 news / The punishment of truth from GOD by prophet Yi Jng-Yon ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies to the they crime (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won") Cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American)
I left Australia on February 27, 2020.
Australia did not serve JESUS and me.
Punish according to the command of the righteous law of Jehovah, Jesus Christ.
On the day of punishment, you said that you do not know me, and I do not know you.
Don't tell me you know me when you die. In Australia,
I dusted up even the dust of dust.
After death, 'Don't tell me that I helped the poor and fed the hungry.' You did nothing to me.
These are the words of the Bible, the words of Jesus Christ, and the law. by Prophet Yi, Jung Yon ( David of JESUS ) Amen.
'Corona virus 19' confirmed patients 1,412 ... Minister of Culture also infected. And 25 deaths. 2020.03.10 news / The punishment of truth from GOD by prophet Yi Jng-Yon ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies to the they crime (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won")
Eight patients, including inpatients, guardians, and medical staff, were confirmed at a safe hospital (Bundang Jesaeng Hospital) and confirmed that the new coronavirus infection (Corona 19) was confirmed (in the den of criminals, South korea) 2020.03.06 news
'Corona virus 19' confirmed patients increase .. After the release of the quarantine (in the den of criminals, South korea) 'Viral latency controversial' 2020.03.08. news /
가장 많은 숫자부터 대구, 경북, 경기, 부산, 서울, 충남, 울산, 대전, 광주, 충북, 강원, 전북, 인천, 제주, 세종, 전남, 기타 등 / 보이지 않는 숫자는 더 많을 것으로 사람들은 생각들을 하고 있을 것이다. 이 정도면 나라와 사회 그리고 가정의 기본적인 모든 것들이 중단이 되고 파괴 되고 있다는 것을 알 수가 있다. 앞으로 더 얼마나 엄청나고 상상을 초월을 하는 일들이 벌어질지는...... "순간 순간 범행들로 두려워 하는 것에 비교도 되지 않는 잔인한 형벌들로 깜찍 깜짝 놀라게 하며 내리칠 것이다" 신의 말씀이다. 아멘. by Prophet Yi, Jung Yon /
Wonkwang University Hospital and Daegu Medical Center suffered 2 deaths with 'Corona virus 19'. Total 63 people (in the den of criminals, South korea) 2020.03.11 news
'corona virus 19' confirmed patients A doctor working in the emergency department of Ulsan University Hospital (in the den of criminals, South korea) 2020.02.27 news /
'Corona virus 19' confirmation 62 deaths (in the den of criminals, South korea) 2020.03.11 news /
Explosion of Lotte Chemical Plant in the den of criminals, South korea 2020.03.04 news /
'Corona virus 19' confirmation 293 increase, 5,621 total ... 35 deaths in the den of criminals, South korea 2020.03.04 news /
'Corona virus 19' confirmation 293 increase, 5,621 total ... 33 deaths in the den of criminals, South korea 2020.03.04 news / 1994년 10월 (빌 클린턴과 힐러리, 김영삼과 김현철 정권) 부터 살인학살자들이 국가보안법과 애국법으로 예수님과 예수님의 종인 프로펫 이 정연 그리고 가족들에게 24시간 교대로 학살과 학대의 고문 들과 생체실험, 가정과 일들을 파괴를 시키며 사회적으로 암 매장을 시키는 범행들을 저질러 오고 있는 것에 대한 형벌들 중에 일부이다. 모든 고통들은 신의 종이신 프로펫 이 님과 가족들이 겪고 있는 고통들 그대로이다. 더 잔인한 학살과 학대의 고통들을 살인학살자들인 한국인들과 미국인들이 당하기를 원하노라! 아멘. by Prophet Yi, Jung Yon /
CNN said China culture can't follow to South korean entertainer. 2019.12.30. news / So, Criminals South korean entertainers follow to order of CNN. (So, Oscar 4 crown winner)
Again, Xi Jinping of China said 'Find out the 'Corona Virus 19' was started and from Where.' 2020.03.05 news / If you want know than check the Date of news in my tweet and facebook. And Check the entertainer of South korean.
South korean entertainers want China to end the “Han-Han-Ryung” (限韓令, 한류규제령) in China. 2019.12.25 news / .... No 2 Whatever! Someone who have relationship with Murderers South korean and American will Kill and destroy with cruel revenge and punishment, Immediately (Like criminals South korea, more than they crime) Continue in hell ! cause of the disaster, because crime of S. korean and USA, Evil and cruel criminals, What a Ugly South Koreans and USA! cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American) Must be Brutally Kill and destroy them and they family ('Mang Won', Hollywood and Broadcasting station including Christianity of Antichrist and Press Bureau of broadcasting station and ‘K POP’ and entertainer and entertainer agency, CIA, NSA, FBI, ........) more than they crimes ! Massacre and Abuse with cruel evils, Torture and kill painfully, Without the same and rest ! This is a strict command of GOD ( JESUS ) by “Prophet Yi” Jung-Yon , David of JESUS Amen.
Xi Jinping of China said 'Find out the 'Corona Virus 19' was started and from Where.' 2020.03.03. news / If you want know than check the Date of news in my tweet and facebook. And Check the entertainer of South korean.
Bill Clinton says affair with Monica Lewinsky helped 'manage my anxieties' 2020. 3. 6 news / Bill Clinton, you did rape and Home Destruction of Victims, begun before the your president. Don't think of politics by exploiting broadcasts and news, again. Broadcasters and criminal who are loyal to you and Hillary will punish the more brutally. With murderers of South korean / Cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American) Evil and cruel criminals, What a Ugly South Koreans and USA!
(In the den of criminals, South korea) Korean Air crew second 'corona virus 19 confirms patients' .. Boarding a Los Angeles Route (Hollywood) 2020.03.07 news / You must be follow command of Prophet Yi ( David of JESUS ) Continue the punishment of truth from GOD by prophet Yi Jng-Yon ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies to the they crime (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won") / Evil and cruel criminals, What a Ugly South Koreans and USA!
After visiting South Korea, Vietnamese Men 'corona virus 19 confirmed patients' in Vietnam. 'Corona 19 fears spread, again' 2020.03.07 news / Whatever! Someone who have relationship with Murderers South korean and American will Kill and destroy with cruel revenge and punishment, Immediately (Like criminals South korea, more than they crime) Continue in hell ! cause of the disaster, because crime of S. korean and USA, Evil and cruel criminals, What a Ugly South Koreans and USA! cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American) Must be Brutally Kill and destroy them and they family ('Mang Won', Hollywood and Broadcasting station including Christianity of Antichrist and Press Bureau of broadcasting station and ‘K POP’ and entertainer and entertainer agency, CIA, NSA, FBI, ........) more than they crimes ! Massacre and Abuse with cruel evils, Torture and kill painfully, Without the same and rest ! This is a strict command of GOD ( JESUS ) by “Prophet Yi” Jung-Yon , David of JESUS Amen.
Check the Date of news in my tweet and facebook. / The killers of CNN and Hollywood and South korean entertainers and broadcasters are ruining and killing all countries. For cover the they crime and black money and serve the power man. /
The fallout from the new coronavirus now spreading coast to coast 2020. 3. 6. news / Continue the punishment of truth from GOD by prophet Yi Jng-Yon ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies to the they crime (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won") / Evil and cruel criminals, What a Ugly South Koreans and USA! Must be Brutally Kill and destroy them and they family ('Mang Won', Hollywood and Broadcasting station including Christianity of Antichrist and ‘K POP’ and entertainer and entertainer agency, CIA, NSA, FBI, ........) more than they crimes ! Massacre and Abuse with cruel evils, Torture and kill painfully, Without the same and rest ! This is a strict command of GOD ( JESUS ) by “Prophet Yi” Jung-Yon , David of JESUS
At least 12 dead, 188 infected in US as coronavirus continues to spread 2020. 3. 7 news / Cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American) The punishment of truth from GOD by prophet Yi Jng-Yon ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies to the they crime (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won") / Evil and cruel criminals, What a Ugly South Koreans and USA! Must be Brutally Kill and destroy them and they family ('Mang Won', Hollywood and Broadcasting station including Christianity of Antichrist and ‘K POP’ and entertainer and entertainer agency, CIA, NSA, FBI, ........) more than they crimes ! Massacre and Abuse with cruel evils, Torture and kill painfully, Without the same and rest ! This is a strict command of GOD ( JESUS ) by “Prophet Yi” Jung-Yon , David of JESUS
At least 24 killed, 38 missing after Tennessee tornadoes 2020. 3. 4 news / Cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American) The punishment of truth from GOD by prophet Yi Jng-Yon ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies to the they crime (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won") / Evil and cruel criminals, What a Ugly South Koreans and USA! Must be Brutally Kill and destroy them and they family ('Mang Won', Hollywood and Broadcasting station including Christianity of Antichrist and ‘K POP’ and entertainer and entertainer agency, CIA, NSA, FBI, ........) more than they crimes ! Massacre and Abuse with cruel evils, Torture and kill painfully, Without the same and rest ! This is a strict command of GOD ( JESUS ) by “Prophet Yi” Jung-Yon , David of JESUS
Tornadoes in Nashville area kill at least five 2020. 3. 3 news / The punishment of truth from GOD by prophet Yi Jng-Yon ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies to the they crime (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won") / Evil and cruel criminals, What a Ugly South Koreans and USA! cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American)
'Corona virus 19' is 1000 times the human cell binding capacity of 'SARS' 2020.02.27 news / Cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American) Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won" / Need translate ; 한국과 미국의 살인학살자들이 계획적으로 27년이 넘게 예수님과 예수님의 종이신 프로펫 이 정연 님 그리고 가족들에게 은혜를 악들로 갚으며 저질러 오고 있는 범행에 대한 형벌의 재앙과 재난들은 계속해서 비교도 되지 않게 한국과 미국은 물론이고 모든 나라에 내려질 것이며 절대 멈추거나 늦추어지지 않는다. 오로지 더 잔인하고 엄청난 형벌의 학살과 학대에 재앙과 재난이 한국과 미국 그리고 모든 나라에 내려질 것이다. 한국과 미국의 살인학살자들이 저지르고 있는 모든 범행들에 비교도 되지 않게 말이다. 한국과 미국의 모든 범행은 물론이고 (예수님과 예수님의 종이신 프로펫 이 정연 님 그리고 가족들에게 국가보안법으로 게획적으로 저질러 오고 있는 학살과 학대의 범죄와 범행들 기타 등) 형벌의 재앙과 재난의 모든 내용들까지 모두 다 낱낱이 성경말씀에 나와 있으며 홀로 살아서 역사를 하고 계시는 예수님의 율법의 명령들도 당연히 나와 있다. 그것을 숨긴다고 하며 (범죄은닉과 완전범죄를 위해서) 나라와 사회를 망하게 하고 국민들과 사람들을 죽이며 더 악질에 잔인한 범행들을 예수님과 예수님의 종이신 프로펫 이 정연 그리고 가족들에게 27년이 넘게 24시간 교대의 학살과 학대의 고문들은 물론이고 생체실험과 모든 악질에 가증스러운 범행들로 저질러 오고 있는 것이다. 당연히 오로지 더 잔인하고 끔찍한 형벌의 재앙과 재난들은 물론이고 보복들의 학살과 학대의 고통들이 한국과 미국 그리고 모든 나라에 계속해서 내려질 것이다. 모든 살인의 범행들과 살인자들을 공개를 하고 처벌을 하기 전에는 더 잔인한 학살과 학대의 형벌들과 보복들로 개 난도질들을 당하게 될 것이며 지옥에서는 더 잔인한 학살과 학대의 고통들을 개 난도질로 당하게 된다. 저지르고 있는 모든 범죄와 범행들에 비교도 되지 않게 말이다. 내가 뉴스 기사에 남겨 놓은 근거의 댓글들이 여기저기에 있다. 오랜 시간동안 올려진 글들이므로 거짓말을 할 수가 없는 내용들이다. 당연히 지금도 문재인 정권까지 계속해서 악한 댓글에 진실에 회칠을 하고 학대을을 하는 안기부와 국정원의 범죄자들의 흔적도 쉽게 확인이 가능할 것이다. 단 한마리 빠짐이 없이 공개로 처벌을 해야만 할 것이다. 살고 싶으면 말이다. 아멘. by Prophet Yi, Jung Yon ( David of JESUS )
WHO said "We've come to a crucial point. Each country needs to prepare for Corona19" 2020.02.27 news / (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won") Cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American)
Dow Index, The biggest slump ever .. Panic in Corona Horror 2020.02.28 news / The punishment of truth from GOD by prophet Yi Jng-Yon ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies to the they crime (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won")
"Moon Jae-in President of South korea, impeachment petition '문재인 대통령 탄핵 청원' 인원조작-댓글중단 논란 ' 2020.02.28 news / Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won"
'corona virus 19 confirmed patients' 1766, Death 13 in the den of criminals, South korea 2020.02.27 news / Need translate ; 1993년 미국에서 그리고 1994년 10월 (빌 클린턴과 힐러리, 김영삼과 김현철 정권) 부터 살인학살자들이 국가보안법과 애국법으로 예수님과 예수님의 종인 프로펫 이 정연 그리고 가족들에게 24시간 교대로 학살과 학대의 고문 들과 생체실험, 가정과 일들을 파괴를 시키며 사회적으로 암 매장을 시키는 범행들을 저질러 오고 있는 것에 대한 형벌들 중에 일부이다. 모든 고통들은 신의 종이신 프로펫 이 님과 가족들이 겪고 있는 고통들 그대로이다. 더 잔인한 학살과 학대의 고통들을 살인학살자들인 한국인들과 미국인들이 당하기를 원하노라! 아멘. by Prophet Yi, Jung Yon /
가장 많은 숫자부터 대구, 경북, 경기, 부산, 서울, 충남, 울산, 대전, 광주, 충북, 강원, 전북, 인천, 제주, 세종, 전남, 기타 등 / 보이지 않는 숫자는 더 많을 것으로 사람들은 생각들을 하고 있을 것이다. 이 정도면 나라와 사회 그리고 가정의 기본적인 모든 것들이 중단이 되고 파괴 되고 있다는 것을 알 수가 있다. 앞으로 더 얼마나 엄청나고 상상을 초월을 하는 일들이 벌어질지는...... "순간 순간 범행들로 두려워 하는 것에 비교도 되지 않는 잔인한 형벌들로 깜찍 깜짝 놀라게 하며 내리칠 것이다" 신의 말씀이다. 아멘. by Prophet Yi, Jung Yon
"한국영화가 왜 아카데미" 트럼프 비난에..미국 반응 '싸늘' 2020.02.21 news / Need translate ; 박근혜와 이명박이 처벌을 받을 수가 있었던 것은 트럼프가 대통령이 되었기 때문이다. 힐러리는 신의 종이신 프로펫 이 님 때문에 대통령이 될 수가 없었다. 아무도 그렇게 생각하지 않았지만 결국은 그렇게 되었다. 그 증거는 나의 댓글 자료들을 확인을 하면 가능하다. 미국의 CNN과 할리우드는 빌 클린턴과 힐러리에게 절대적으로 복종을 하는 것들이다. 같이 범죄은닉에 직권남용의 국가보안법 등으로 엄청나게 출세들을 하고 이득에 돈들을 챙길 수가 있었기 때문이다. 종교도 마찮가지이다. 당연히 국민들은 파멸과 고통들을 당해 왔다.
Wildfire in the den of criminals, South korea .. Evacuate over 280 residents 2020-01-27 news / The punishment of truth from GOD by prophet Yi Jng-Yon ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies to the they crime (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won") Cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American)
Australian wildfire capital Canberra threatens .. State of emergency declared 2020.01.31 news / Whatever! Someone who have relationship with Murderers South korean and American will Kill and destroy with cruel revenge and punishment, Immediately (Like criminals South korea, more than they crime) Continue in hell !
Two people died in derailment of long-distance train between Sydney and Melbourne, Australia 2020.02.21 news / Whatever! Someone who have relationship with Murderers South korean and American will Kill and destroy with cruel revenge and punishment, Immediately (Like criminals South korea, more than they crime) Continue in hell ! cause of the disaster, because crime of S. korean and USA, Evil and cruel criminals, What a Ugly South Koreans and USA! cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American) Must be Brutally Kill and destroy them and they family ('Mang Won', Hollywood and Broadcasting station including Christianity of Antichrist and Press Bureau of broadcasting station and ‘K POP’ and entertainer and entertainer agency, CIA, NSA, FBI, ........) more than they crimes ! Massacre and Abuse with cruel evils, Torture and kill painfully, Without the same and rest ! This is a strict command of GOD ( JESUS ) by “Prophet Yi” Jung-Yon , David of JESUS Amen.
Confirmed 7 wild boar 'ASF virus' cases in Yeoncheon, Hwacheon, etc ... Total 244 in the den of criminals, South korea 2020.02.21 news / The punishment of truth from GOD by prophet Yi Jng-Yon ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies to the they crime (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won") / Evil and cruel criminals, What a Ugly South Koreans and USA! cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American)
Two peoples 'corona virus 19' confirmed patients occurred in Mungyeong, Gyeongsangbuk-do, South korea 2020.02.21 news / The punishment of truth from GOD by prophet Yi Jng-Yon ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies to the they crime (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won") Cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American)
Died of the second 'Corona virus 19' in the den of criminals, South korea 2020.02.21 news / The punishment of truth from GOD by prophet Yi Jng-Yon ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies to the they crime (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won") Cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American)
Additional two corona virus 19 confirmed patients in Busan, South korea 2020.02.21. news / The punishment of truth from GOD by prophet Yi Jng-Yon ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies to the they crime (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won") Cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American)
First 'corona virus 19' confirmed patients occur in Daejeon, South korea 2020.02.21. news / The punishment of truth from GOD by prophet Yi Jng-Yon ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies to the they crime (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won") Cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American)
28-year-old male 'corona virus 19' confirmed patients in Jeonju, Jeollabuk-do, South korea (Second in Jeollabuk-do) 2020.02.20 news / The punishment of truth from GOD by prophet Yi Jng-Yon ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies to the they crime (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won") / Evil and cruel criminals, What a Ugly South Koreans and USA! cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American
First 'Corona virus 19' confirmed patients soldiers occurs.
Navy Soldier working in Jeju Island, South korea (in the den of criminals, South korea) 2020.02.20 news / The punishment of truth from GOD by prophet Yi Jng-Yon ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies to the they crime (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won") Cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American)
First death of 'Corona virus 19' at 'Daenam Hospital' in Cheongdo-gun, Gyeongsangbuk-do, South korea .. Total 104 patients confirmed 2020.02.20. news / The punishment of truth from GOD by prophet Yi Jng-Yon ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies to the they crime (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won") / Evil and cruel criminals, What a Ugly South Koreans and USA! cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American)
In addition, two additional 'corona virus 19 confirmed patients' were found in Cheongdo-gun, Gyeongsangbuk-do, South korea ... Total '53 people (20 people a day in Daegu and Gyeongbuk) 2020.02.20. news / The punishment of truth from GOD by prophet Yi Jng-Yon ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies to the they crime (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won") Cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American)
Again, 5 additional 'corona virus 19' confirmed patients ... Total 52 in the den of criminals, South korea 2020.02.19 news (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won") / Cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American)
Additional corona virus 19 confirmed patients, Daegu 13 patients, Seoul 1, Suwon 1 ... Total 46 in the den of criminals, South korea 2020.02.19 news / The punishment of truth from GOD by prophet Yi Jng-Yon ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies to the they crime (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won") Cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American)
31 additional corona virus 19 confirmed patients, Total 82 people .. 30 people confirmed in Daegu and Gyeongbuk, South korea (in the den of criminals, South korea) 2020.02.20 news / The punishment of truth from GOD by prophet Yi Jng-Yon ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies to the they crime (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won") / Evil and cruel criminals, What a Ugly South Koreans and USA! cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American)
Found additional bodies under the burnt truck ... 31 accident vehicles, 5 deaths, 43 injuries in South korea (the den of criminals, South korea) 2020.02.18 news / (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won") What a Ugly South Koreans and USA! cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American)
Multiple collisions in a highway tunnel. 2 deaths and 37 wounded in the den of criminals, South korea 2020.02.17 news / The punishment of truth from GOD by prophet Yi Jng-Yon ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies to the they crime (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won") Cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American)
Patients with 'new corona virus' (Corona 19) occurred in Daegu, South korea. South korean woman who has never traveled abroad. She was attend churches in South korea several times. 2020.02.18 news / The punishment of truth from GOD by prophet Yi Jng-Yon ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies to the they crime (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won") / Evil and cruel criminals, What a Ugly South Koreans and USA! cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American)
'African swine fever' virus was detected in the two wild boars found in Hwacheon, Gangwon Province, South korea (in the den of criminals, South korea) 2020.02.13 news / The punishment of truth from GOD by prophet Yi Jng-Yon ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies to the they crime (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won") / Evil and cruel criminals, What a Ugly South Koreans and USA! cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American)
Viruses were detected in the stool of patients with 'Corona virus 19'. 2020.02.13 news / The punishment of truth from GOD by prophet Yi Jng-Yon ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies to the they crime (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won") Cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American)
Found dead South korean who visited China in the criminals, South korea 2020.02.06 news / The punishment of truth from GOD by prophet Yi Jng-Yon ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies to the they crime (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won") Cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American)
Four people increase in confirmed patient of the new corona virus infection. (Corona 19) in the den of criminals, Gwangju, South korea ... total 23 (2020.02.06 news) / The punishment of truth from GOD by prophet Yi Jng-Yon ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies to the they crime (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won") Cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American)
Found dead broadcasters producer in Cheongju (the den of criminals, Cheongju, South korea) 2020.02.05. news / Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won" , Crime of murderer
Three more confirmed patients of the new corona virus infection (Corona 19) on the 5th ... total 19 people in the den of criminals, South korea 2020.02.05 news / (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won") / Cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American)
Corona virus infection ; South korean Patient No 19, No 36 are attends the same meeting in Singapore with South korean patient No 17 (2020.02.05 news) / The punishment of truth from GOD by prophet Yi Jng-Yon ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies to the they crime (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won") Cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American)
South korea's 'Kookmin Ilbo' (Newspaper) said 'Variation' (mutation) of 'New Corona Virus' occurs ..It is caused by spreading from person to person 2020.02.04. news / (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won") What a Ugly South Koreans and USA! cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American)
Indian filmmakers sent a legal notice to South korean director 'Bong Joon-ho' about the plagiarism of the 'parasite' film. 2020.02.20 news / (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won") What a Ugly South Koreans and USA! cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American)
16 confirmed patient of the new corona virus (Corona 19) in the den of criminals, South korea 2020.02.04 news / The punishment of truth from GOD by prophet Yi Jng-Yon ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies to the they crime (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won") Cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American)
'New Corona Virus' Detected in Door Handles in Patients' Homes in the den of criminals, South korea 2020.02.03 news / The punishment of truth from GOD by prophet Yi Jng-Yon ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies to the they crime (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won") Cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American)
First new corona virus confirmed patient in the den of criminals, Jeonbuk, South korea 2020.02.02 news / The punishment of truth from GOD by prophet Yi Jng-Yon ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies to the they crime (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won") Cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American)
New corona virus 15th confirmed patient is a 43-year-old male (Corona 19) in the den of criminals, Suwon, South korea 2020.02.02 news / The punishment of truth from GOD by prophet Yi Jng-Yon ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies to the they crime (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won") Cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American)
In the den of criminals, South korea have 15 confirmed patient of the new corona virus infection (Corona 19) ... One is 'Wuhan Chinese citizen' 2020.02.02. news / The punishment of truth from GOD by prophet Yi Jng-Yon ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies to the they crime (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won") Cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American)
A large explosion occurred in a leather factory in the den of criminals, Gyeonggi-do, South korea ... killing two people and wounding eight others. 2020.01.31 news / Evil and cruel criminals, What a Ugly South Koreans and USA! cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American)
8th confirmed patient of the new corona virus infection (Corona 19) in the den of criminals, Jeonbuk, South korea ... 60-year-old woman from Wuhan city in China 2020.01.31 news / The punishment of truth from GOD by prophet Yi Jng-Yon ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies to the they crime (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won") Cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American)
First, tertiary infections "occur. Now Confirmed increase in 11 people in the den of criminals, South korea 2020.01.31 news / The punishment of truth from GOD by prophet Yi Jng-Yon ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies to the they crime (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won") Cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American)
South Korea's National Intelligence Service intervened with civilians to "illegally inspect" and "manipulate public security cases." The contents of the crime were transmitted to the UN Special Rapporteur on a letter of authenticity. 2020/01/17 news / (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won") / Cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American)
Patients with the 20th corona virus were negative on the first virus test and positive on the second test. GS Home Shopping, the patient's office, decided to close the workplace in the den of criminals, South korea 2020.02.06 news / The punishment of truth from GOD by prophet Yi Jng-Yon ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies to the they crime (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won") / Evil and cruel criminals, What a Ugly South Koreans and USA! cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American)
Son and daughter-in-law of 25th 'new corona virus' patients
are confirmed patient with 'new corona virus' in the den of criminals, South korea 2020.02.09 news / The punishment of truth from GOD by prophet Yi Jng-Yon ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies to the they crime (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won") / Evil and cruel criminals, What a Ugly South Koreans and USA! cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American)
Three South korean family members confirmed patient of the new corona virus infection in Jining, Shandong, China 2020.02.10. news / The punishment of truth from GOD by prophet Yi Jng-Yon ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies to the they crime (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won") / Evil and cruel criminals, What a Ugly South Koreans and USA! cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American)
Add 1 more confirmed patient of the new corona virus infection (Corona 19) ... Total 28 people in the den of criminals, South korea 2020.02.11 news / The punishment of truth from GOD by prophet Yi Jng-Yon ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies to the they crime (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won") / Evil and cruel criminals, What a Ugly South Koreans and USA! cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American) Must be Brutally Kill and destroy them and they family ('Mang Won', Hollywood and Broadcasting station including Christianity of Antichrist and ‘K POP’ and entertainer and entertainer agency, CIA, NSA, FBI, ........) more than they crimes ! Massacre and Abuse with cruel evils, Torture and kill painfully, Without the same and rest ! This is a strict command of GOD ( JESUS ) by “Prophet Yi” Jung-Yon , David of JESUS
No 10) Another Testimony of NIS criminals in South korea (Recording) ; NIS have Crime with CIA, In the Moon Jae-in government with White House, 'Citizen Investigator' of Illegal Power Abuse (Crime) are still secretly performed by some organizations of the National Intelligence Service. In the 'Gyeong-gi Province' branch of the National Intelligence Service 2019.08.26 news / South koreans and USAmerican who are criminals of Satan and the Devil (ugly, Criminal and Death Penalties, the den of criminals) / The South korean government, 'Jae-in Moon', a den of criminals, have 'Citizen Investigator' of Illegal Power Abuse. 'Mang Won' of NIS to kill and destroy. For 'cover the they crime' and black money of crime and power of crime. And Repetitively 'Mang Won' (They) More brutally kill and destroy JESUS and Prophet Yi and family, Alternately in 24 hours. After 25 years, Even now (Crime Concealment and breaking, Manipulation of crime for Benefit of crime) "Manipulation of NIS (National Intelligence Service of South korea) public security case, still in candlelight government". (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won") ('Mang Won' ; Hollywood and Broadcasting station including Christianity of Antichrist and ‘K POP’ and entertainer and entertainer agency, CIA, NSA, FBI, ........)
/ Cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American of Satan and Devil) NIS have Crime with CIA, In the Moon Jae-in government with White House, 'Citizen Investigator' of Illegal Power Abuse (Crime) are still secretly performed by some organizations of the National Intelligence Service. In the 'Gyeong-gi Province' branch of the National Intelligence Service For 'cover the they crime' and black money of crime and power of crime. And Repetitively 'Mang Won' (They) More brutally kill and destroy JESUS and Prophet Yi and family, Alternately in 24 hours. After 25 years, Even now (Crime Concealment and breaking, Manipulation of crime for Benefit of crime) "Manipulation of NIS (National Intelligence Service of South korea) public security case, still in candlelight government". (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won") ('Mang Won' ; Hollywood and Broadcasting station including Christianity of Antichrist and ‘K POP’ and entertainer and entertainer agency, CIA, NSA, FBI, ........) South koreans and USAmerican who are criminals of Satan and the Devil (ugly, Criminal and Death Penalties, the den of criminals)
* Crime ; Information of False and Manipulated, Defamation, rape, seizure, bribe, terror, badly use, Robbery, destruction, Extortion, Massacre and Abuse with cruel evils, Torture and kill, 'Citizen Investigator' of Illegal Power Abuse, broken and kill the family, Torture of Slaughter, Biological experiment, Torture to kill in pain and Broadcasting, sermons, and news of Christian antichrist's lies and manipulation for concealing crimes and crimes, National Security Law for Criminals, Broadcast and news on crimes of deceit and manipulation for concealing crimes and crimes, broken the life and work and sleep and eating and bless of JESUS and help, Etc.
--- Cause of the disaster
@ Needs Translation ;
1993년과 1994년 미국의 빌 클린턴과 한국의 김영삼은 여당과 야당이 모두 동조를 하는 (한국의 국회 그리고 미국의 상원과 하원에 악법을 만들어 놓고) 악한 범행을 저지를 수가 있는 (직권남용의 범죄를 합법화 시키는 악한 범죄의 법을 만들어 놓고 <국가보안법, 애국법, 종교법, 방송법, 기타 등>) 24시간 교대의 상상을 초월을 하는 학살과 학대의 도살에 난도질을 저지르며 범죄의 방송과 적그리스도인 기독교와 함께 범행을 같이 저질러 오고 있다. 24시간 교대의 난도질로 학살과 학대의 고문과 가정파괴 그리고 생활들을 파괴들을 시키며 정책 등 모든 아이디어들의 제품 및 모든 일상생활의 것들을 강탈을 하며 돈과 권력 위해서 저질러 오고 있으며 범죄은닉과 쉬운 이득과 출세를 위해서 경쟁이나 하듯이 이러한 만행을 신과 신의 종이신 프로펫 이 정연 님 그리고 가족들에게 은혜를 악으로 갚고 계획적으로 완전범죄를 저지른다고 하며 26년이 지난 지금도 저질러 오고 있다. 또한 방송의 프로그램이나 뉴스를 볼 때에 고의적인 말들과 프로그램 그리고 적당한 국제와 사회의 뉴스를 보게 하며 살인학살과 학대의 고문에 기계들로 신의 종이신 “프로펫 이” 님으로부터 그것에 대한 정책이나 아이디어들에 대한 것들을 강탈과 파괴들을 하여 보고를 하고 있으며 자신들이 강탈들을 하여서 사업을 하고 정책이라고 하며 자신들의 이득과 출세를 위해서 악하게 사용을 하여 오고 있다. 특히 뉴스 보도국에 악한 범죄자들과 적그리스도인 기독교의 방송국에 살인자 년들과 놈들이 그러한 범행들로 신의 종이신 “프로펫 이” 님께서 말씀을 하시는 모든 성경의 말씀들과 정책들 그리고 경영에 필요한 기획들 또한 아이디어 상품들을 강탈들을 하여서 자신들이 한 것처럼 꾸며서 악하게 사용을 하고 이득들을 챙겨 오고 있다. (보도국에 아나운서들과 앵커라고 하는 것들이 뉴스 보도를 한다고 하며 방송 중에 보이고 있는 눈짓 하나 몸짓 하나 말하는 것 하나하나 자세히 들여다보면 어딘가 이상하게 보일 것이며 자기들끼리 지껄이는 것처럼 보이는 것과 카메라를 보고 지껄이는 것을 볼 수가 있다. 이러한 것들이 계획적으로 살인학살과 학대의 고문들을 24시간 교대로 저지르며 방송에서 동시에 저지르고 있는 범행들이다. 자신들이 원하는 것들을 강탈과 파괴들을 하고 자신들이 원하지 않는 권력자들을 공격을 하는 것에 악하게 이용을 하기 위해서 말이다. 당연히 보도국 국장이라는 것들과 프로듀서들 그리고 제작진들과 같이 이러한 범행들을 저질러 오고 있다.) 신의 형벌의 재앙과 재난들 속에서 나라들과 국민들이 모든 것들을 파괴들을 당하며 고통들 속에 죽어나가고 있는 상황에서 말이다. 그것들은 국민들에게 자신들의 범행들을 숨기고 가증스러운 거짓과 조작들로 아름답게 꾸민다고 하고 있으며 나라와 국민들을 위하는 애국자들인 것처럼 꾸미고 신의 형벌에 재앙과 재난 속에 죽어나가는 국민들에게는 너희들의 죄악에 범죄와 범행대로 죽어 나간다고 지껄이고 있다. 아주 가장 밑바닥에 사악하고 가증스러운 사탄과 마귀의 살인강도들인 것이다. 한국과 미국의 살인자 년놈들과 그것들의 가족들은 죽어서도 용서를 받지를 못할 것이며 이 세상부터 지옥에서 당하고 있는 형벌과 보복들에 비교도 되지 않게 잔인하게 갈기갈기 찢어서 학대들을 하여 고통들 속에 죽기를 애걸들을 하게하며 자인하게 죽인다. 계속해서 말이다. 또한 1993년부터 미국의 가정파괴범이며 살인강도인 즉 더러운 마귀의 물건인 빌 클린턴과 힐러리에게 동조를 하며 함께 사악하고 가증스러운 범행들을 저지르며 범죄은닉과 범행의 이득들을 챙겨오고 있는 유럽연합의 각 나라들과 그 외에 모든 나라들 역시도 같이 멸망과 멸족들을 시킬 것이다. 무엇보다도 미국의 살인강도들과 같이 직접 살인학살과 학대의 고문과 강탈파괴의 범행들을 24시간 교대로 저질러 오고 있는 한국의 살인자 년들과 놈들에게 이득을 챙겨주고 나라도 되지 않는 즉 사탄과 마귀의 가장 밑바닥에 살인강도들에 굴혈이며 소굴인 한국에게 이득을 공개적으로 챙겨주며 스스로 선진국을 말하게 했던 모든 나라들과 국민이라고 하는 것들은 모조리 다 가장 잔인하게 죽어 나가는 한국과 미국의 살인자 년들과 놈들 그리고 그것들의 가족들과 같이 가장 잔인하게 개 학살과 학대는 물론이고 꼬락서니에 넘고 분수에 넘는 상상을 초월을 하는 학살과 학대의 범행들에 비교도 되지 않는 잔인한 악들과 보복들 그리고 형벌의 재앙과 재난들 속에 갈기갈기 찢어서 고통들 속에 죽기를 애걸하게 하며 죽일 것이고 지옥에서도 계속해서 개 난도질들을 칠 것이다. 계속해서 비교도 되지 않게 말이다. 아멘. 불변. by Prophet Yi Jung-Yon ( David of JESUS ) Nov 15, 2019
South korea's Blue House, a den of criminals President 'Moon Jae-in', former secretary-general and former attorney general, 'Jo guk' said Ex officio abuse is correct. But not need redemption. Court compromise for cover the crime (Another crime) 2019.12.27 news 범죄자들의 소굴인 한국의 청와대의 '문재인' 대통령 그리고 전 비서관, 전 법무부 장관 '조국' 이 말했다. 직권남용이 맞다. 그러나 구속할 정도는 아니다” (또 다른 범죄인)법원의 절충 /
* Need translation (번역이 필요하다) ; '직권남용 맞지만 구속할 정도는 아니다' 라는 뉴스 기사 중에 말이 사실인가요?! 대한민국에 그러한 법이 있나요? 직권남용 위반을 했는데 구속할 정도가 아니라 처벌을 하지 않는 법이 이번 국회에서 통과를 했나요? 이런 것들이 법을 배우고 가르쳤다고 하며 존경을 받는다고 하는 곳이 대한민국이고. 이러한 것들이 대통령을 하고 비서를 한다고 하고 있는 것들이 대한민국인들이지요. 이러한 것들을 인정을 하고 동의를 해서 투표를 하고 지지를 한고 하며 범죄자를 위해서 길거리에 나와서 데모를 하고 있는 것들이 대한민국 국민들입니다. 나라는 없다. 너희 한국은 나라가 아니다. 강도의 굴혈일 뿐이지. 오로지 범죄와 범행에 비교도 되지 않게 모조리 다 잔인하게 멸암과 멸족을 시켜주마. 아멘. 불변. by Prophet Yi Jung-Yon
No 9) Another Testimony of NIS criminals in South korea (Recording) ; NIS have Crime, 'Citizen Investigator' of Illegal Power Abuse South korea 2019.09.02 news 눈시울 붉힌 국정원 사찰 피해자 "반인륜적 행태, 치가 떨린다"
US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) 'torture report' ; The countries of Europe, Asia and North African also helped the CIA crimes of the National Security Law. For the benefit of their money and power 2014.12.10 news [미 CIA 고문보고서]유럽·아시아 등 최소 54개국 '비밀감옥 허가' CIA 도왔다
- (News articles) related evidence 관련 증거 자료 (뉴스 기사들) ;
'SBS 연예대상' 유재석 대상, 故 설리·구하라 추모. News about entertainer who are murder and murderers in South korea 2019.12.29 news
* Translation required. <번역이 필요하다>
권력에 아부를 떨며 악한 범죄에 화이트 리스트, 블랙 리스트에 오르내리며 오로지 자신들의 출세와 분수에 넘는 호의호식들을 위해서 나라와 사회를 혼란에 빠트리고 청소년들의 교육을 더럽게 망치고 있는 연예인들에 대해서 벌써 잊었나?! 이것들 뒤를 봐주는 것들을 조사를 할 필요성이 불가피하다. 이러한 것들에게 신경을 써 줄 시간이 있으면 옆에 있는 불우이웃에게 신경을 쓰도록 하여라. 이러니 나라가 망하지. 이 내용들은 다음과 네이버 사이트에 올려져 있었다. 그러나 이 내용들을 모두 삭제를 하였다. 관련자들은 법적인 처벌 정도가 아니라 악에 잔인한 범행에 비교도 되지 않게 잔인하게 처벌들을 받게 할 것이며 보복과 형벌의 재앙과 재난들로 개 난도질을 친다. 특히 그것들의 가족들과 집구석들은 비교도 않게 더 잔인하게 찢어서 발긴다. 그것들이 26년이 넘게 (1994년 10월전부터) 미국과 한국의 권력에 아부를 떨며 직권남용으로 24시간 교대의 학살과 학대의 고문 그리고 생체실험과 가정파괴 또한 거짓과 조작의 범행의 방송과 모르쇠의 가증스러운 범죄와 범행으로 사회에서 암 매장을 시키며 강탈과 파괴들을 저질러 오고 있는 것에 비교도 되지 않게 말이다. by Prophet Yi
- (News articles) related evidence 관련 증거 자료 (뉴스 기사들) ;
Use "Celebrity · media all over the nation" Put concrete plans in criminal South korea and USAmerica (July 10, 2017) [국정원 'SNS 장악 보고서' 파문] "유명인·매체 총동원 국민 머릿속 바꿔라" 구체적인 계획 담아 (2017.07.10 뉴스)
NIS of South korea said "The NIS removed all 51 materials .. 31 cases are domestic experimental " NIS "RCS Surveillance Target, Foreign-based people / organization " (July 28, 2015 News) "국정원 삭제자료 총 51건..31건은 국내 실험용“
국정원 "RCS 감시 대상, 해외 기반둔 인물·조직" (2015년 7월 28일 뉴스)

In the den of criminals, South korea, 'parasite' of 'Bong Joon-ho' is movie of plagiarized criminals. 2020.02.17 news / At the 92nd Academy Awards, directors, screenplays and international feature films must be cancelled. Otherwise, the American Hollywood and Academy Oscars will be rubbish and ruined. Naturally, as a rule of law in democracy, criminals' films must be canceled.
Again and Coninue, 31st confirmed patient of the new corona virus infection (Corona 19) in the den of criminals, Daegu, South korea ... Not able to find the route of infection. 2020.02.18 news / The punishment of truth from GOD by prophet Yi Jng-Yon ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies to the they crime (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won") / Evil and cruel criminals, What a Ugly South Koreans and USA! cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American)
30th confirmed patient of the new corona virus infection (Corona 19) in the den of criminals, Seoul, South korea ... Could not find infection path. 2020.02.17 news / The punishment of truth from GOD by prophet Yi Jng-Yon ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies to the they crime (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won") / Evil and cruel criminals, What a Ugly South Koreans and USA! cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American) Must be Brutally Kill and destroy them and they family ('Mang Won', Hollywood and Broadcasting station including Christianity of Antichrist and ‘K POP’ and entertainer and entertainer agency, CIA, NSA, FBI, ........) more than they crimes ! Massacre and Abuse with cruel evils, Torture and kill painfully, Without the same and rest ! This is a strict command of GOD ( JESUS ) by “Prophet Yi” Jung-Yon , David of JESUS
29th confirmed patient of the new coronavirus infection (Corona 19) in the den of criminals, Seoul, South korea 2020.02.16 news / The punishment of truth from GOD by prophet Yi Jng-Yon ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies to the they crime (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won")
Almost all pigs are killed by the African swine fever (ASF). This time cow foot-and-mouth disease fear in the den of criminals, Gangh-wa, South korea 2020.01.13 news / The punishment of truth from GOD by prophet Yi Jng-Yon ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies to the they crime (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won") / Evil and cruel criminals, What a Ugly South Koreans and USA! cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American)
In the den of criminals, South korea, Confirmed of Wild Avian Influenza Viruses in Gimhae. H5 type avian influenza (AI) virus was confirmed. 2020.02.15 news / The punishment of truth from GOD by prophet Yi Jng-Yon ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies to the they crime (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won") / Evil and cruel criminals, What a Ugly South Koreans and USA! cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American) Must be Brutally Kill and destroy them and they family ('Mang Won', Hollywood and Broadcasting station including Christianity of Antichrist and ‘K POP’ and entertainer and entertainer agency, CIA, NSA, FBI, ........) more than they crimes ! Massacre and Abuse with cruel evils, Torture and kill painfully, Without the same and rest ! This is a strict command of GOD ( JESUS ) by “Prophet Yi” Jung-Yon , David of JESUS
RSV virus group infection .. 9 newborns in South Korea (ugly, Criminal and Death Penalties, the den of criminals) 2020.02.13. news / The punishment of truth from GOD by prophet Yi Jng-Yon ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies to the they crime (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won") / Evil and cruel criminals, What a Ugly South Koreans and USA! cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American)
Again and again and Continue African swine fever in the den of criminals, South korea 2020.02.13 news / The punishment of truth from GOD by prophet Yi Jng-Yon ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies to the they crime (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won") / Evil and cruel criminals, What a Ugly South Koreans and USA! cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American) Must be Brutally Kill and destroy them and they family ('Mang Won', Hollywood and Broadcasting station including Christianity of Antichrist and ‘K POP’ and entertainer and entertainer agency, CIA, NSA, FBI, ........) more than they crimes ! Massacre and Abuse with cruel evils, Torture and kill painfully, Without the same and rest ! This is a strict command of GOD ( JESUS ) by “Prophet Yi” Jung-Yon , David of JESUS
'Bong Joon-ho' made a movie about the birth of a monster. Movie 'monsters' caused by poisons from American troops. Because of that, he was blacklisted by the National Intelligence Service in South korea 2020.02.13 news
'Corona 19' diffusion and Zika virus ('3 peoples infections', first confirmed this year) in the den of criminals, South korea 2020.02.14 news / The punishment of truth from GOD by prophet Yi Jng-Yon ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies to the they crime (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won") / Evil and cruel criminals, What a Ugly South Koreans and USA! cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American)
New corona patient in South korea, 7 cases occur in 11 days .."Infectious patients increase, fast" 2020.01.31 news / The punishment of truth from GOD by prophet Yi Jng-Yon ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies to the they crime (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won") / Evil and cruel criminals, What a Ugly South Koreans and USA! cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American) Must be Brutally Kill and destroy them and they family ('Mang Won', Hollywood and Broadcasting station including Christianity of Antichrist and ‘K POP’ and entertainer and entertainer agency, CIA, NSA, FBI, ........) more than they crimes ! Massacre and Abuse with cruel evils, Torture and kill painfully, Without the same and rest ! This is a strict command of GOD ( JESUS ) by “Prophet Yi” Jung-Yon , David of JESUS /
한국에 신종코로나 환자, 11일간 7명 발생.."전염 환자수 증가, 속도가 빨라"
Appreciation of 'Screen Quarter' which opened the era of 'Korean Movie' 2019. 11. 08 news /
Evil and cruel criminals, What a Ugly South Koreans and USA! cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American) Must be Brutally Kill and destroy them and they family ('Mang Won', Hollywood and Broadcasting station including Christianity of Antichrist and ‘K POP’ and entertainer and entertainer agency, CIA, NSA, FBI, ........) more than they crimes ! Massacre and Abuse with cruel evils, Torture and kill painfully, Without the same and rest ! This is a strict command of GOD ( JESUS ) by “Prophet Yi” Jung-Yon , David of JESUS

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